Improved petroleum reservoir evaluation with meaningful and actionable data

From whole-core CT to SEM, Thermo Scientific PerGeos Software is a unique solution for Digital Rock Analysis trusted by Oil & Gas peers.

Its visualization, processing, and analysis of 2D and 3D digital rock imagery enables improved evaluation of reservoir quality and faster understanding of static and dynamic rock properties that impact production.

PerGeos software is a multi-scale, multi-modal solution

Collaborative core analysis


Multi-disciplinary sharing of information to build a common rock model

Confidence in results


Multi-scale, multi-modal image analysis to help users validate observations and properties from a variety of data sets

Consistency in data processing and modeling


Automated workflows to streamline efficiency and implement best practices

Customized for exploration & production

Device Instrument Warranty and Service

Dedicated software platform for oil and gas reservoir characterization and digital rock analysis



Perform multi-scale geological and petrophysical analysis of your core imaging data

From Core to Pore, using imagery from large CT to FIB/SEM systems, PerGeos Software helps you digitally understand and validate observations and properties of your rock data with a high level of confidence.

Ability to interpret images at multiple resolutions from multiple modalities, advanced 2D/3D and 3D/3D registration tools and adaptive thresholding make PerGeos Software a unique digital platform for powerful up-scaling workflows.

This allows geological and petrophysical properties to be numerically obtained with confidence since all scales of the pore space can be analyzed and interpreted to calculate properties such as global porosity or relative permeability.

Watch on-demand "Multiscale multimodal digital rock analysis software solution" webcast

Whole Core CT data

Perform geological, petrophysical, core-flooding, or Dual Energy specific analyses on virtual assemblies of your whole core CT imaging data.

Import and pre-process CT imaging data. Assemble multiple large core scans, generate logs, perform dip and strike analyses, conduct rock typing and facies classification, generate automated reports. Evaluate and select sub-regions of interest for down-scale investigations.

Core CT plugs

Obtain actionable insights on your core plug imagery data acquired using X-ray Computed Tomography.

Perform rock typing, porosity estimation or saturations analysis. Extract and analyze wormholes. Use Dual Energy CT (DECT) technique to obtain actual density information that can be compared with density logs and used for further characterization of rock formations. Identify and select sub-plugs for further down-scale analysis.

Micro-CT core plugs

Microfocus X-ray tomography (micro-CT) allows to capture high-resolution imaging on core samples at the millimeter scale.

From this imaging data, PerGeos Software allows geologists, petrophysisists and reservoir engineers to obtain advanced information on the rock micro-structure, from pore space and pore network analysis to fluid flow properties calculation, such as pore size distribution, grain classification, or absolute permeability and two-phase flow properties.  

SEM rock thin sections

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) systems allow geologists to capture high-quality images of thin sections of rocks.

PerGeos Software offers a dedicated digital platform to extract petrology or mineralogy information from this thin section imagery data. It allows for the characterization of properties such as pore size distribution, intergranular porosity, or grain shape and orientation. It also provides tools to perform mineralogical analysis using SEM-EDS data.

PerGeos Software also provides the unique ability to perform Process-Based Modeling, which is the simulation of the formation of the rock by generating a 3D model from 2D images analyses.

Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy

FIB-SEM Electron Microscopy systems are invaluable tools that produce high-resolution imagery of nanoporous structures of tight reservoir and for multi-scale analysis. 

PerGeos Software provides a comprehensive dedicated feature set to perform digital analyses of FIB-SEM rock sample images. It offers unique imaging artifact correction capabilities, pre-processing wizard, advanced segmentation, quantification, and simulation tools. 

PerGeos Software allows geologists to accurately characterize pore space and organic vs mineral matter volume fractions. It also provides tools for creating numerical Pore Network Models to perform petrophysical analysis such as Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Simulation or Fluid Flow Simulations for Permeability Calculation. 



