Antidoping – Everything leaves a trace

Find the truth

When sports doping control test results can mean the difference between competing or being banned, authorities depend on accurate analysis without exception. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers labs reliable, cost-effective mass spectrometry–based solutions to help you reveal the truth hidden in virtually any sample. Because when fair competition is on the line, so is your reputation.

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Antidoping categories

Keeping up to date on current prohibited substance screening isn’t easy. We empower your lab to routinely test in and out of competition and researching new methods to stay ahead of future banned substances.

Our solutions support detecting the presence of synthetic endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAS) and your confirmation testing to investigate suspicious steroid profile (SSP) or an atypical passport finding (ATPF).

Comprehensive screening of known and unknown performance-enhancing substances is a critical part of maintaining sports true.

We offer solutions to help you identify new, modified or designer drug substances reportedly misused by athletes, as anti-doping agencies and laboratories seek new detection strategies to combat emerging threats.

The prevalence of sports doping in horse racing keeps equine drug testing labs busy. Detect trace levels of banned substances, and retrospectively analyze data for new compounds with trusted technology.

Sports testing technology comparison

Sports doping and forensics handbook

Featured video

Professor Francisco Radler, Head of the Brazilian Doping Control Lab - LADETEC – UFRJ, discusses using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry in the fight against doping. Find out how this important laboratory is able to provide the highest quality results and detect the use of prohibited substances in sporting events.