RNA extraction

Se você estiver iniciando com células cultivadas ou amostras de tecidos, ou trabalhando com plantas, bactérias ou células de mamíferos, os kits e reagentes de extração de RNA Ambion oferecem o produto certo para sua pesquisa. A marca Ambion inclui o legado dos produtos Invitrogen, como kits de purificação confiáveis,TRIzol Reagents juntamente PureLink com os principais produtos da Ambion, como os kits e reagentes Cells-to-CT, MagMAX, e RNAlater 

Which RNA extraction kit from blood sample is right for you?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Optimized for liquid samplesSpecialized kit deplete non-nucleated erythrocytesFilter plate format with 96 columns, for HTP needsHTP optimized for purification from stabilized blood samplesHTP format,capable of recovering RNA of all sizes (including microRNAs)High RNA yield directly from whole blood, no need to isolate WBCs
 TRIzol LS PureLink Total RNA Blood Kit PureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitMagMAX for Stabilized Blood Tubes RNA Isolation Kit MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation RiboPure Blood Kit
Top Seller     
Compatible stabilization reagents EDTA, Heparin, Citrate, RNAlaterEDTA, Heparin, CitrateEDTA, Heparin, CitrateTempus or PaxGene tubesEDTA or CitrateEDTA, Heparin, Citrate, RNAlater
Stabilization reagent included     
Isolation methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnFast, convenient silica columns in a plate formatScalable, flexible format with magnetic beadsScalable, flexible format with magnetic beadsHighest purity & convenience; includes both organic extraction & silica column (no precipitation required)
Prep time1 hour20 minutes 12 tubes in 2 hours96 samples in <1 hr30 minutes
High throughput compatible   

For more info on working with blood please review our technical articles:

Supplemental Protocols

TechNotes Articles

Purifying RNA from cultured cells has traditionally been a highly repetitive, time- and labor-intensive procedure, often involving the use of toxic organic chemicals. The products developed by our RNA experts allow you to isolate RNA of maximum yield, purity, and integrity using several technology formats (organic extraction, glass-fiber columns, magnetic beads, and combinations of these).

You can also analyze cultured cell lysates without first isolating the RNA. In significantly less time, you’ll get qPCR results equivalent to - or in some cases better than - those from purified RNA. The Invitrogen products such as  Cells-to-CT and Single Cell-to-CT product lines offer tremendous performance and handling advantages.

Which RNA Isolation Kit from Cultured Cells is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Highly pure, intact RNAFast and convenient column based format for RNA (>200 nt)Fast and convenient column based, filter plateformat for 96 samples (Rna > 200 nt)Fast and convenient column based method from limited sample input (Rna >200 nt)Fast and convenient method for small RNA speciesComplete system for cells to qRT-PCR without RNA purification
 TRIzol ReagentPureLink RNA Mini KitPureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitPureLink RNA Micro Scale KitMirVana miRNA Isolation KitCells-to-CT kits
Top seller  
Prep time1 hour20 minutes20 minutes20 minutes30 minutes<10 minutes
Cell lysis methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipi-tation)Nontoxic guanidine-isothio-cyanate lysisNontoxic guanidine-isothio-cyanate lysisNontoxic guanidine-isothio-cyanate lysisOrganic extraction followed by alcohol precipitationCells-to-CT lysis
Amount of Starting materialUp to 1x107 cells5x106 to 1x108 cells5x106 to 1x108 cellsUp to 5x105 cells102-107 cultured cells10-100,000 cells
Appli-cationAll RNA expression methodsqRT-PCR, NGSqRT-PCR, NGSqRT-PCR, NGSMicro RNA analysisqRT-PCR

Preserve and Stabilize Your RNA

RNAlater Solution is widely used for the preservation of RNA in intact animal tissues, organs, and cells, and bacteria. It eliminates the need to immediately process samples for RNA isolation or to freeze them in liquid nitrogen for later processing.

