Elevate your research capabilities with Nunclon Supra surface products

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Experience the next level of cell culturing with Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Culture-treated plastics and cultureware utilizing the revolutionary Nunclon Supra surface. Proven compatibility with over 40 cell lines and cell types, including those used in primary cell and cell therapy research applications, makes the Nunclon Supra surface a preferred choice for researchers. Our proprietary Nunclon Supra surface aims to simplify the process of working with complex cell lines and primary cells (e.g., HUVEC, HDFs) by enhancing cell yield and morphology, thereby facilitating primary cell expansion, isolation, and recovery beyond traditional cell culture surfaces.

What is Nunclon Supra?

Nunclon Supra stands apart with the unique plasma treatment used to achieve the surface. Utilizing exclusive low-pressure conditions, it alters the molecular structure of the surface, making it more hydrophilic. This transformation allows for improved adhesion of finnicky cell types and cell lines. Moreover, for human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs), it enables culture without the need for serum and extracellular matrix (ECM) coating, thereby reducing material cost and eliminating the tedious, time-consuming, and costly steps associated with applying ECM coatings.

The importance of xeno-free or serum-free culture

While fetal bovine serum and basal media products form the standard for most cell culture research, their use in translational research applications comes with the risk of xeno-immunity and zoonotic transmission for patients who receive MSC therapies. In such scenarios, xeno/serum-free media are the preferred substitutes. However, conventional culture treatments still require an ECM to facilitate cell attachment to the surface. ECMs, being rich in immunogenic molecules, can trigger various responses and impact the re-integration of the cells. With Nunclon Supra surface, you can navigate these challenges effortlessly by removing the need for ECM altogether.

See the data for Supra surface

Human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs)

Benefit from serum-free, coating-free culture on the Nunclon Supra surface

  • Allows xeno-free cell culture, excellent for cell therapy research applications with hMSCs
  • Easier and faster workflows, with no substrate coating needed prior to seeding
  • Improved reproducibility, by reducing the need for animal-derived serum or substrates

Primary cells and cell lines

Demonstrated advantages compared to most existing cell culture surfaces

  • Reduced time for adherence, allowing cells to start proliferating faster
  • Improved morphology, indicating healthier growing cells
  • Improved yield and confluency, promoting the growth of more cells in the same amount of culture time

Advancing mesenchymal stromal cell culturing with Nunclon Supra in cell therapy research

Watch our latest webinar to discover the myriad of research possibilities enabled by Nunclon Supra surfaces, particularly in enhancing the therapeutic potential of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). This webinar will guide you through the burgeoning field of cell therapy, delve into the scientific foundations of MSCs, and unveil pioneering techniques to culture these cells, setting the stage for transformative research.

Read our “how-to” application note on how to successfully create a xeno/serum-free culture of MSCs on Nunclon Supra

Learn how our R&D scientists leverage the Supra product line to effectively culture, grow, and differentiate three types of hMSCs in a xeno-free environment. This approach paves the way for GMP-compliant culturing, a game-changer in cell therapy.

Application Note: The Nunclon Supra surface treatment enables serum- and coating-free culturing of mesenchymal stromal cells

Neonatal Human dermal fibroblasts, (HDFn) performance on Nunclon Supra

Performing research on HDFn cells are proven to be more efficient and effective in comparison to commonly used tissue culture surfaces or the leading competitors. Figure 1 shows significantly improved confluency and cell yield on Supra surface.

Figure 1. An approximate 40% increase in cell confluency is observed for HDFn cells when using Nunclon Supra surfaces compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces (labeled “Supplier”). In addition, the improved cell viability observed with Supra surface compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces (labeled “Supplier”) enables a significant increase in cell yield in the HDFn cells tested.

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) performance on Nunclon Supra

HUVECs grown on Supra surfaces showed improved cell confluency and morphology compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces.

Figure 2. HUVEC cells exhibit increased confluency when using Nunclon Supra surface compared to Nunclon Delta surfaces. In addition, improved cell morphology is observed on the Supra surface compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces (labeled “Supplier”), with Supra surfaces enabling a significant increase in cell yield in the HUVEC cells tested.

Advancing mesenchymal stromal cell culturing with Nunclon Supra in cell therapy research

Watch our latest webinar to discover the myriad of research possibilities enabled by Nunclon Supra surfaces, particularly in enhancing the therapeutic potential of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). This webinar will guide you through the burgeoning field of cell therapy, delve into the scientific foundations of MSCs, and unveil pioneering techniques to culture these cells, setting the stage for transformative research.

Read our “how-to” application note on how to successfully create a xeno/serum-free culture of MSCs on Nunclon Supra

Learn how our R&D scientists leverage the Supra product line to effectively culture, grow, and differentiate three types of hMSCs in a xeno-free environment. This approach paves the way for GMP-compliant culturing, a game-changer in cell therapy.

Application Note: The Nunclon Supra surface treatment enables serum- and coating-free culturing of mesenchymal stromal cells

Neonatal Human dermal fibroblasts, (HDFn) performance on Nunclon Supra

Performing research on HDFn cells are proven to be more efficient and effective in comparison to commonly used tissue culture surfaces or the leading competitors. Figure 1 shows significantly improved confluency and cell yield on Supra surface.

