VetDrugs Explorer Collection

Add workflow capability quickly and confidently

Take the fast route to high-confidence LC-MS/MS results with the Thermo Scientific VetDrugs Explorer Collection. This collection offers a set of validated end-to-end multi-residue veterinary drug analysis solutions, brought together in one convenient kit.

Tailored to help labs reduce the start-up time and cost associated with expanding their analytical capabilities, the VetDrugs Explorer Collection provides the essential components for performing robust SRM-based targeted quantitation of multiclass veterinary drug residues in food matrices.

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Robust workflow components, assembled for your success

The VetDrugs Explorer Collection is a pre-tested, validated, start-to-finish multi-residue veterinary drug analysis solution.

As a comprehensive workflow solution, the VetDrugs Explorer Collection includes the following:

Regardless of user expertise, the VetDrugs Explorer Collection method and components work together to make it easier to obtain robust, reliable, and unambiguous LC-MS/MS results.

For quantitative applications demanding the highest possible sensitivity and certainty in results, the VetDrugs Explorer Collection is formatted in a Premier Quantitation solution, which features the TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer system. The Premier Quantitation solution is intended for food safety laboratories aiming to achieve additional confidence and ultimate sensitivity.

Thanks to its advanced design, the TSQ Altis mass spectrometer enables highly selective reaction monitoring (H-SRM), an easy-to-use data acquisition approach that provides enhanced signal-to-noise sensitivity and selectivity for high confidence and interference-free quantitation in complex matrices.

Robust workflow components, assembled for your success

Complete LC-MS/MS methods speed setup

Complete LC-MS/MS data acquisition, processing, and reporting methods include compound information for over 160 veterinary drugs. Users can quickly set up methods via the veterinary drug compound database that contains 200 native veterinary drugs and over 50 isotopically labeled compounds, or by uploading and modifying the preconfigured methods. Select a pre-tested TSQ series mass spectrometer method with LC conditions and compounds, then load and go!

Complete LC-MS/MS methods speed setup

LC-MS/MS method flexibility allows you to easily create or edit pre-configured methods that include SRM transitions and retention times.

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