
Accurate, affordable
high-throughput sequencing

The Ion Proton™ System reduces the high cost and complexity of high-throughput sequencing, bringing it to your lab, on your budget and on your schedule.

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Ion Proton™ System designed for high-throughput
sequencing of exomes, transcriptomes and genomes
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Ion Torrent™ next-gen sequencing technology
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  • Affordable sequencing for all

The Ion Proton™ System has been designed with affordability in mind. The system combines semiconductor sequencing technology with biochemistry to directly translate chemical information into digital data. This eliminates the need for expensive optics and complex sequencing chemistries, resulting in a sequencing system that is highly-affordable to own and operate.

  • Scalable, flexible throughput

Chip-based semiconductor sequencing enables you to scale your runs to your research needs. The Ion PI™ Chip provides you with 40–80 M reads, enabling you to sequence 1–3 human exomes or 1–8 human transcriptomes per run.

  • Fast, simple workflows

1Construct library

Ion Torrent™ library kits deliver simple, high-performance library solutions for exome, transcriptome, and genome sequencing that are optimized for use with Ion semiconductor sequencing systems.

2Prepare template

The Ion Chef™ System* will provide high-throughput automated template preparation and chip loading for users of all expertise. Lower-throughput users can choose the Ion OneTouch™ 2 System, available now, for fully automated template preparation.

3Run sequence

The Proton™ System is ideal for sequencing transcriptomes and exomes. The sequencing run time is only 4 hours, enabling the entire workflow from library to primary data analysis results in under 24 hours. Torrent Suite™ Software offers simple run setup using predesigned workflows and run monitoring in real-time.

4Analyze data

Integrate, annotate and interpret your DNA variants faster and more easily using Ion Reporter™ Software, available in the cloud or on a local server.


The Ion Proton™ System offers a complete workflow from sample through analysis, and variant calling or RNA analysis. It is used with the Ion Chef™ System* to enable automated, high-throughput template preparation and reproducible chip loading for users of any experience level. Built for speed, the Ion Proton™ System provides sequencing run times from 2–4 hours on the Ion PI™ Chip, taking you from DNA to variants in a single day. It is equipped with Ion Reporter™ Software, providing integrated tools for tertiary data analysis for DNA variation analysis across single, paired, or trio research samples.

Featured Customer Stories

From exome sequencing to RNA-Seq, scientists all over the world are excited about the results that they see with the Ion Proton™ System. Hear from our featured customers how the Ion Proton™ System has advanced research in their labs.

View Feautured Customer Stories >


Current citations for the Ion Proton™ System

Fast time-to-results means researchers can publish their research more rapidly. In just one year’s time several journal articles have been published using data captured on an Ion Proton™ System.

Ideal for exome sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing, the Ion Proton™ System supports a range of high-throughput sequencing applications. Learn how you can expand your research capabilities with the power of the Ion Proton™ System.

Our service plans help keep you up and running. With service and support that spans the sequencing workflow from sample prep through validation, our service plans give you peace of mind wherever your research takes you.

  •  Professional installation
  •  Premium training package conducted by field scientists
  •  Worldwide application, technical, and field-training support

services and support
†Availability limited in some geographic areas

We also offer bioinformatics services to help you harness the power of Ion Torrent™ Technology. 

  • Affordable sequencing for all

The Ion Proton™ System has been designed with affordability in mind. The system combines semiconductor sequencing technology with biochemistry to directly translate chemical information into digital data. This eliminates the need for expensive optics and complex sequencing chemistries, resulting in a sequencing system that is highly-affordable to own and operate.

  • Scalable, flexible throughput

Chip-based semiconductor sequencing enables you to scale your runs to your research needs. The Ion PI™ Chip provides you with 40–80 M reads, enabling you to sequence 1–3 human exomes or 1–8 human transcriptomes per run.

  • Fast, simple workflows

1Construct library

Ion Torrent™ library kits deliver simple, high-performance library solutions for exome, transcriptome, and genome sequencing that are optimized for use with Ion semiconductor sequencing systems.

2Prepare template

The Ion Chef™ System* will provide high-throughput automated template preparation and chip loading for users of all expertise. Lower-throughput users can choose the Ion OneTouch™ 2 System, available now, for fully automated template preparation.

3Run sequence

The Proton™ System is ideal for sequencing transcriptomes and exomes. The sequencing run time is only 4 hours, enabling the entire workflow from library to primary data analysis results in under 24 hours. Torrent Suite™ Software offers simple run setup using predesigned workflows and run monitoring in real-time.

4Analyze data

Integrate, annotate and interpret your DNA variants faster and more easily using Ion Reporter™ Software, available in the cloud or on a local server.


The Ion Proton™ System offers a complete workflow from sample through analysis, and variant calling or RNA analysis. It is used with the Ion Chef™ System* to enable automated, high-throughput template preparation and reproducible chip loading for users of any experience level. Built for speed, the Ion Proton™ System provides sequencing run times from 2–4 hours on the Ion PI™ Chip, taking you from DNA to variants in a single day. It is equipped with Ion Reporter™ Software, providing integrated tools for tertiary data analysis for DNA variation analysis across single, paired, or trio research samples.

Featured Customer Stories

From exome sequencing to RNA-Seq, scientists all over the world are excited about the results that they see with the Ion Proton™ System. Hear from our featured customers how the Ion Proton™ System has advanced research in their labs.

View Feautured Customer Stories >


Current citations for the Ion Proton™ System

Fast time-to-results means researchers can publish their research more rapidly. In just one year’s time several journal articles have been published using data captured on an Ion Proton™ System.

Ideal for exome sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing, the Ion Proton™ System supports a range of high-throughput sequencing applications. Learn how you can expand your research capabilities with the power of the Ion Proton™ System.

Our service plans help keep you up and running. With service and support that spans the sequencing workflow from sample prep through validation, our service plans give you peace of mind wherever your research takes you.

  •  Professional installation
  •  Premium training package conducted by field scientists
  •  Worldwide application, technical, and field-training support

services and support
†Availability limited in some geographic areas

We also offer bioinformatics services to help you harness the power of Ion Torrent™ Technology. 


PGM™ for genes. Proton™ for genomes.
Learn more about Ion Torrent™ applications.

Products & Services

Learn more and order Ion Torrent™ sequencers, chips, reagents, and accessories.


Learn how Ion Torrent™ semiconductor sequencing technology is transforming the life sciences.


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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.