Cell Structure Information

Find useful articles, videos and tools for studying cell structure using fluorescence microscopy and high-content analysis.

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On-demand webinar

Introduction to basic cytoskeleton labeling and detection

This webinar provides an overview of the cytoskeleton and includes a comprehensive guide to labeling and detection technologies such as live-cell imaging fluorescent dyes, antibodies and the BacMam gene delivery platform.

BioProbes article

BioProbes article

Tools to study mitochondrial morphology and function—Multiplex your mitochondrial data

We highlight a few of our most referenced mitochondrial probes for studying cell morphology and function.

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Application note (2011)Apoptosis detection: Apoptosis assays for the Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer Alexa Fluor, apoptosis, Attune/Attune NxT, cell structure-mitochondria, cell structure-plasma membrane, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes
Application note (2015)Collecting Z-stack image sequences with the EVOS FL Auto Imaging Systemcell structure-all, CellLight, EVOS FL Auto Microscope, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging, ReadyProbes
BioProbes articles (Issues 50– present day)BioProbes Journal of Cell Biology Applicationcell analysis, flow cytometry, imaging microscopy, immunoassays, antibodies, protein detection and quantification
Molecular Probes HandbookMitochondria in diseases—Note 12.2antibodies, cell structure-mitochondria, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging
Molecular Probes HandbookLipid-mixing assays of membrane fusion—Note 13.1cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescent lipids, membranes, micelles
Molecular Probes HandbookAssays of volume change, membrane fusion and membrane permeability—Note 14.3cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescent lipids, membranes, micelles
Molecular Probes HandbookAntibodies for detecting membrane-surface labels—Note 13.2antibodies, cell structure-plasma membrane, extracellular proteins
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus—Section 12.4antibodies, cell structure-er, cell structure-golgi, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for mitochondria—Section 12.2antibodies, cell structure-mitochondria, CellLight, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for lysosomes, peroxisomes and yeast vacuoles—Section 12.3antibodies, cell structure-lysosomes, CellLight, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for the nucleus—Section 12.5antibodies, cell structure-nucleus, CellLight, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, membrane permeability
Molecular Probes HandbookA diverse selection of organelle probes—Section 12.1cell structure-er, cell structure-golgi, cell structure-lysosomes, cell structure-mitochondria, cell structure-nucleus, cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging
Molecular Probes HandbookIntroduction to potentiometric probes—Section 22.1cell structure-plasma membrane, fast-response probes, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorometer, ion channels, live-cell imaging, membrane potential, slow-response probes
Molecular Probes HandbookFast-response probes—Section 22.2cell structure-plasma membrane, fast-response probes, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorometer, ion channels, live-cell imaging, membrane potential
Molecular Probes HandbookOther nonpolar and amphiphilic probes—Section 13.5carbocyanine dyes, cell structure-plasma membrane, DiI, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent lipid dyes, fluorometer
Molecular Probes HandbookIntroduction to membrane probes—Section 13.1cell structure-plasma membrane, fast-response probes, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorometer, ion channels, live-cell imaging, membrane potential, slow-response probes
Molecular Probes HandbookFatty acid analogs and phospholipids—Section 13.2cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent fatty acid analogs, fluorescent lipid dyes, fluorometer
Molecular Probes HandbookDialkylcarbocyanine and dialkylaminostyryl probes—Section 13.4carbocyanine dyes, cell structure-plasma membrane, DiI, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent lipid dyes, fluorometer
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for neurotransmitter receptors—Section 16.2brain hormones, cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, receptor binding
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for following receptor binding and phagocytosis—Section 16.1cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, internalization, membrane trafficking, phagocytosis, receptor binding, vesicle
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for tubulin and other cytoskeletal proteins—Section 11.2cell structure-tubulin, cytoskeleton, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for actin—Section 11.1cell structure-actin, cytoskeleton, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins
Molecular Probes HandbookNucleic acid stains—Section 8.1cell cycle, cell structure-nucleus, cell structure-plasma membrane, cell viability, DAPI, DNA binding dyes, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorometer, membrane permeability, RNA binding dyes, SYTO, SYTOX
Molecular Probes HandbookTracers for membrane labeling—Section 14.4cell structure-plasma membrane, cell tracking, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging
ProtocolTO-PRO-3 Staincell structure, imaging
ProtocolSYTOX Green Nucleic Acid Staincell structure, imaging
ProtocolSYTO 82 Nuclear Staincell structure, imaging
ProtocolSYTO 59 Nuclear Staincell structure, imaging
ProtocolNucRed Live 647 ReadyProbes Reagentcell structure, imaging
ProtocolNucRed Dead 647 ReadyProbes Reagent for fixed cellscell structure, imaging
ProtocolNucGreen Dead 488 ReadyProbes Reagent for fixed cellscell structure, imaging
ProtocolNucBlue Live ReadyProbes Reagentcell structure, imaging
