
Our anti-guinea pig secondary antibodies are affinity-purified polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies with well-characterized specificity for guinea pig immunoglobulin classes.  They are available in host species including mouse, rabbit, chicken, donkey and pig, and in the following formats:

  • Unlabeled antibodies
  • Enzyme conjugates (alkaline phosphatase (AP) or horseradish peroxidase (HRP))
  • Fluorescent conjugates (Alexa Fluor, DyLight, Fluorescein (FITC), etc.)
  • Biotin

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Our secondary antibodies are available as whole IgG. Each of these antibodies is affinity purified using its target antigen (the primary antibody class) coupled to an agarose support. This affinity purification eliminates nonspecific antibodies, resulting in high specificity and low background signal. Conjugated antibodies are affinity purified before labeling.

Selected secondary antibodies have been further purified by adsorbing the antigen-purified antibody to an affinity column containing immobilized serum proteins or IgG of selected species. This additional processing minimizes antibody cross-reactivity to the serum proteins of those selected species. These antibodies are designated as Cross Adsorbed or Highly Cross Adsorbed, based on the amount of processing which has occurred.



