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Talos F200X G2 Transmission Electron Microscope

The Thermo Scientific Talos F200X STEM is a scanning transmission electron microscope that combines outstanding high-resolution STEM and TEM imaging with industry-leading energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) signal detection. 2D/3D chemical characterization with compositional mapping is performed by 4 in-column SDD Super-X detectors with unique cleanliness. The Talos F200X scanning transmission electron microscope allows for the fastest and most precise EDS analysis in all dimensions, along with high-resolution TEM and STEM (HRTEM and HRSTEM) imaging with fast navigation for dynamic microscopy. The Talos F200X scanning transmission electron microscope also features reduced environmental sensitivity; the instrument enclosure moderates the impact of air pressure waves, air flows, and fine temperature variations in the TEM room.

STEM imaging and chemical analysis

The Talos F200X (S)TEM delivers fast, precise, quantitative characterization of nanomaterials in multiple dimensions. With innovative features designed to increase throughput, precision, and ease of use, the Talos F200X (S)TEM is ideal for advanced research and analysis in academic, government, semiconductor and industrial environments.

The need for large area correlative imaging at high resolution has recently increased as it allows researchers to preserve the context of their observations while also providing statistically robust data. Thermo Scientific Maps Software (enabled by Thermo Scientific Velox Software) automatically acquires an array of images across a sample and stitches them together to create one large final image. Image acquisition can even be performed unattended. The APW (Automated Particle Workflow) pack has all the benefits described in this section and adds unique processing on a dedicated processing PC with Thermo Scientific Avizo2D Software. You can get nanoparticle parameters like size, area, perimeter, shape, factor, contacts, etc., in an automated way. The fully automated and unattended software pack enables you to use the Talos F200X (S)TEM 24/7, get much better statistics and significantly improve the repeatability because operator bias is not present.

Align Genie Automation Software eases the learning curve for novice operators, reduces tensions in a multi-user environment, and improves time-to-data for the experienced operator.

Talos F200X G2 Transmission Electron Microscope features

Available with a wide range of high-resolution field emissions guns (FEG)

Choose high-brightness X-FEG, or ultra-high-brightness Cold Field Emission Gun (X-CFEG). X-CFEG combines the best (S)TEM imaging with the best energy resolution. 

Intuitive software

Thermo Scientific Velox Software offers fast and easy acquisition and analysis of multimodal data.

Faster time to chemical composition

Rapid, precise quantitative EDS analysis reveals nanoscale details in 2D and 3D with high cleanliness.

Better image data

High throughput STEM imaging with simultaneous, multiple signal detection delivers better contrast for high quality images.

Space for more

Add application-specific in situ sample holders for dynamic experiments.

High-quality (S)TEM images and accurate EDS

Acquire high-quality TEM or STEM images with the innovative and intuitive Velox Software user interface. Unique EDS absorption correction in Velox Software enables highly accurate quantification.  

Highly repeatable data collection

All daily TEM tunings, such as focus, eucentric height, beam shift, condenser aperture, beam tilt pivot points and rotation center are automated, ensuring you always start from optimum imaging conditions. Experiments can be repeated reproducibly, allowing you to focus on your research rather than on instrument operation.

Increased productivity

Ultra-stable column and remote operation with the SmartCam Camera and constant-power objective lenses for swift mode and high-voltage (HT) switches. Fast and easy switching for multi-user environments.


Style Sheet for Products Table Specifications
HRTEM line resolution
  • ≤0.10 nm
STEM resolution
  • ≤0.16 nm (X-FEG)
  • ≤0.14 nm with 100 pA (X-CFEG)
Super-X EDS system
  • 4 SDD symmetric design, windowless, shutter-protected
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) energy resolution
  • ≤0.8 eV (X-FEG)
  • ≤0.3 eV (X-CFEG
Gun brightness at 200 kV
  • 1.8×109 A /cm2 srad (X-FEG)
  • 2.4×109 A /cm2 srad (X-CFEG)
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Process control using electron microscopy

Process control using electron microscopy

Modern industry demands high throughput with superior quality, a balance that is maintained through robust process control. SEM and TEM tools with dedicated automation software provide rapid, multi-scale information for process monitoring and improvement.


