Fast5 bannner

July 2018

Volume V, Edition 3

The iQ Series of gas analyzers comes standard with Ethernet and USB communication capability. If you require a Serial, Analog or Digital connection, you will either need to order one or more of the optional I/O boards at the time of initial purchase or they can be easily installed post-initial instrument sale. After installation, make sure the newly installed board is enabled in the “Configuration” menu.  Once the change is committed in the “Configuration” menu, you will now have access to the I/O menu for that board under “Communications.” Before you can take advantage of the I/O capability, you will need to set up each required channel via the “Communications” menu.  Here is an example of how to set up an Analog voltage out channel.

How to set up an analog voltage channel in an iQ instrument:

Analog voltage out:

  1. Verify the analog board is installed & enabled in the configuration menu
    1. Home, settings, configuration (should be yellow)
  2. Navigate to the correct analog I/O menu
    1. Home, settings, communication, analog I/O, analog out (Voltage)
  3. Identify the channel to be programmed
    1. You may want to use one that is not already in use, unless it is not needed
  4. Select a variable via the single-selection table by pressing on “None” next to the channel
    1. If the channel was already in use, it will say something other than “None”
    2. Press the “Back Arrow” to proceed to the next step
  5. Change the output range for the channel by pressing on the displayed range in that line
    1. Options are 0-1v, 0-5v or 0-10v
  6. Modify the min & max values if needed

PLEASE NOTE: The min & max value is not a % value, it is a discrete range value entered in instrument base units, either ppb or µg/m3.
Example:  Maximum concentration range is 20 ppm, the max limit value should be 20,000.

How to calibrate an analog voltage channel in an iQ instrument:
Visit for each instrument’s individual product page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and under Documents, find the user manual. Download and view the Optional Equipment section, then see Connecting External Devices to review.

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