Technical Resources

Which RNA Extraction Kit from FFPE Samples is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder now
 Low-throughput isolation of RNA and DNA from the same FFPE sectionScalable isolation of RNA and DNA from the same FFPE section
  RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit for FFPE MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kit
Prep Time4.5 hours (total time for 16 samples)
2.5 hrs hands-on time
4 hours (total time for 96 preps)
1 hr hands-on time
Final product extractedtotal RNA, microRNA, gDNAtotal RNA, microRNA, gDNA
Isolation methodcolumn purificationmag bead purification
Deparaffinization required
Automation compatible (post deparffinization) 
(Scripts for KF Flex and Duo Prime)
Compatible FFPE sample rangeup to 4 x 20 micron sections
(300 mm2 tissue)
up to 2 x 20 micron sections
(300 mm2 tissue)
Sample volume~50µL purified DNA
~50µL purified RNA
~50uL purified DNA
~50µL purified RNA
Compatible with Ion AmpliSeq DNA panels (e.g. Cancer Hotspot Panel v2)
Compatible with Ion AmpliSeq RNA panels (e.g. RNA cancer and RNA fusion)

Why is RNA Isolation From FFPE such a Challenge?

The recovery of quality RNA from FFPE specimens can be quite challenging. The fixation process causes cross-linkage between nucleic acids and proteins, and covalently modifies RNA by the addition of monomethyl groups to the bases. As a result, the molecules are rigid and susceptible to mechanical shearing, and the cross-links may compromise the use of RNA as a substrate for reverse transcription. Therefore, in order to utilize FFPE tissues as a source for gene expression analysis, a reliable method is required for extraction of RNA from the cross-linked matrix.

How can you Increase your Chances of Success With FFPE?

There are a number of factors that can impact the overall quality and yield of RNA isolated from FFPE tissues. Here are recommendations to address several key factors:

  1. Upstream tissue procurement and tissue specimen preparation—if possible, tissues should be fixed within one hour of surgical resection. Extensive degradation of RNA can occur before completion of the fixation process. The optimal fixation time is 12–24 hours, using neutral-buffered formalin or paraformaldehyde. Fixed tissues should be thoroughly dehydrated prior to the embedding process.
  2. Block storage—storage of blocks without cut faces, when possible, prevents ongoing damage from exposure to atmospheric oxygen, water, and other environmental factors such as light and infestation (fungus, insects, etc.).
  3. Tissue type, size, and amount being used for RNA isolation—the recommended tissue thickness is 10–20 µm The number of sections used is determined by the tissue type (which impacts cell density) and surface area (recommended size: 50–300 mm2). Excess starting material can cause filter clogging, resulting in poor yield.
  4. Excessive amount of paraffin used for embedding tissues—when possible, excess paraffin should be trimmed away prior to starting the purification protocol. For xylene-based purification methods, two xylene treatments at room temperature should be sufficient for complete deparaffinization. If desired, a more rigorous 37–55°C treatment can be performed for up to 30 minutes. After the xylene deparaffinization, it is crucial that the 100% ethanol is completely removed and the pellets are dry after the two 100% ethanol washes. The magnetic bead method employs novel chemistries to deal with the paraffin that limits input to 20 µm sections.

The MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kits are designed for rapid, efficient, and automatable isolation of total RNA and DNA from FFPE samples using Invitrogen MagMAX magnetic particles. Invitrogen MagMAX FFPE NA kits offer faster workflows and use less toxic reagents, without sacrificing quality in the process. These kits help deliver nucleic acid yield and purity comparable to the best-in-class RecoverAll filter-based system. The MagMAX FFPE NA kits outperform products with similar protocols, and achieve RNA and DNA yields that are comparable with longer, more hazardous, and lower-throughput protocols.

The RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit procedure requires about 45 minutes of hands-on time and can easily be completed in less than 1 day when isolating RNA. FFPE samples are deparaffinized using a series of xylene and ethanol washes. Next, they are subjected to a rigorous protease digestion with an incubation time tailored for recovery of either RNA or DNA. The nucleic acids are purified using a rapid glass-filter methodology that includes an on-filter nuclease treatment, and are eluted into either water or the low-salt buffer provided.

Technical Resources

TechNotes Articles

Tips from the Bench

Your Data

Application Note

Product Bulletin

Which Plant RNA Isolation Kit is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Great for difficult samples (conifer tissue & seeds)Quick & easy to useEfficient recovery of microRNA & small RNARapid & fully automated
  Plant RNA Reagent PureLink RNA Mini Kit mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit MagMAX-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit
Top seller   
RNA types isolatedlarge RNA molecules onlylarge RNA molecules onlySmall & large RNA moleculeslarge RNA molecules only
Prep time60 minutes<20 minutes30 minutes<45 minutes
Amount of starting materialUp to 1 g<250 mg0.5 to 250 mgUp to 10 mg
Isolation methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnHighest purity & convenience; includes organic extraction & silica column (no precipitation required)Scalable, flexible format with magnetic beads
High throughput compatible   
Compatible products Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid
Removes common plant contaminants
Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid
Removes common plant contaminants
Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid
Removes common plant contaminants

Remove Polysaccharides

One of the major issues with plant RNA isolation is the presence of problematic biomolecules, such as polyphenolic compounds and polysaccharides. The Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid minimizes many of these contaminants with the addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone, a high molecular weight polymer that binds to polyphenolics and polysaccharides and a pre-extraction spin step.

Preserve and Stabilize Your RNA

RNAlater Solution is widely for the preservation of RNA in intact animal tissues, organs, and cells, and bacteria. It minimizes the need to immediately process samples for RNA isolation or to freeze them in liquid nitrogen for later processing.

Technical Resources

Which tissue RNA extraction kit is right for you?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Gold standard for highly pure, intact RNASimple, reliable, rapid methodFast and convenient column based, filter plateformat for 96 samples (Rna > 200 nt)Fast and convenient column based method from limited sample input (Rna >200 nt)Fast and convenient method for small RNA speciesHighest purity TRIzol + column purification, no precipitation requiredHTP format, capable of recovering RNA of all sizes (including microRNAs)
  TRIzol ReagentPureLink RNA Mini KitPureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitPureLink RNA Micro Scale KitmirVana miRNA Isolation KitTRIzol Plus RNA Purification SystemMagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation
Top Seller      
Isolation method High purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnFast Convenient silica column in a filter plate formatFast Convenient micro silica columnsOrganic extraction combined with convenient silica columnsHighest purity and convenience; includes both organic extraction and silica column (no precipitation required)Scalable, flexible format with magnetic beads
Prep time 1 hour20 minutes20 minutes20 minutes30 minutes1 hour<1 hour
Amount of starting materialUp to 100 mg10 mg to 100 mg10 cells to 10 mgup to 10 mgup to 250 mg tissueUp to 100 mgUp to 50 mg
High throughput compatible     
Prep size100 preps50 preps96 preps50 preps96 preps50 preps96 preps

RNA Yields From Animal Tissues

RNA content can vary widely between tissues, cell types, physiological states, etc. This chart provides general guidelines for estimating RNA yields from a variety of cells and tissues.

Typical total RNA yields from 1 mg of various tissues

Table 1. Typical total RNA yields from 1 mg of various tissues.

Preserve and Stabilize Your RNA

RNAlater Solution is widely used for the preservation of RNA in intact animal tissues, organs, and cells, and bacteria. It eliminates the need to immediately process samples for RNA isolation or to freeze them in liquid nitrogen for later processing.

