
December 2014

Volume I, Edition 12

We aim to provide customers with the latest technology and the best solutions to meet your measurement needs and regulatory requirements.  We initially announced the discontinuation of Thermo Scientific™ C-Series Gas Analyzers in 2005, but as we approach key dates, here are some tips to keep in mind:  

C-Series analyzers

Sales and support for the Thermo Scientific C-series Gas Analyzers will be discontinued beginning August 1, 2015. 

Read discontinuation notice

Choose the right calibrator


There are now a total of three mercury calibrators to choose from that fully integrate into the Thermo Scientific Mercury Freedom System.  While all three offer NIST-traceability, diagnostic calibrations directly to the analyzer and the probe, periodic converter efficiency testing and linearity testing, determining which model depends on sampling range and mercury output.

Stay ahead of support needs


The Thermo Scientific Low Level Model 81iL Mercury Calibrator measures low levels of mercury and provides added flexibility to help power plants comply with the US EPA’s Utility Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) regulation. The emissions limit for power plants per the MATS rule is close to the lower end of the standard Model 81i range, and the Low-Level Model 81iL calibrator is specifically designed to maximize performance at lower ranges. Facilities must comply with MATS requirements in 2015 and for additional resources visit  Differentiating specifications for the Thermo Scientific Model 81iL Mercury Calibrator are listed below. 

Send us your C-Series Gas Analyzer before August 1, 2015


The Thermo Scientific Low Level Model 81iL Mercury Calibrator measures low levels of mercury and provides added flexibility to help power plants comply with the US EPA’s Utility Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) regulation. The emissions limit for power plants per the MATS rule is close to the lower end of the standard Model 81i range, and the Low-Level Model 81iL calibrator is specifically designed to maximize performance at lower ranges. Facilities must comply with MATS requirements in 2015 and for additional resources visit Thermofisher Cleanair.  Differentiating specifications for the Thermo Scientific Model 81iL Mercury Calibrator are listed below. 

Thermo Scientific Low Level Model 81iL Mercury Calibrator


1, 2, 5, 10, 20 μg/m3


0.2-20 μg/m3 (depending on range)

Mercury source control


Upgrade to iSeries


Whether you are using a standard, high, or low level mercury calibrator for compliance monitoring ensure the mercury generator is NIST-traceable.   Your calibration certification plan may include your own technicians removing and shipping the calibrator offsite for NIST certification or for sites without a spare calibrator, onsite calibrator certification is the right solution.  Our Calibrator Certification Service  can facilitate the implementation of plans to obtain NIST certification, maintain NIST certification and even extend the life of your certification.  

Appreciate maximum uptime in 2015, while using your 2014 budget


If you currently own a standard Thermo Scientific Model 81i Mercury Calibrator, you can convert to either a low level or high level depending on your application without the need to buy a new calibrator.  This can be done at our facility with turnaround times that work for your site.  This conversion includes a NIST-traceable certification at your desired span.  Complete the service request form or call 866-282-0430, option 1. 


Next month – Thermo Scientific Mercury Freedom System linearity and integrity checks. Check your inbox Tuesday, January 6!


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Factory repair

Schedule your analyzer, calibrator, probe controller or probe for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) to factory depot repair for complete maintenance and factory specification service.