Flow Cytometry Resource Library

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Within the Flow Cytometry Learning Center, the Resource Library is where you can access our collections of scientific application notes, protocols, educational videos & webinars, handbooks & newsletters, and research tools.

To browse learning content by Flow Cytometry application subtopic, visit the main Flow Cytometry Learning Center home.



在流式细胞术教学中心内,您可通过资源库接触到我们不同的教学、技术、应用和其他教学材料。这其中包括了Molecular Probes手册、各种应用说明、科学海报、研究工具、视频、教程和在线讲座等。


Multiplex Flow Cytometry Panels

Designing flow cytometry multiplex panels can be challenging and lead to wasted time and resources. Learn more about pre-optimized backbone panels that have been experimentally verified and can help you streamline your workflow.

Flow Cytometry Methods

These articles are intended to discuss methodologies related to flow cytometry applications, research, and technologies. Read through to learn about advances in flow cytometry and approaches for correctly designing your experiment.

T Cell Stimulation and Proliferation eLearning Course

This modular, animated, and narrated eLearning course was developed to provide a succinct, contextual summary of T cell activation and the methods used to measure T cell function. There are knowledge checks throughout the course as well as a practical application session to test what you have learned.



这部分应用说明汇总了展示我们的产品如何在各式流式细胞术应用中使用的文章,并提供了达到相应结果所用的条件和试剂。此外,您还可以查找到我们的研发科学家在各大研讨会上所做的科学海报以及《BioProbes》Molecular Probes细胞生物学应用期刊上的文章。

Molecular Probes手册 – 荧光探针和标记技术指南


BioProbes—Molecular Probe细胞生物学应用期刊

《BIOPROBES》期刊使我们广受赞誉的纸质和在线杂志,其中涵盖了海量的细胞生物学产品和应用,包括Invitrogen™ 和Thermo Scientific™细胞分析试剂、蛋白生物学产品、抗体和免疫检测,以及Gibco™细胞培养、干细胞和转染试剂。从新技术和实际应用,到期刊专题和网页资源,旨在及时向您传递我们的科研家的最新突破成果。