Technical Resources

Which Yeast RNA Extraction Kit is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Rapid & fully automatedQuick & easy to useDesigned for rigid yeast cell walls while maintaining expression profilesFast and convenient column based, filter plateformat for 96 samples (Rna > 200 nt)
 Platinum Taq MagMAX for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit PureLink RNA Mini KitRiboPure-Yeast Kit PureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification Kit
Top seller   
Includes specialized beads for cell lysisNoNoZirconia beadsNo
Isolation methodScalable, flexible format for highest purity; includes organic extraction and magnetic beadsFast, convenient silica columnHighest purity and convenience; includes both organic extraction and silica columnFast, convenient silica column in 96 well filter plate format
Prep time<1 hour20 minutes90 minutes (includes DNase treatment)20 minutes
Amount of starting material Up to 5 x 106 cellsUp to 5 x 108 cellsUp to 3 x 108 cells1.8 mL of fresh, log-phase yeast cells (OD660=0.6–0.8)
High throughput compatible   
Kit size96 preps50 preps50 preps96 preps

Technical Resources

Unlike eukaryotic cells, yeast and many bacterial strains are protected by cell walls that can be difficult to disrupt. As a first step, effective cell lysis (typically via mechanical disruption or enzymatic pretreatment) is required prior to any RNA isolation procedure.

A range of products developed by the Ambion RNA experts will help you isolate high yields of pure, intact RNA from bacteria and yeast.

Which Bacterial RNA Extraction Kit is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 No lysis proceduresFast & easy, 20 minFast and convenient silica column based , filter plate formatHTP, 45 minIdeal for hard-to-lyse gram + bacteria
 TRIzol Max Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit w/TRIzol & Max Bacterial Enhancement Reagent PureLink RNA Mini Kit PureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitMagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit RiboPure-Bacteria Kit
Top Seller    
Includes specialized beads for cell lysisNoNoNoZirconia beadsZirconia beads
Isolation methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnFast, convenient silica column in 96 well filter plate formatScalable, flexible format with magnetic beadsHighest purity & convenience; includes organic extraction & silica column (no precipitation required)
Prep time1 hour20 minutes20 minutes45 minutes1 hour
Amount of starting materialUp to 1 x 108 cellsUp to 1 x 109 cellsUp to 1 x 109 cellsUp to 0.3 g solid samples or 175 µl liquid samplesUp to 109 cells
High throughput compatible   
Kit size100 preps50 preps96 preps100 preps50 preps

Technical Resources

Viral analysis of biological (animal, insect, plant, fungal, bacterial) and environmental (water, air, food) samples is increasingly conducted using molecular testing strategies that require viral RNA or DNA from the samples being tested. Purification of viral RNA poses unique challenges for getting good recovery and detection sensitivity. Ambion RNA experts have developed RNA purification products that are optimized to provide maximum viral RNA yield, purity, and integrity from a broad range of sample types in several format options.

"Highly concentrated viral RNA from the PureLink Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit provides a tool for more sensitive and delicate downstream analysis on viral genomes”
Dongning Wang, PhD, in the laboratory of Feng Gao, MD, Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Duke University

Product Specifications

 Most Suitable Downstream Application
ProductFormatReal-Time RT-PCRMicroarray AnalysisSequen-cingNorthern BlotCloning

Total RNA

PureLink Viral RNA⁄DNA Mini KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter   
RNAqueous KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter  
MagMAX AI⁄ND Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles   
MagMAX-96 AI⁄ND Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible   


PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter, 96-well processing, automation compatible    
MagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible   
MagMAX-96 Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible   
Dynabeads SILANE Viral NAChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic beads, automation compatible     
iPrep PureLink Virus KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, automation compatible    
MagMAX Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles    
MagMAX-96 Viral RNA Isolation Kit (5 x 96 rxns)Chaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible    


mirVana miRNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter    
mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (without phenol - must be purchased separately)Chaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter    
TRIzol LS ReagentLysis in TRIzol reagent, one-step reagent 