ProtocolNucBlue Fixed Cell ReadyProbes Reagentcell structure, imaging
ProtocolHoechst 33342 for imagingcell structure, imaging
ProtocolHoechst 33342 for HCA instrumentscell structure, high content analysis
ProtocolHCS NuclearMask Red Staincell structure, high content analysis
ProtocolHCS NuclearMask Deep Red Staincell structure, high content analysis
ProtocolHCS NuclearMask Blue Staincell structure, high content analysis
ProtocolHCS CellMask Stainscell structure, high content analysis
ProtocolDAPI for fluorescence imagingcell structure, imaging
ProtocolDAPI for HCA instrumentscell structure, high content analysis
ProtocolActinRed 555 ReadyProbes Reagentcell structure, imaging
ProtocolActinGreen 488 ReadyProbes Reagentcell structure, imaging
Scientific poster (2009)Cell-based assays for predictive hepatotoxicity measurements using high content imaging Alexa Fluor, ArrayScan, cell structure-plasma membrane, Click-iT, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, glutathione, high content analysis, microplate reader, nucleic acid quantitation, viability
Scientific poster (2009)High content imaging and analysis of mitotoxicity and cytotoxicity in fixed cells cell structure-mitochondria, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, high content analysis, viability
Scientific poster (2010)Autophagosomal accumulation perturbs Golgi structure without affecting other organelles: Implications for autophagosome biogenesis Alexa Fluor, antibodies, autophagy, BacMam technology, cell structure-golgi, Click-iT, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, high content analysis, live-cell imaging
Scientific poster (2014)New fluorescent probes and sensors for visualizing endocytosis, lysosomal dynamics and autophagy autophagy, cell structure-lysosomes, endocytosis/phagocytosis, autophagy, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, high content analysis, microplate reader
VideoViability determination of HeLa cells using ReadyProbes Cell Viability Imaging Kit (Blue/Green) 
HeLa cells were loaded with NucBlue Live and NucGreen Dead (using 2 drops per ml) in complete media for 15 minutes at 37C. Staurosporine was then added to a final concentration of 1 µM and images were acquired every 30 min. for 18 hours using EVOS Auto Imaging System. All cells are stained with NucBlue Live, shown with blue nuclei. Over time an increase in the number of dead cells is observed as indicated by the appearance of green nuclei (NucGreen Dead).
cell structure-nucleus, cell viability, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging
VideoCellTracker Violet reagent and mitosis  
U-2 OS cells were transduced with CellLight Tubulin-GFP and Cellular Lights Actin-RFP. The following day cells were labeled with 5uM CellTracker Violet BMQC for 30 minutes at 37C in complete media and washed in fresh media. Images were taken every 5 minutes for 16 hours.
cell structure-all, cell tracking, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging
VideoCompilation of live cell imaging videos using Invitrogen fluorescent reagents 
This video demonstrates novel product brands from Invitrogen for live cell imaging include CellLight targeted fluorescent proteins, CellROX reagents for oxidative stress, CellEvent caspase 3/7 detection reagent, and many more fluorescent dyes and probes.
cell structure-mitochondria, CellEvent, CellLight, CellROX, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging, oxidative stress
VideoZ Stack image of HeLa cells labeled with CellLights reagents 
A series of images were captured on the EVOS FL Auto Cell Imaging System. Creating a Z-stack from these images allowed the observation of cellular cytoskeletal changes, which can be indicative of the loss of cell health. Methods HeLa cells grown in MatTek 6-well glass bottom culture plates were transduced with CellLights Tubulin-GFP and CellLight Mitochondria-RFP overnight at 37oC. The following day, NucBlue Live reagent (2 drops/mL) was added to the cultures. Cells were then imaged on an EVOS FL Auto Cell Imaging System with 100x oil immersion objective using the Z-stack function. The step size was set using the Nyquist formula and performed at 0.366 μm.
cell health, cell structure-all, CellLight, EVOS FL Auto Microscope, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent proteins, live-cell imaging
VideoMitochondrial dynamics through cell division 
U2OS cells were transduced with CellLight Mito-RFP and imaged every 5 minutes for 16 hours. Extensive mitochondrial motility is seen throughout mitosis and as the cell regains it's pre mitotic shape following mitosis.
cell structure-mitochondria, CellLight, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging
VideoExosomes—The Next Small Thing: Episode 5—Collaboration—The key to scientific successExosomes
VideoExosomes—The Next Small Thing: Episode 6—Exosomes the next small thingExosomes
VideoExosomes—The Next Small Thing: Episode 4—Curiosity and a passion for scienceExosomes
VideoExosomes—The Next Small Thing: Episode 3—Exosomes in cancer researchExosomes
VideoExosomes—The Next Small Thing: Episode 2—The history and promise of an exosomeExosomes
VideoExosomes—The Next Small Thing: Episode 1—What is an exosome?Exosomes
WebinarIntroduction to basic cytoskeleton labeling and detection 
The cytoskeleton is a key component of mammalian cells, providing the framework for cell migration and intracellular transport, furthermore the cytoskeleton regulates cell size and shape as well as important processes such as mitosis and endocytosis. We offer a number of solutions for researchers using fluorescent probes to study the cytoskeleton. This webinar will provide an overview of the structures that comprise the cytoskeleton and important experimental parameters. The webinar also offers a comprehensive guide to available labeling and detection technologies for cytoskeletal research as well as tips and tricks on how to best use them. These tools include those for live-cell imaging fluorescent dyes, antibodies and the BacMam gene delivery platform.
cell structure-actin, cytoskeleton, endocytosis, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins
