Genetic Analysis For All webinar series

Learn how genetic analysis techniques, including Sanger sequencing, next-generation sequencing, quantitative and digital PCR, and microarray analysis are being used by researchers to advance knowledge and innovations in challenging disease areas. Genetic solutions are being applied within multilple fields to address important research questions. The webinars listed below will introduce you to genetic technologies and applications that are advancing scientific research.

Oncology and cancer research
Cancer Genomics: What We Can Learn from Africa
Comparison of NGS-based RNA Sequencing Assays for the Detection of NTRK Gene Fusions
Development of a novel molecular MSI assay with an expanded panel and automated MSI status calling
Exploring the genetic landscape of solid tumors using whole-genome copy number analysis
Using miRNA and Gene Expression Profiling for Biomarker Discovery
Discovery and Verification of eQTLs Associated with Lung Adenocarcinoma
Strategies to Normalize Expression in Serum and Plasma
Detection of Low-Level Somatic Mutations in FFPE Samples Using Sanger Sequencing
Preclinical T cell immunotherapy strategies for overcoming immunosuppression in solid tumors
Performance assessment of RNA sequencing and expression arrays for transcriptome analysis in cancer research
The essential role of miRNA and mRNA in cancer development and progression
Transcriptomics to decipher the pathobiology of drug resistance and enable targeted therapeutics
Arrays or RNA-Seq? Choosing the right tool for the job
LncRNAs and breast cancer heterogeneity
Quantification of nevus- and melanoma-associated microRNAs from microdissected FFPE tissue samples
Defining early neoplasia in the human colon
Study of tumor heterogeneity on cfDNA from lung cancer samples using the QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR System
Infectious disease
Accurate, Rapid Typing of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome
Host Genetics with the new Axiom™ Human Genotyping SARS-CoV-2 Research Array
Infectious diseases accelerate allostatic load and biological aging
The human transcriptome measured in feces elucidates pathobiology & diagnosis of environmental enteric dysfunction
The Impact of Flexible Panel-Based Solutions for Pathogen Detection
What You’re Missing in Your Respiratory Pathogen Detection
Urinary Tract Pathogen Detection: Reducing Time to Result
Vaginal Microbiota Investigations
Enabling neurological disease research via DNA fragment analysis
Polygenic Risk Score analysis for Alzheimer's disease risk
Application of the TaqMan OpenArray Genotyping Platform to Pharmacogenetics
Immunology and immunotherapy
NGS-based immune cell repertoire analysis for human disease research
Advancements in Immunotherapy series
Reproductive health
Exon-level array: Bridging the gap between chromosomal microarray and next-generation sequencing
Unravel the exome odyssey: overcome the challenges of exon-level CNV detection
Human identification
Transforming the Forensic DNA Workflow: “In for a penny…in for a pound”
Finding the Right Tool for the Job: CE Tools that Improve Efficiency and Save Time
The Power of Rapid DNA Results
Implementation of Rapid DNA in Law Enforcement
Applied Biosystems RapidHIT ID System validation overview
Practical applications of mtDNA analysis in forensics using NGS
Policy and legislative considerations for NGS in the forensic laboratory
Interpreting Y-STR data for challenging casework and presenting the data in court
Adapting NGS for forensics is not a paradigm shift
An introduction to mitochondrial DNA sequencing by NGS technology
Accelerate your forensic DNA analyses with Ion Torrent  NGS automation
Inherited disease
Coming soon
Coming soon

Additional webinars & information

Cancer researchWebinarsTechnology
Real-time PCRVideosTechnology
Sequencing (Sanger and Next-generation)WebinarsTechnology
Animal HealthWebinarsTechnology

Scientist spotlights, blogs, and podcasts