Dynabeads mRNA DIRECT KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic beads   
Dynabeads mRNA DIRECT Micro KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic beads   
  • Protocol Videos—Videos to help you isolate nucleic acids using a variety of techniques.
  • DNA & RNA Selection Guide—Find the right purification products.
  • Videos—View our library of DNA & RNA purification and analysis videos.
  • Application Notes—Explore our application notes from scientists sharing data for isolation products

Which RNA extraction kit from blood sample is right for you?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Optimized for liquid samplesSpecialized kit deplete non-nucleated erythrocytesFilter plate format with 96 columns, for HTP needsHTP optimized for purification from stabilized blood samplesHTP format,capable of recovering RNA of all sizes (including microRNAs)High RNA yield directly from whole blood, no need to isolate WBCs
 TRIzol LS PureLink Total RNA Blood Kit PureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitMagMAX for Stabilized Blood Tubes RNA Isolation Kit MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation RiboPure Blood Kit
Top Seller     
Compatible stabilization reagents EDTA, Heparin, Citrate, RNAlaterEDTA, Heparin, CitrateEDTA, Heparin, CitrateTempus or PaxGene tubesEDTA or CitrateEDTA, Heparin, Citrate, RNAlater
Stabilization reagent included     
Isolation methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnFast, convenient silica columns in a plate formatScalable, flexible format with magnetic beadsScalable, flexible format with magnetic beadsHighest purity & convenience; includes both organic extraction & silica column (no precipitation required)
Prep time1 hour20 minutes 12 tubes in 2 hours96 samples in <1 hr30 minutes
High throughput compatible   

For more info on working with blood please review our technical articles:

Supplemental Protocols

TechNotes Articles

Purifying RNA from cultured cells has traditionally been a highly repetitive, time- and labor-intensive procedure, often involving the use of toxic organic chemicals. The products developed by our RNA experts allow you to isolate RNA of maximum yield, purity, and integrity using several technology formats (organic extraction, glass-fiber columns, magnetic beads, and combinations of these).

You can also analyze cultured cell lysates without first isolating the RNA. In significantly less time, you’ll get qPCR results equivalent to - or in some cases better than - those from purified RNA. The Invitrogen products such as  Cells-to-CT and Single Cell-to-CT product lines offer tremendous performance and handling advantages.

Which RNA Isolation Kit from Cultured Cells is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Highly pure, intact RNAFast and convenient column based format for RNA (>200 nt)Fast and convenient column based, filter plateformat for 96 samples (Rna > 200 nt)Fast and convenient column based method from limited sample input (Rna >200 nt)Fast and convenient method for small RNA speciesComplete system for cells to qRT-PCR without RNA purification
 TRIzol ReagentPureLink RNA Mini KitPureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitPureLink RNA Micro Scale KitMirVana miRNA Isolation KitCells-to-CT kits
Top seller  
Prep time1 hour20 minutes20 minutes20 minutes30 minutes<10 minutes
Cell lysis methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipi-tation)Nontoxic guanidine-isothio-cyanate lysisNontoxic guanidine-isothio-cyanate lysisNontoxic guanidine-isothio-cyanate lysisOrganic extraction followed by alcohol precipitationCells-to-CT lysis
Amount of Starting materialUp to 1x107 cells5x106 to 1x108 cells5x106 to 1x108 cellsUp to 5x105 cells102-107 cultured cells10-100,000 cells
Appli-cationAll RNA expression methodsqRT-PCR, NGSqRT-PCR, NGSqRT-PCR, NGSMicro RNA analysisqRT-PCR

Preserve and Stabilize Your RNA

RNAlater Solution is widely used for the preservation of RNA in intact animal tissues, organs, and cells, and bacteria. It eliminates the need to immediately process samples for RNA isolation or to freeze them in liquid nitrogen for later processing.

