Solid Phase Extraction Consumables

A rapid, effective, economical path to a clean extract

Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a sample preparation technique that chromatographers use to remove interfering compounds, concentrate the analyte, and/or extract the analyte in a preferred solvent prior to HPLC, GC, IC, or MS analysis.

Remove uncertainty and add consistency to your chromatographic results using Thermo Scientific solid phase extraction products. Our broad range of high performance SPE products:

  • Reduce the adverse effects of the sample matrix
  • Significantly improve the robustness, reproducibility, and sensitivity of chromatographic and mass spectrometry analytical results

Thermo Scientific solid phase extraction (SPE) products
  • Designed for high throughput, low-volume samples such as bioanalysis
  • Reduced sample failures and higher reproducibility with viscous biological samples
  • 5 phases important to bioanalysis

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  • Perform SPE online and inject sample directly onto HPLC column
  • Integrated sample preparation and pre-concentration
  • Compatible with conventional HPLC systems
  • Available in a range of formats

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Guide to solid phase extraction (SPE)

New to SPE sample preparation? Visit the pages below to learn about solid phase extraction, and if you need to develop, optimize, or troubleshoot your method.

  Download: Ultimate Guide to SPE & Applications

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