Elemental mapping

Through the combination of atom-sized electron probes with high current and highly sensitive X-ray detectors, routine atomic-resolution spectroscopy is now possible with electron microscopes. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, also abbreviated EDX or XEDS) can identify a wide range of elements due to their unique X-ray signals and is ideally suited for the differentiation of individual atoms. With this information, researchers can characterize and modify their materials at the atomic scale, providing unparalleled insight into the behavior of nanomaterials and particles.

As shown in the yttrium titanate examples on this page, individual atomic positions can be distinguished by their unambiguous chemical signal. The individual atomic columns are not only visible, but distinct from their neighbors due to their high contrast; even mixed and pure columns can be differentiated. Additionally, the EDS signal even makes it possible to detect light elements, which have been notoriously difficult to observe at these resolutions.

Such robust, high-quality results are only possible with Thermo Fisher Scientific’s unique ChemiSTEM Technology and the multi-SSD design of the Dual-X/Super-X Detection Systems. With both improved signal generation and detection, the low probe currents required for atomic-scale spatial resolution no longer pose a barrier to X-ray spectrum collection and analysis.

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Fundamental Materials Research

Novel materials are investigated at increasingly smaller scales for maximum control of their physical and chemical properties. Electron microscopy provides researchers with key insight into a wide variety of material characteristics at the micro- to nano-scale.



Battery Research

Battery development is enabled by multi-scale analysis with microCT, SEM and TEM, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, and digital 3D visualization and analysis. Learn how this approach provides the structural and chemical information needed to build better batteries.

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Oil and Gas

As the demand for oil and gas continues, there is an ongoing need for efficient and effective extraction of hydrocarbons. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a range of microscopy and spectroscopy solutions for a variety of petroleum science applications.

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Metals Research

Effective production of metals requires precise control of inclusions and precipitates. Our automated tools can perform a variety of tasks critical for metal analysis including; nanoparticle counting, EDS chemical analysis and TEM sample preparation.

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Materials have fundamentally different properties at the nanoscale than at the macroscale. To study them, S/TEM instrumentation can be combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to obtain nanometer, or even sub-nanometer, resolution data.

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Polymers Research

Polymer microstructure dictates the material’s bulk characteristics and performance. Electron microscopy enables comprehensive microscale analysis of polymer morphology and composition for R&D and quality control applications.

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Geological Research

Geoscience relies on consistent and accurate multi-scale observation of features within rock samples. SEM-EDS, combined with automation software, enables direct, large-scale analysis of texture and mineral composition for petrology and mineralogy research.

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Automotive Materials Testing

Every component in a modern vehicle is designed for safety, efficiency, and performance. Detailed characterization of automotive materials with electron microscopy and spectroscopy informs critical process decisions, product improvements, and new materials.

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Catalysis Research

Catalysts are critical for a majority of modern industrial processes. Their efficiency depends on the microscopic composition and morphology of the catalytic particles; EM with EDS is ideally suited for studying these properties.

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Spectra Ultra

  • New imaging and spectroscopy capabilities on the most beam sensitive materials
  • A leap forward in EDX detection with Ultra-X
  • Column designed to maintain sample integrity.

Spectra 200

  • High-resolution and contrast imaging for accelerating voltages from 30-200 kV
  • Symmetric S-TWIN/X-TWIN objective lens with wide-gap pole piece design of 5.4 mm
  • Sub-Angstrom STEM imaging resolution from 60 kV-200 kV

Spectra 300

  • Highest-resolution structural and chemical information at the atomic level
  • Flexible high-tension range from 30-300 kV
  • Three lens condenser system
Thermo Scientific Talos F200C transmission electron microscope (TEM)

Talos F200C TEM

  • Flexible EDS analysis reveals chemical information
  • High-contrast, high-quality TEM and STEM imaging
  • Ceta 16 Mpixel CMOS camera provides large field of view and high read-out speed

Talos F200S TEM

  • Precise chemical composition data
  • High-performance imaging and precise compositional analysis for dynamic microscopy
  • Features Velox Software for fast and easy acquisition and analysis of multimodal data

Talos F200i TEM

  • High-quality, high-resolution (S)TEM imaging and flexible EDS
  • Available with high-resolution, high-brightness (cold) field emission guns
  • Available with Dual EDS for highest analytical throughput
Thermo Scientific Talos L120C transmission electron microscope (TEM)

Talos L120C TEM

  • Increased stability
  • 4k × 4K Ceta CMOS camera
  • TEM magnification range from 25–650 kX
  • Flexible EDS analysis reveals chemical information

Talos F200X TEM

  • High-quality, high-resolution (S)TEM imaging and accurate EDS
  • Available with high-resolution, high-brightness (cold) field emission gun
  • Available with in-column Super-X G2 EDS with ultimate cleanliness

Phenom ParticleX Battery Desktop SEM

  • Versatile solution for high-quality, in-house analysis
  • Automated system and analysis of multiple samples
  • Testing 10x faster
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Electron microscopy services for
the materials science

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