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ActinGreen 488 ReadyProbes ReagentImagingCell structure
ActinRed 555 ReadyProbes ReagentImagingCell structure
alamarBlue Cell Viability Assays for microplatesMicroplateCell viability
BrdU labeling and detectionImagingCell proliferation
CellTrace CFSE Cell Proliferation KitFlow cytometryCell proliferation
CellTrace Far Red Cell Proliferation KitFlow cytometryCell proliferation
CellTrace Violet Cell Proliferation KitFlow cytometryCell proliferation
Click-iT EdU HCS assaysImagingCell proliferation
Click-iT EdU imaging kits ImagingCell proliferation
Click-iT Plus EdU imaging kitsImagingCell proliferation
Click-iT EdU flow cytometry assay kitsFlow cytometryCell proliferation
CyQUANT XTT Cell Viability AssayMicroplateCell viability
CyQUANT Direct Microplate Reagent for Cell ViabilityMicroplateCell viability
DAPI for fluorescence imagingImagingCell structure
DAPI for HCA instrumentsHigh content analysisCell structure
HCS CellMask StainsHigh content analysisCell structure
HCS LIVE/DEAD Green Kit using HCS NuclearMask Deep RedHigh content analysisCell viability
HCS LIVE/DEAD Green Kit using Hoechst 33342High content analysisCell viability
HCS Mitochondrial Health KitHigh content analysisCell viability
HCS NuclearMask Blue StainHigh content analysisCell structure
HCS NuclearMask Deep Red StainHigh content analysisCell structure
HCS NuclearMask Red StainHigh content analysisCell structure
Hoechst 33342 for HCA instrumentsHigh content analysisCell structure
Hoechst 33342 for imagingImagingCell structure
Image-iT DEAD Green KitImagingCell viability
LIVE BacLight Bacterial Gram Stain KitImagingCell viability
LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability KitImagingCell viability
LIVE/DEAD Cell Imaging Kit (488/570)ImagingCell viability
LIVE/DEAD Fixable Dead Cell StainsFlow cytometryCell viability
LIVE/DEAD Sperm Viability Kit for flow cytometryFlow cytometryCell viability
LIVE/DEAD Sperm Viability Kit for imagingImagingCell viability
LIVE/DEAD Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit for mammalian cellsImagingCell viability
LIVE/DEAD Violet Viability/Vitality KitFlow cytometryCell viability and cell vitality
LIVE/DEAD Yeast Viability KitImagingCell viability
NucBlue Fixed Cell ReadyProbes ReagentImagingCell structure
NucBlue Live ReadyProbes ReagentImagingCell structure
NucGreen Dead 488 ReadyProbes Reagent for fixed cells
ImagingCell structure
NucGreen Dead 488 ReadyProbes Reagent for viabilityImaging
Cell viability
NucRed Dead 647 ReadyProbes Reagent for fixed cellsImagingCell structure
NucRed Dead 647 ReadyProbes Reagent for viabilityImagingCell viability
NucRed Live 647 ReadyProbes ReagentImagingCell structure
PrestoBlue and CyQUANT Direct Confirmation AssayMicroplateCell viability
PrestoBlue Cell Viability Assays for microplatesMicroplateCell viability
ReadyProbes Cell Viability Imaging Kit, Blue/GreenImagingCell viability
ReadyProbes Cell Viability Imaging Kit, Blue/RedImagingCell viability
SYTO 59 Nuclear StainImagingCell structure
SYTO 82 Nuclear StainImagingCell structure
SYTOX Dead Cell StainsFlow cytometryCell viability
SYTOX Green Nucleic Acid StainImagingCell structure
TO-PRO-3 StainImagingCell structure
CyQUANT MTT Cell Viability AssayMicroplateCell viability
Annexin V Staining Protocol for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryCell vitality
BrdU Staining Protocol for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryCell proliferation
BrdU and EdU Double Staining ProtocolFlow cytometryCell proliferation
Cell Preparation for Flow Cytometry ProtocolsFlow cytometryCell proliferation
OneComp and UltraComp Compensation Beads Protocols for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryExperimental standards
Vybrant DyeCycle Violet StainFlow cytometryCell cycle
Vybrant DyeCycle Ruby StainFlow cytometryCell cycle
Pharmacological Induction of Apoptosis with CamptothecinFlow cytometry, imaging, high content analysis, microplateCell vitality
Staining Cells with eFluor Proliferation Dyes for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryCell proliferation
Red Blood Cell Lysis Protocols Using eBioscience Lysis BuffersFlow cytometryCell proliferation
Staining Cell Surface Targets for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryGeneral Ab staining
Staining Intracellular Antigens for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryGeneral Ab staining
Viability Staining Protocol for Flow CytometryFlow cytometryCell viability
Immunofluorescent Staining of Intracellular Antigens on Cultured CellsImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC Frozen Tissue—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC Frozen Tissue—Indirect Method (purified)ImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC Frozen Tissue—Indirect Method (biotin)ImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC FFPE Tissue Trypsin Digestion—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC FFPE Tissue Trypsin Digestion Antigen Retrieval—Indirect MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC FFPE Tissue Low pH Antigen Retrieval—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC FFPE Tissue Low pH Antigen Retrieval—Indirect MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC FFPE Tissue High pH Antigen Retrieval—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
IHC FFPE Tissue High pH Antigen Retrieval—Indirect MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
Immunohistochemical Staining of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded TissuesImagingGeneral Ab staining
Colorimetric FFPE—High pH Antigen RetrievalImagingGeneral Ab staining
Colorimetric FFPE—Low pH Antigen RetrievalImagingGeneral Ab staining
Colorimetric FFPE—Trypsin DigestionImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Formaldehyde Fixed Cells—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Formaldehyde Fixed Cells—Indirect MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Formaldehyde Fixed, Permeabilized Cells—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Formaldehyde Fixed, Permeabilized Cells—Indirect MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Methanol Fixed Cells—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Methanol Fixed Cells—Indirect MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
ICC Unfixed Cells—Direct MethodImagingGeneral Ab staining
Click-iT EdU and Click-iT Plus EdU for in vivo protocolImagingCell proliferation
F-actin labeling with fluorescent phalloidin protocolImagingCell structure
Functional mitochondrial staining with TMRM protocolImagingCell structure
Mounting coverslips protocolImagingGeneral Ab staining
Simple immunolabeling with primary and secondary antibodies protocolImagingGeneral Ab staining
Tyramide staining for tissue samplesImagingGeneral Ab staining
3D organoid stainingImagingGeneral Ab staining
ViewRNA tissue fluorescence assay protocolImagingGeneral Ab staining
ViewRNA tissue colorimetric assay protocolImagingGeneral Ab staining
