Microplate assays for cell signaling and lipids

Lipases and inorganic phosphates are critical in many signaling pathways, from mTOR to GPCRs where they are involved in disease states ranging from cardiovascular to inflammation and cancer.

Measuring phosphates and phosphatase activity in solution is fundamental to an understanding of cellular dynamics in multiple models. We offer a series of sensitive assays with fluorescent readout to address a diverse assortment of analytes.

Explore our portfolio of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use plate readers


The Amplex Red Cholesterol Assay Kit provides a sensitive, rapid, and simple fluorometric method for detecting very low concentrations of cholesterol using a fluorescence microplate reader or fluorometer. The assay measures both free cholesterol and cholesteryl esters and allows for multiple time point measurements.

Assays for Phosphate and Pyrophosphate

PiPer Kits provide ultra-sensitive one-step methods for the detection of free phosphate or pyrophosphate in solution. The kits can be used with a variety of sample types to measure the kinetics of phosphate or pyrophosphate release by enzymes including ATPases, GTPases, protein phosphatases and kinases. Signal is reported using an enzyme-coupled reaction with Amplex® Red.

Phosphatase Assays

EnzCheck Assay Kits are designed to detect low levels of phosphatase activity in purified or complex systems.  They are offered as reagents with buffers and controls or pre-dispensed into 96-well or 384-well microplates.  Enzyme selectivity is achieved by using the inhibitors included in the kit.

Phospholipase Assays

Amplex Red Phospholipase Kits offer a sensitive method for continuously monitoring phospholipase activity in vitro using a fluorescence microplate reader. The Amplex Red reagent generates a highly fluorescent signal using an enzyme-coupled reaction for exquisite sensitivity.

Amplex Red Cholesterol Assay Kit
Detection of cholesterol using the Amplex Red Cholesterol Assay Kit. Each reaction contained 150 µM Amplex Red reagent, 1 U/mL HRP, 1 U/mL cholesterol oxidase, 1 U/mL cholesterol esterase, and the indicated amount of cholesterol in 1X reaction buffer. Reactions were incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes. Fluorescence was measured with a fluorescence microplate reader using excitation at 560 ± 10 nm and fluorescence detection at 590 ± 10 nm. The inset shows the high sensitivity and excellent linearity of the assay at low levels of cholesterol (0–0.015 µg/mL).