Technical Resources

Which RNA Extraction Kit from FFPE Samples is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder now
 Low-throughput isolation of RNA and DNA from the same FFPE sectionScalable isolation of RNA and DNA from the same FFPE section
  RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit for FFPE MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kit
Prep Time4.5 hours (total time for 16 samples)
2.5 hrs hands-on time
4 hours (total time for 96 preps)
1 hr hands-on time
Final product extractedtotal RNA, microRNA, gDNAtotal RNA, microRNA, gDNA
Isolation methodcolumn purificationmag bead purification
Deparaffinization required
Automation compatible (post deparffinization) 
(Scripts for KF Flex and Duo Prime)
Compatible FFPE sample rangeup to 4 x 20 micron sections
(300 mm2 tissue)
up to 2 x 20 micron sections
(300 mm2 tissue)
Sample volume~50µL purified DNA
~50µL purified RNA
~50uL purified DNA
~50µL purified RNA
Compatible with Ion AmpliSeq DNA panels (e.g. Cancer Hotspot Panel v2)
Compatible with Ion AmpliSeq RNA panels (e.g. RNA cancer and RNA fusion)

Why is RNA Isolation From FFPE such a Challenge?

The recovery of quality RNA from FFPE specimens can be quite challenging. The fixation process causes cross-linkage between nucleic acids and proteins, and covalently modifies RNA by the addition of monomethyl groups to the bases. As a result, the molecules are rigid and susceptible to mechanical shearing, and the cross-links may compromise the use of RNA as a substrate for reverse transcription. Therefore, in order to utilize FFPE tissues as a source for gene expression analysis, a reliable method is required for extraction of RNA from the cross-linked matrix.

How can you Increase your Chances of Success With FFPE?

There are a number of factors that can impact the overall quality and yield of RNA isolated from FFPE tissues. Here are recommendations to address several key factors:

  1. Upstream tissue procurement and tissue specimen preparation—if possible, tissues should be fixed within one hour of surgical resection. Extensive degradation of RNA can occur before completion of the fixation process. The optimal fixation time is 12–24 hours, using neutral-buffered formalin or paraformaldehyde. Fixed tissues should be thoroughly dehydrated prior to the embedding process.
  2. Block storage—storage of blocks without cut faces, when possible, prevents ongoing damage from exposure to atmospheric oxygen, water, and other environmental factors such as light and infestation (fungus, insects, etc.).
  3. Tissue type, size, and amount being used for RNA isolation—the recommended tissue thickness is 10–20 µm The number of sections used is determined by the tissue type (which impacts cell density) and surface area (recommended size: 50–300 mm2). Excess starting material can cause filter clogging, resulting in poor yield.
  4. Excessive amount of paraffin used for embedding tissues—when possible, excess paraffin should be trimmed away prior to starting the purification protocol. For xylene-based purification methods, two xylene treatments at room temperature should be sufficient for complete deparaffinization. If desired, a more rigorous 37–55°C treatment can be performed for up to 30 minutes. After the xylene deparaffinization, it is crucial that the 100% ethanol is completely removed and the pellets are dry after the two 100% ethanol washes. The magnetic bead method employs novel chemistries to deal with the paraffin that limits input to 20 µm sections.

The MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kits are designed for rapid, efficient, and automatable isolation of total RNA and DNA from FFPE samples using Invitrogen MagMAX magnetic particles. Invitrogen MagMAX FFPE NA kits offer faster workflows and use less toxic reagents, without sacrificing quality in the process. These kits help deliver nucleic acid yield and purity comparable to the best-in-class RecoverAll filter-based system. The MagMAX FFPE NA kits outperform products with similar protocols, and achieve RNA and DNA yields that are comparable with longer, more hazardous, and lower-throughput protocols.

The RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit procedure requires about 45 minutes of hands-on time and can easily be completed in less than 1 day when isolating RNA. FFPE samples are deparaffinized using a series of xylene and ethanol washes. Next, they are subjected to a rigorous protease digestion with an incubation time tailored for recovery of either RNA or DNA. The nucleic acids are purified using a rapid glass-filter methodology that includes an on-filter nuclease treatment, and are eluted into either water or the low-salt buffer provided.

