
March 2014

Volume I, Edition 3

Ozone season is fast approaching. In order for analyzers to perform properly at start up, it is critical to begin annual maintenance early. Consider these 5 tips to get units in optimal working order prior to field deployment: - See more at: 

C-Series analyzers

Sales and support for the Thermo Scientific C-series Gas Analyzers will be discontinued beginning August 1, 2015. 

Read discontinuation notice

Be ready for change


Ozone monitoring season requirements have become more rigorous, making data reporting and equipment running time a greater challenge than ever before. Twenty-nine states went from a one month-long monitoring season to a five- month or longer monitoring season. Instruments must now be re-certified every 6 months during the ozone season. Furthermore, the standard is now 0.075 ppm for an 8-hour average but will probably be lowered to 0.060 to 0.070 ppm in the near future. This will undoubtedly cause more pressure on operators to stay in compliance, produce acceptable data and keep processes running for as long as possible. There are a few things you can do to stay on top of all the changes. Keeping your equipment functioning optimally and staying informed of data regulations will result in a greater likelihood of ozone season success.

A good resource for staying up to date on ozone requirements is the EPA's Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center.

Do it yourself to save time

Avoid mercury loss from your wet scrubber

It's easy to conduct many maintenance and cleaning tasks on site with your own operators and technicians. Step-by-step procedures for cleaning the fan filter, outside case, and optical bench as well as replacing the lamp, servicing the capillary and rebuilding the pump can be found in the product manual. Manuals are shipped with all instruments or can be easily found in The Online Library.
Our Technical Support team is always here to answer questions by email or calling (508) 502-0430, option 2. 

Some system owners choose to perform their own leak tests and pump checkout procedures before placing the analyzer in the field. Solenoid leaks can cause an imbalance in concentration readings between cells and therefore it's wise to perform these tests well before ozone season begins. A well-functioning instrument will pass the leak test, providing operators with confidence when bringing the analyzer online. The solenoid leak test involves using the diagnostics menu on the instrument and taking ten successive readings in each channel. Complete, easy to follow, step by step instructions can be found in Tech Bulletins: Model 49C analyzer and Models 49i and 49i-PS analyzers.

Send your instruments to us


Every year, as operators begin preparing for ozone season, they elect to send their ozone analyzers and primary standard calibrators to the Thermo Scientific Depot Repair Facility for factory assessment, maintenance and repair. We recommend getting your instruments in early! For optimal performance, you should allow plenty of time to deploy your gas analyzer in the field before the start of ozone season. Repair and maintenance services are available through our Franklin, MA repair center. To arrange for a Return Authorization (RA), please contact Customer Service at 1 (508) 520-0430, option 1 or use our online form. Please have your instrument serial number handy.

Develop a sound spare parts strategy


To keep your system running and properly collecting data, it's important to have spares on hand to avoid costly downtime. We have pump rebuild kits, diaphragm kits, capillaries and ozone scrubbers available for rapid delivery. Not sure what to order? See our inventory recommendations below or if you're still unsure, email or call Technical Support at (508) 502-0430, option 2 and let us help you target critical parts and develop a sound spare parts investment strategy. 

Keep an eye on the horizon


Last month, the EPA released a second draft Policy Assessment which is pointing to more strict monitoring regulations to protect national health and welfare. Currently there are about 992 reporting ozone monitors nationally in Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs are urban areas with a population of 50,000 - 350,000). Approximately 100 additional monitors are expected to be required in MSAs where there is no current monitor and no history of ozone monitoring within the previous 5 years indicating a design value of less than 85% of the NAAQS. Outside MSAs and in more rural areas, there's an expectation that 150 more ozone monitors will be required to offer more favorable characterization where ozone-sensitive vegetation and ecosystems are exposed. 

Thermo Fisher Scientific engineers and scientists work closely with the EPA to provide solutions to meet increasingly rigorous demands. To learn more about current line of emissions monitoring solutions, please visit our email or call us at 1 (508) 520-0430, option 1.



Next Month's Topic: What's your span?


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Factory repair

Schedule your analyzer, calibrator, probe controller or probe for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) to factory depot repair for complete maintenance and factory specification service.