
Management and consolidation of multiple sample data streams can optimize turnaround time and make constructing final reports easy. Industry-specific regulatory reporting and quality-control evaluations ensure your data accuracy is compliant and that your customers can easily understand their final report data. Through these tools and support, we can help you build confidence in your product and solidify your customer reliance on you as their testing provider.

Introduction to post-analytical solutions for contract laboratories

Learn more about the expertise and resources we offer to ensure you get the highest quality results for your business.

Information management and data analysis

How do you turn vast amounts of laboratory data into effective business decisions? With flexible and powerful data transformation tools from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Our solutions can translate and consolidate data from disparate sources, enabling point-to-point data distribution across the lab. This allows departments to simplify daily workflows, manage and capture data more efficiently, and communicate more effectively—ultimately making effective decisions based on up-to-the-minute information.

Quality control and compliance

With the ever-evolving emphasis on data integrity, data security, and compliance, it’s of utmost importance that your software provides comprehensive preventative and detection technical controls to enable you to meet modern regulatory requirements. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers one software controlling all chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation, delivering compliance, connectivity, productivity, and confidence to your laboratory.

Sample storage

Many samples must be stored after analysis to ensure their availability for retesting or add-on tests, as needed. Every sample has its own storage requirements, conditions, and duration—and accurate records and traceability are a must. Managing it all can be cumbersome without the right tools.

Service and support

Keeping systems functioning at their best is essential for long-term productivity. Let us carry this burden, so your workers can stay focused on what they do best—delivering accurate, consistent results for your customers and maintaining profitable performance for you.

Instrument service and calibration
 Supply management services
Training and certification

Cold storage solutions

From sample preparation to short and long-term storage, our cold storage product and service solutions are designed with your science in mind, so you can be confident on paper and in practice.

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Mass spectrometry software

We are dedicated to keeping you up to date on the latest developments in the most convenient ways possible by offering comprehensive, professional training and certification through a variety of convenient venues.

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