Figure 1. An approximate 40% increase in cell confluency is observed for HDFn cells when using Nunclon Supra surfaces compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces (labeled “Supplier”). In addition, the improved cell viability observed with Supra surface compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces (labeled “Supplier”) enables a significant increase in cell yield in the HDFn cells tested.

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) performance on Nunclon Supra

HUVECs grown on Supra surfaces showed improved cell confluency and morphology compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces.

Figure 2. HUVEC cells exhibit increased confluency when using Nunclon Supra surface compared to Nunclon Delta surfaces. In addition, improved cell morphology is observed on the Supra surface compared to Nunclon Delta and competitor surfaces (labeled “Supplier”), with Supra surfaces enabling a significant increase in cell yield in the HUVEC cells tested.

To request samples of Supra surfaces or any other cultureware, contact your sales representative.


This Supra tissue-culture surface is offered across multiple formats for your adherent cell culture applications.

To request samples of Supra surfaces or any other cultureware, contact your sales representative.

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We are committed to delivering products that serve the research needs of our customers, while striving to develop them in a way that minimizes our use of natural resources and our impact on the environment.

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Disease modeling: Primary cells derived from patient samples can be used to create disease models, allowing researchers to study the underlying mechanisms of various diseases. These models provide valuable insights into disease progression, drug response, and potential therapeutic targets.

Regenerative medicine: Primary cells are used to study and develop regenerative therapies, such as stem cell-based treatments. By isolating and culturing primary cells with regenerative potential, researchers can investigate their differentiation capabilities, tissue repair mechanisms, and therapeutic applications for various conditions.

Cancer research: Primary cancer cells obtained from patient tumors allow researchers to study the characteristics and behavior of specific cancer types. These cells help in understanding tumor heterogeneity, drug resistance mechanisms, and identifying potential biomarkers for early diagnosis and targeted therapies.

Immunology research: Primary immune cells are critical in studying immune responses, immune cell interactions, and the development of immunotherapies. They enable researchers to investigate immune cell functions, cytokine production, and immune cell signaling pathways, contributing to advancements in vaccine development, autoimmune disease research, and cancer immunotherapy.

Stem cell research: Primary cells, including adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), are utilized in fundamental stem cell research. They help researchers understand stem cell biology, differentiation potential, and the mechanisms governing pluripotency. Primary stem cells also serve as a source for generating specialized cell types for various applications, such as tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Toxicology and environmental studies: Primary cells are employed to assess the toxicological effects of chemicals, pollutants, and environmental factors on human cells. They provide valuable data on cellular responses, genotoxicity, and cytotoxicity, aiding in risk assessment and regulatory decision-making.

Neuroscience research: Primary neurons and glial cells are used to study the development, function, and disorders of the nervous system. They enable researchers to investigate neuronal connectivity, synaptic plasticity, neurodegenerative diseases, and potential therapeutic interventions.

Regenerative medicine: Cell therapy cells, such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), are extensively researched for their regenerative capabilities. They have the potential to differentiate into various cell types and tissues, offering promising avenues for tissue repair and regeneration in conditions like cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and musculoskeletal injuries.

Immunotherapy: Cell therapy cells, particularly immune cells like T cells and natural killer (NK) cells, are used in immunotherapies. Researchers are investigating the use of these cells to enhance the body's immune response against cancer cells, infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders. Techniques like chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy and adoptive cell transfer are being explored to improve treatment outcomes.

Cell-based gene therapy: Cell therapy cells are being utilized in gene therapy approaches to treat genetic disorders. By introducing functional genes into patient-specific cells, researchers aim to correct genetic mutations and restore normal cellular function. This research area holds promise for conditions like inherited metabolic disorders, muscular dystrophies, and blood disorders.

Tissue engineering: Cell therapy cells play a crucial role in tissue engineering research, where cells are combined with biomaterials to create functional tissues or organs. Researchers are studying the use of cell therapy cells in the development of bioengineered organs, such as artificial skin, cardiac tissue, and liver constructs, with the goal of overcoming organ transplantation limitations.

Clinical trials: Cell therapy cells are being investigated in numerous clinical trials for various conditions, including neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. These trials aim to assess the safety, efficacy, and long-term effects of cell-based therapies in human patients.


Cell culture product selection guide
Find the most relevant cell culture surface and format for every step of your workflow.

Culture with Confidence using Gibco, Invitrogen and Nunc
Nunc cell culture plastics, Gibco media and FBS are a proven combination for happy cells—and happy scientists. Discover how these products are pairs for productivity and convenience, creating a data-based edge of the competition.

Find Nunc Cell Culture Plastics
Switch to Nunc cell culture–treated plastics with help of our cross-reference tool. Enter your supplier's product number (SKU) into the search field within the tool to find the Nunc equivalent or filter products by brand, category, and size.

Media Formulation Tool
Find the right Gibco media formulation for DMEM, DMEM/F-12, MEM, and RPMI-1640 media.