Quality control and failure analysis using electron microscopy

Quality control and failure analysis

Quality control and assurance are essential in modern industry. We offer a range of EM and spectroscopy tools for multi-scale and multi-modal analysis of defects, allowing you to make reliable and informed decisions for process control and improvement.

Fundamental Materials Research_R&D_Thumb_274x180_144DPI

Fundamental Materials Research

Novel materials are investigated at increasingly smaller scales for maximum control of their physical and chemical properties. Electron microscopy provides researchers with key insight into a wide variety of material characteristics at the micro- to nano-scale.



Semiconductor Pathfinding and Research

Advanced electron microscopy, focused ion beam, and associated analytical techniques for identifying viable solutions and design methods for the fabrication of high-performance semiconductor devices.


Yield Ramp and Metrology

We offer advanced analytical capabilities for defect analysis, metrology, and process control, designed to help increase productivity and improve yield across a range of semiconductor applications and devices.

Semiconductor Failure Analysis

Semiconductor Failure Analysis

Increasingly complex semiconductor device structures result in more places for failure-inducing defects to hide. Our next-generation workflows help you localize and characterize subtle electrical issues that affect yield, performance, and reliability.


Physical and Chemical Characterization

Ongoing consumer demand drives the creation of smaller, faster, and cheaper electronic devices. Their production relies on high-productivity instruments and workflows that image, analyze, and characterize a broad range of semiconductor and display devices.


Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) collects detailed elemental information along with electron microscopy images, providing critical compositional context for EM observations. With EDS, chemical composition can be determined from quick, holistic surface scans down to individual atoms.

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3D EDS Tomography

Modern materials research is increasingly reliant on nanoscale analysis in three dimensions. 3D characterization, including compositional data for full chemical and structural context, is possible with 3D EM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

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EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

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Atomic-Scale Elemental Mapping with EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

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Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

Materials science research benefits from high-resolution EELS for a wide range of analytical applications. This includes high-throughput, high signal-to-noise-ratio elemental mapping, as well as probing of oxidation states and surface phonons.

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In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Multi-scale analysis

Novel materials must be analyzed at ever higher resolution while retaining the larger context of the sample. Multi-scale analysis allows for the correlation of various imaging tools and modalities such as X-ray microCT, DualBeam, Laser PFIB, SEM and TEM.

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TEM Metrology

Advanced and automated TEM metrology routines deliver significantly greater precision than manual methods. This allows users to generate large amounts of statistically relevant data, with sub-angstrom-level specificity, that is free of operator bias.

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Semiconductor TEM Imaging and Analysis

Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.

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Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) collects detailed elemental information along with electron microscopy images, providing critical compositional context for EM observations. With EDS, chemical composition can be determined from quick, holistic surface scans down to individual atoms.

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3D EDS Tomography

Modern materials research is increasingly reliant on nanoscale analysis in three dimensions. 3D characterization, including compositional data for full chemical and structural context, is possible with 3D EM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

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EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

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Atomic-Scale Elemental Mapping with EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

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Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

Materials science research benefits from high-resolution EELS for a wide range of analytical applications. This includes high-throughput, high signal-to-noise-ratio elemental mapping, as well as probing of oxidation states and surface phonons.

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In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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Multi-scale analysis

Novel materials must be analyzed at ever higher resolution while retaining the larger context of the sample. Multi-scale analysis allows for the correlation of various imaging tools and modalities such as X-ray microCT, DualBeam, Laser PFIB, SEM and TEM.

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TEM Metrology

Advanced and automated TEM metrology routines deliver significantly greater precision than manual methods. This allows users to generate large amounts of statistically relevant data, with sub-angstrom-level specificity, that is free of operator bias.

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Semiconductor TEM Imaging and Analysis

Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.

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Electron microscopy services

To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.

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