Technical Resources

TechNotes Articles

Tips from the Bench

Your Data

Application Note

Product Bulletin

Which Plant RNA Isolation Kit is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Great for difficult samples (conifer tissue & seeds)Quick & easy to useEfficient recovery of microRNA & small RNARapid & fully automated
  Plant RNA Reagent PureLink RNA Mini Kit mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit MagMAX-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit
Top seller   
RNA types isolatedlarge RNA molecules onlylarge RNA molecules onlySmall & large RNA moleculeslarge RNA molecules only
Prep time60 minutes<20 minutes30 minutes<45 minutes
Amount of starting materialUp to 1 g<250 mg0.5 to 250 mgUp to 10 mg
Isolation methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnHighest purity & convenience; includes organic extraction & silica column (no precipitation required)Scalable, flexible format with magnetic beads
High throughput compatible   
Compatible products Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid
Removes common plant contaminants
Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid
Removes common plant contaminants
Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid
Removes common plant contaminants

Remove Polysaccharides

One of the major issues with plant RNA isolation is the presence of problematic biomolecules, such as polyphenolic compounds and polysaccharides. The Ambion Plant RNA Isolation Aid minimizes many of these contaminants with the addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone, a high molecular weight polymer that binds to polyphenolics and polysaccharides and a pre-extraction spin step.

Preserve and Stabilize Your RNA

RNAlater Solution is widely for the preservation of RNA in intact animal tissues, organs, and cells, and bacteria. It minimizes the need to immediately process samples for RNA isolation or to freeze them in liquid nitrogen for later processing.

Technical Resources

Which tissue RNA extraction kit is right for you?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Gold standard for highly pure, intact RNASimple, reliable, rapid methodFast and convenient column based, filter plateformat for 96 samples (Rna > 200 nt)Fast and convenient column based method from limited sample input (Rna >200 nt)Fast and convenient method for small RNA speciesHighest purity TRIzol + column purification, no precipitation requiredHTP format, capable of recovering RNA of all sizes (including microRNAs)
  TRIzol ReagentPureLink RNA Mini KitPureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitPureLink RNA Micro Scale KitmirVana miRNA Isolation KitTRIzol Plus RNA Purification SystemMagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation
Top Seller      
Isolation method High purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnFast Convenient silica column in a filter plate formatFast Convenient micro silica columnsOrganic extraction combined with convenient silica columnsHighest purity and convenience; includes both organic extraction and silica column (no precipitation required)Scalable, flexible format with magnetic beads
Prep time 1 hour20 minutes20 minutes20 minutes30 minutes1 hour<1 hour
Amount of starting materialUp to 100 mg10 mg to 100 mg10 cells to 10 mgup to 10 mgup to 250 mg tissueUp to 100 mgUp to 50 mg
High throughput compatible     
Prep size100 preps50 preps96 preps50 preps96 preps50 preps96 preps

RNA Yields From Animal Tissues

RNA content can vary widely between tissues, cell types, physiological states, etc. This chart provides general guidelines for estimating RNA yields from a variety of cells and tissues.

Typical total RNA yields from 1 mg of various tissues

Table 1. Typical total RNA yields from 1 mg of various tissues.

Preserve and Stabilize Your RNA

RNAlater Solution is widely used for the preservation of RNA in intact animal tissues, organs, and cells, and bacteria. It eliminates the need to immediately process samples for RNA isolation or to freeze them in liquid nitrogen for later processing.

