Sequence specific proteases are utilized to cleave proteins into smaller fragments, or peptides. Trypsin is the protease of choice for protein digestion. However, separate or sequential digestion with alternative proteases, such as Glu-C, LysN, Lys-C, Asp-N or Chymotrypsin, can improve individual protein sequence coverage or generate unique peptide sequences for different MS applications. The Thermo Scientific Pierce Proteases are highly purified and modified for optimal protein digestion and validated for use in MS. The Thermo Scientific EasyPep Mini MS Sample Prep Kit provides pre-formulated reagents and a robust method for the preparation of high quality samples that are ready for MS analysis in less than 3 hours.

  • Comprehensive—broad range of proteases to accommodate a variety of digestion strategies
  • Convenient —complete in-gel and in-solution kits are available as well as standalone proteases in multiple pack sizes
  • Economical—bulk and custom packaging of some proteases provide more cost effective or optimized options
  • Validated—all proteases have been fully tested and processed samples have been analyzed using Thermo Scientific Mass Spectrometers

How to Use video for EasyPep Mini MS Sample Prep Kit

Use this rapid mass spec sample prep kit for protein extraction, digestion and peptide clean-up in 2-4 hours.

Choose the right protease for your application and cleavage site

 Pierce Trypsin Protease, MS GradePierce LysN Protease, MS GradePierce Trypsin/Lys-C Protease Mix, MS-GradeLysC Protease, MS Grade
SourcePorcine pancreatic extractsGrifola frondosaPorcine pancreatic extracts, Lysobacter enzymogenesLysobacter enzymogenes
Cleavage specificityCarboxyl side of arginine and lysine residuesAmino side of lysine residuesCarboxyl side of arginine and lysine residuesCarboxyl side of lysine residues
Modified?Yes, TPCK-treated and methylatedNoYes (trypsin); No (LysC)No
FormatsLyophilized or FrozenLyophilizedLyophilizedLyophilized
Standard packaging20 or 100 µg/vial20 µg/vial20 or 100 µg/vial20 or 100 µg/vial
 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 ChymotrypsinGlu-C Protease, MS GradeAsp-N Protease, MS Grade
SourceBovine pancreatic extractsStaphylococcus aureusPseudomonas fragi
Cleavage specificityCarboxyl side of tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and leucineCarboxyl side of glutamateAmino side of aspartate residues
Modified?Yes, TLCK-treatedNoNo
Standard packaging4 x 25 µg/vial10 µg/vial2 µg/vial
 Order nowOrder nowOrder now
 Pierce Trypsin Protease, MS GradePierce LysN Protease, MS GradePierce Trypsin/Lys-C Protease Mix, MS-GradeLysC Protease, MS Grade
SourcePorcine pancreatic extractsGrifola frondosaPorcine pancreatic extracts, Lysobacter enzymogenesLysobacter enzymogenes
Cleavage specificityCarboxyl side of arginine and lysine residuesAmino side of lysine residuesCarboxyl side of arginine and lysine residuesCarboxyl side of lysine residues
Modified?Yes, TPCK-treated and methylatedNoYes (trypsin); No (LysC)No
FormatsLyophilized or FrozenLyophilizedLyophilizedLyophilized
Standard packaging20 or 100 µg/vial20 µg/vial20 or 100 µg/vial20 or 100 µg/vial
 Order nowOrder nowOrder nowOrder now
 ChymotrypsinGlu-C Protease, MS GradeAsp-N Protease, MS Grade
SourceBovine pancreatic extractsStaphylococcus aureusPseudomonas fragi
Cleavage specificityCarboxyl side of tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and leucineCarboxyl side of glutamateAmino side of aspartate residues
Modified?Yes, TLCK-treatedNoNo
Standard packaging4 x 25 µg/vial10 µg/vial2 µg/vial
 Order nowOrder nowOrder now

Trypsin/Lys C Mix data

Quality of peptide samples achieved using Pierce trypsin/Lys-C mix

Quality of peptide samples achieved using Pierce Trypsin/Lys-C mix is as good as or better than protein samples prepared using another supplier’s trypsin/Lys-C mix.

In-gel or in-solution tryptic digestion?

The decision to perform in-solution or in-gel digestion is generally determined by the sample amount and/or its complexity.

In-solution digestion is recommended for small sample volumes with low to moderate complexity and is more amenable to high-throughput sample.

For highly complex samples, in-gel digestion has an inherent advantage because the SDS-PAGE workflow combines protein denaturation with separation, and provides a visual indication of the relative protein abundance in the sample,  although peptide recovery is reduced.

We offer complete kits for both in-gel and in-solution sample processing. 

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Src substrate cortactin25%10%30%
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Percent sequence coverage of selected proteins in an A549 cell lysate upon in-solution digestion with LysN protease or trypsin. The total (merged) sequence coverage represents the combined coverage of separate LysN and trypsin digestions followed by LC-MS/MS analysis with CID.
