Fast PCR enzymes shorten cycling times, thus reducing time from sample to results and increasing throughput. Phusion and Phire DNA Polymerases incorporate more nucleotides per binding event as compared to other polymerases. This high procesivity allows the use of very short extension times and results in very short overall PCR cycling.

Thermo Scientific fast-cycling PCR enzyme selection table

 Phire Hot Start II DNA PolymerasePhusion Flash High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix
Extension time10-15 s/kb15 s/kb
Fidelity vs. Taq2x25x
Enhanced specificity
Amplicon sizeUp to 20 kbUp to 20 kb
Stand-alone enzyme 
Master mix

*Contain green buffer that includes density reagent and two tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on gels

Additional fast-cycling PCR enzymes

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.