Sep 29, 2015 - Oct 02, 2015
Olympia Conference Centre, London, UK, Booth #34

Today’s biobanks are looking at the end-to-end lifecycle of their samples and procedures. Without confidence in the integrity of biospecimens, there can be no confidence in the results.

See how Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions protect your precious research. Stop by ESBB 2015 booth #34 and complete a customer profile form and receive a scientist USB stick. 

New Thermo Scientific™ TSX ultra-low temperature freezers offer a better environment inside and out. They are environmentally friendly, and provide leading sample protection and energy savings.

Ensure excellent sample containment using Thermo Scientific™ Sterilin™ Polystyrene 30 mL Universal Containers. 95kPa compliant and CE marked leak-resistant containers are ideal for sample transport.

After observing how much cryoboxes could warm during out-of-freezer handling, we developed the CryoCradle™ as a countermeasure. By using this with a smaller basin instead of large carts, we have standardized biospecimen processing, minimized temperature variability, and improved efficiency for both dry ice and space in our global network of biobanks and biorepositories.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Poster at ESBB

Title: "Creation of the first tuberculosis biobank in the UK"
Author: Matt Slade

TB is currently a global pandemic. The WHO estimates that 2 billion people (a third of the world's population) is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium which causes the disease. Here at FBS UK, we are currently collaborating with our partners on a global phase III clinical trial to create a bank of blood, urine, and sputum samples taken from TB-positive patients during treatment. These can be used in the future to test potential biomarkers of treatment response that may serve as surrogate endpoints for long-term relapse data. Samples have been collected in the Phase III for the evaluation of one of the fourth generation synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent in the treatment of sputum-smear-positive tuberculosis trial. The collection of samples will be pursued from at least another 1000 patients and if researchers are successful in identifying new biomarkers, these efforts could lead to the first new drug approved in the treatment of drug-sensitive TB in 50 years.

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Hospitals, biopharmaceutical companies, and academic researchers rely on biobanks and biorepositories for the most critical piece of the puzzle—biological samples and their associated data.

Learn more about our end-to-end portfolio of biobanking solutions