Technical Resources

Which Yeast RNA Extraction Kit is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 Rapid & fully automatedQuick & easy to useDesigned for rigid yeast cell walls while maintaining expression profilesFast and convenient column based, filter plateformat for 96 samples (Rna > 200 nt)
 Platinum Taq MagMAX for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit PureLink RNA Mini KitRiboPure-Yeast Kit PureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification Kit
Top seller   
Includes specialized beads for cell lysisNoNoZirconia beadsNo
Isolation methodScalable, flexible format for highest purity; includes organic extraction and magnetic beadsFast, convenient silica columnHighest purity and convenience; includes both organic extraction and silica columnFast, convenient silica column in 96 well filter plate format
Prep time<1 hour20 minutes90 minutes (includes DNase treatment)20 minutes
Amount of starting material Up to 5 x 106 cellsUp to 5 x 108 cellsUp to 3 x 108 cells1.8 mL of fresh, log-phase yeast cells (OD660=0.6–0.8)
High throughput compatible   
Kit size96 preps50 preps50 preps96 preps

Technical Resources

Unlike eukaryotic cells, yeast and many bacterial strains are protected by cell walls that can be difficult to disrupt. As a first step, effective cell lysis (typically via mechanical disruption or enzymatic pretreatment) is required prior to any RNA isolation procedure.

A range of products developed by the Ambion RNA experts will help you isolate high yields of pure, intact RNA from bacteria and yeast.

Which Bacterial RNA Extraction Kit is Right for You?

 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 No lysis proceduresFast & easy, 20 minFast and convenient silica column based , filter plate formatHTP, 45 minIdeal for hard-to-lyse gram + bacteria
 TRIzol Max Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit w/TRIzol & Max Bacterial Enhancement Reagent PureLink RNA Mini Kit PureLink Pro 96 total RNA Purification KitMagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit RiboPure-Bacteria Kit
Top Seller    
Includes specialized beads for cell lysisNoNoNoZirconia beadsZirconia beads
Isolation methodHigh purity organic extraction (requires alcohol precipitation)Fast, convenient silica columnFast, convenient silica column in 96 well filter plate formatScalable, flexible format with magnetic beadsHighest purity & convenience; includes organic extraction & silica column (no precipitation required)
Prep time1 hour20 minutes20 minutes45 minutes1 hour
Amount of starting materialUp to 1 x 108 cellsUp to 1 x 109 cellsUp to 1 x 109 cellsUp to 0.3 g solid samples or 175 µl liquid samplesUp to 109 cells
High throughput compatible   
Kit size100 preps50 preps96 preps100 preps50 preps

Technical Resources

Viral analysis of biological (animal, insect, plant, fungal, bacterial) and environmental (water, air, food) samples is increasingly conducted using molecular testing strategies that require viral RNA or DNA from the samples being tested. Purification of viral RNA poses unique challenges for getting good recovery and detection sensitivity. Ambion RNA experts have developed RNA purification products that are optimized to provide maximum viral RNA yield, purity, and integrity from a broad range of sample types in several format options.

"Highly concentrated viral RNA from the PureLink Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit provides a tool for more sensitive and delicate downstream analysis on viral genomes”
Dongning Wang, PhD, in the laboratory of Feng Gao, MD, Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Duke University

Product Specifications

 Most Suitable Downstream Application
ProductFormatReal-Time RT-PCRMicroarray AnalysisSequen-cingNorthern BlotCloning

Total RNA

PureLink Viral RNA⁄DNA Mini KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter   
RNAqueous KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter  
MagMAX AI⁄ND Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles   
MagMAX-96 AI⁄ND Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible   


PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter, 96-well processing, automation compatible    
MagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible   
MagMAX-96 Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible   
Dynabeads SILANE Viral NAChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic beads, automation compatible     
iPrep PureLink Virus KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, automation compatible    
MagMAX Viral RNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles    
MagMAX-96 Viral RNA Isolation Kit (5 x 96 rxns)Chaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic particles, 96-well processing, automation compatible    


mirVana miRNA Isolation KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter    
mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (without phenol - must be purchased separately)Chaotropic salt-based lysis, silica filter    
TRIzol LS ReagentLysis in TRIzol reagent, one-step reagent 


Dynabeads mRNA DIRECT KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic beads   
Dynabeads mRNA DIRECT Micro KitChaotropic salt-based lysis, magnetic beads   

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.