Selection guides
 Amplex Red Cholesterol Assay Kit
ReporterAmplex Red reagent
Ex/Em (nm)571/585
Live cellNo
Purified enzymeYes
UsageLower detection limit 200 nM
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controls
Format500 assays using 200 µL reaction volume
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, load into wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, load into wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution to wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence.
Cat. No.A12216
 PiPer Phosphate Assay KitPiPer Pyrophosphate Assay Kit
ReporterAmplex Red reagentAmplex Red reagent
Ex/Em (nm)571/585571/585
Live cellNoNo
Purified enzymeYesYes
UsageLower detection limit 0.2 µM phosphateLower detection limit 0.4 µM pyrophosphate
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controlsIncludes assay buffers and controls
Format1,000 assays using 100 µL reaction volume1,000 assays using 100 µL reaction volume
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, load into wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, load into wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution assay wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence
Cat. No.P22061P22062
 EnzChek Phosphatase Assay KitRediPlate 96 EnzChek Serine/Threonine Phosphatase Assay KitRediPlate 96 EnzChek Tyrosine Phosphatase Assay Kit
TargetAcid phosphataseSerine/Threonine phosphataseTyrosine phosphatase
Ex/Em (nm)358/455358/455358/455
Live cellNoNoNo
Purified enzymeYesYesYes
Usage~2 µM Pi (~0.2 µg/mL)~2 µM Pi (~0.2 µg/mL)~2 µM Pi (~0.2 µg/mL)
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controlsIncludes assay buffers, reference standards and inhibitors ensuring activity only from Ser/Thr phosphatase are monitoredIncludes assay buffers, reference standards and inhibitors ensuring activity only from tyrosine phosphatases are monitored
Format1,000 assays using 100 µL reaction volume96 assays pre-dispensed into microplate wells
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare the DiFMUP substrate, add to wells.
  2. Add the samples and controls to wells.
  3. Incubate the samples.
  4. Measure fluorescence.
  5. Determine the phosphatase activity using the standard curve.
  1. Optimize reaction buffer by adding appropriate additive(s).
  2. Rehydrate substrate and reference standards.
  3. Add samples to assay wells.
  4. Incubate.
  5. Measure fluorescence.
  6. Determine the serine/threonine phosphatase activity using standard curve
Cat. No.E12020R33700R22067
 Amplex Red Phosphatidylcholine-Specific Phospholipase C Assay KitAmplex Red Phospholipase D Assay Kit
TargetPhospholipase CPhospholipase D
ReporterAmplex RedAmplex Red
Ex/Em (nm)571/585571/585
Live cellNoNo
Purified enzymeYesYes
UsageLower detection limit 2 x 10–4 U/mLLower detection limit 1 x 10–2 U/mL
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controlsIncludes assay buffers and controls
Format500 assays using 200 µL reaction volume500 assays using 200 µL reaction volume
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, add to wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, add to wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution to wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence.
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, add to wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, add to wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution to wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence.
Cat. No.A12218A12219
 Amplex Red Cholesterol Assay Kit
ReporterAmplex Red reagent
Ex/Em (nm)571/585
Live cellNo
Purified enzymeYes
UsageLower detection limit 200 nM
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controls
Format500 assays using 200 µL reaction volume
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, load into wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, load into wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution to wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence.
Cat. No.A12216
 PiPer Phosphate Assay KitPiPer Pyrophosphate Assay Kit
ReporterAmplex Red reagentAmplex Red reagent
Ex/Em (nm)571/585571/585
Live cellNoNo
Purified enzymeYesYes
UsageLower detection limit 0.2 µM phosphateLower detection limit 0.4 µM pyrophosphate
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controlsIncludes assay buffers and controls
Format1,000 assays using 100 µL reaction volume1,000 assays using 100 µL reaction volume
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, load into wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, load into wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution assay wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence
Cat. No.P22061P22062
 EnzChek Phosphatase Assay KitRediPlate 96 EnzChek Serine/Threonine Phosphatase Assay KitRediPlate 96 EnzChek Tyrosine Phosphatase Assay Kit
TargetAcid phosphataseSerine/Threonine phosphataseTyrosine phosphatase
Ex/Em (nm)358/455358/455358/455
Live cellNoNoNo
Purified enzymeYesYesYes
Usage~2 µM Pi (~0.2 µg/mL)~2 µM Pi (~0.2 µg/mL)~2 µM Pi (~0.2 µg/mL)
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controlsIncludes assay buffers, reference standards and inhibitors ensuring activity only from Ser/Thr phosphatase are monitoredIncludes assay buffers, reference standards and inhibitors ensuring activity only from tyrosine phosphatases are monitored
Format1,000 assays using 100 µL reaction volume96 assays pre-dispensed into microplate wells
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare the DiFMUP substrate, add to wells.
  2. Add the samples and controls to wells.
  3. Incubate the samples.
  4. Measure fluorescence.
  5. Determine the phosphatase activity using the standard curve.
  1. Optimize reaction buffer by adding appropriate additive(s).
  2. Rehydrate substrate and reference standards.
  3. Add samples to assay wells.
  4. Incubate.
  5. Measure fluorescence.
  6. Determine the serine/threonine phosphatase activity using standard curve
Cat. No.E12020R33700R22067
 Amplex Red Phosphatidylcholine-Specific Phospholipase C Assay KitAmplex Red Phospholipase D Assay Kit
TargetPhospholipase CPhospholipase D
ReporterAmplex RedAmplex Red
Ex/Em (nm)571/585571/585
Live cellNoNo
Purified enzymeYesYes
UsageLower detection limit 2 x 10–4 U/mLLower detection limit 1 x 10–2 U/mL
ComponentsIncludes assay buffers and controlsIncludes assay buffers and controls
Format500 assays using 200 µL reaction volume500 assays using 200 µL reaction volume
Protocol outline
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, add to wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, add to wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution to wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence.
  1. Prepare standard curve samples, add to wells.
  2. Dilute experimental samples in reaction buffer, add to wells.
  3. Prepare Amplex Red working solution.
  4. Add Amplex Red solution to wells.
  5. Incubate.
  6. Measure fluorescence.
Cat. No.A12218A12219
Thermo Scientific plate readers

使用 Thermo Scientific 微孔板读数仪进行荧光检测

使用 Invitrogen 荧光染料可在 Fluoroskan 或 Fluoroskan FL 荧光微孔板荧光分析仪或 Varioskan LUX 多功能酶标仪上快速对 96-1,536 份样品进行高灵敏度荧光检测,获得最佳检测效果。利用自动化动态范围功能为每个孔提供最佳的增益,并利用自动化功能获得更高的通量。

