
We offer both high-activity horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase secondary antibody conjugates for western blots, ELISA, immunohistochemistry, or other enzyme-driven applications.

We also offer a wide variety of biotin and DSB biotin conjugates. Utilizing a biotin-conjugated secondary antibody allows you to use the same secondary antibody in multiple applications, simply by switching the streptavidin being used.

See all secondary antibodies

Enzyme conjugates

Enzyme conjugates are used in conjunction with a substrate, whether colorimetric, fluorogenic, or chemiluminescent to create a detectable signal. The substrate is converted from a non-detectable soluble form to a detectable usually insoluble form. Since the enzyme can convert many molecules of substrate, this is a form of signal amplification controlled by the length of time the reaction is allowed to continue.

Biotin conjugates

Biotin is a small molecule that can be bound by avidins, streptavidin, and NeutrAvidin with high affinity. Utilizing a biotin-conjugated secondary antibody allows you to use the same secondary antibody in multiple applications, simply by switching the streptavidin being used. Biotin/streptavidin strategies can also be employed for signal enhancement.

Related applications

We offer a wide selection of ELISA kits targeted to disease-related proteins for research in immunology, cancer, neurodegeneration, stem cells, and more.

Western blot reagents and instruments, chemiluminescent, colormetric, and fluorescent detection substrates, blocking buffers, and secondary antibody conjugates

We provide a complete suite of labeling tools for the reliable detection of many levels of target abundance. Our fluorescent products portfolio is highly cited in a wide range of life science research applications. Review this simple guide and learn which tool can help with your experiment.  

We offer a wide variety of primary antibodies against key signaling proteins, cellular markers, and organelles, as well as cell junctions and CD markers. Primary antibodies provide direct detection for high-abundance targets, and high target specificity when using amplified detection methods.

Alexa Fluor Plus Secondary Antibodies

Need to detect and visualize low-abundance targets in rare or precious samples?

Alexa Fluor Plus Secondary Antibodies

Compare to traditional Alexa Fluor secondary antibodies:

  • Higher signal-to-noise ratio
  • Lower cross-reactivity

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