PerGeos 岩心剖面分析是专用工作区,其在一种环境中实现全岩心 CT、岩心摄影和岩石物理测井曲线的联动可视化。岩心剖面分析还能基于全岩心 CT 数据创建虚拟测井曲线,以进一步标定和探查岩石类型的非均质性如何影响井下测量岩石物理性质的方式。



PerGeos 软件的岩石物理学扩展模块提供一套功能强大的高级岩石属性分析和模拟模型,以获得绝对渗透率、地层系数、热学特性、分子扩散和 MICP 孔隙率等性质。




PerGeos 软件提供了两相流模拟的高级功能。使用这一经行业验证的强大技术可获得毛细管压力、相对渗透率电阻率指数或残留油饱和度等性质。



孔隙网络统计分析扩展模块提供基于 3D 图像数据生成和提取孔隙网络模型(PNM)的工作流程。它探究孔隙和孔喉的大小分布,二者也是生成孔隙网络模型的自然结果。

双能计算机断层扫描 (DECT)

DECT 技术为您提供了可与密度测井曲线相比较并能用于进一步表征岩石构造的真实密度信息,从而增加全岩心CT分析工作流程的价值。这样,您就能比较多个地层和油井的全岩心 CT 图像。



PerGeos 岩心剖面分析是专用工作区,其在一种环境中实现全岩心 CT、岩心摄影和岩石物理测井曲线的联动可视化。岩心剖面分析还能基于全岩心 CT 数据创建虚拟测井曲线,以进一步标定和探查岩石类型的非均质性如何影响井下测量岩石物理性质的方式。



PerGeos 软件的岩石物理学扩展模块提供一套功能强大的高级岩石属性分析和模拟模型,以获得绝对渗透率、地层系数、热学特性、分子扩散和 MICP 孔隙率等性质。




PerGeos 软件提供了两相流模拟的高级功能。使用这一经行业验证的强大技术可获得毛细管压力、相对渗透率电阻率指数或残留油饱和度等性质。



孔隙网络统计分析扩展模块提供基于 3D 图像数据生成和提取孔隙网络模型(PNM)的工作流程。它探究孔隙和孔喉的大小分布,二者也是生成孔隙网络模型的自然结果。

双能计算机断层扫描 (DECT)

DECT 技术为您提供了可与密度测井曲线相比较并能用于进一步表征岩石构造的真实密度信息,从而增加全岩心CT分析工作流程的价值。这样,您就能比较多个地层和油井的全岩心 CT 图像。





通过专门为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件新用户设计的入门培训,缩短学习曲线,使投资收益最大化。

课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的基本特点和功能。



通过专为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的现有用户设计的高级培训使投资收益最大化并缩短取得成果的时间。

课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的高级特点和功能。



赛默飞世尔科技在 3D 和图像处理方面拥有超过 25 年的经验,向众多小型和大型机构交付了数百个定制项目,可根据您的特定需求为您提供量身定制的解决方案。



PerGeos Software Overview.
PerGeos Flow Simulation, bringing core analysis into the digital age.
PerGeos Software Overview.
PerGeos Flow Simulation, bringing core analysis into the digital age.



Import and process your imaging data

  • Denoising
  • Artifact removal
  • FFT based filtering
  • Ridge enhancement filter


Easily segment your imaging data

  • Multi-phase segmentation
  • Pores/Grains separation
  • Optimized watershed transform
  • AI-based segmentation
  • Ambient occlusion


Image-to-simulation workflows

  • Absolute permeability
  • Formation factor
  • Molecular diffusion
  • Thermal properties
  • MICP simulator

Automate your workflows to streamline efficiency

  • Recipe mechanism
  • Built-in automated workflows
  • User-defined automatable workflows

Visualize and explore your imaging data

  • 3D volume rendering
  • Large 2D images (>500 GB)
  • Whole core visualization
  • Slices / surfaces / vectors
  • 2D-3D registration


Analyze your imaging data and obtain quantitative information

  • Morphological operators
  • Statistical information
  • Porosity analysis, pore size distribution
  • Grain analysis, classification
  • Pore network model generation


Easily generate mesh

  • Surface mesher, editor, property calculation
  • Tetrahedral meshes generation
  • Direct export to solvers

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