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Plasma focused ion beam instrument

Helios 5 Plasma FIB DualBeam FiB SEM Microscope

The Thermo Scientific Helios 5 Plasma FIB (PFIB) DualBeam (focused ion beam scanning electron microscope, or FIB-SEM) delivers unmatched capabilities for materials science and semiconductor applications. For materials science researchers, the Helios 5 PFIB DualBeam provides large-volume 3D characterization, gallium-free sample preparation, and precise micromachining. For manufacturers of semiconductor devices, advanced packaging technology, and display devices, the Helios 5 PFIB DualBeam delivers damage-free, large-area de-processing, fast sample preparation, and high-fidelity failure analysis.

Key Features

Gallium-free STEM and TEM sample preparation

High-quality, gallium-free TEM and APT sample preparation thanks to the new PFIB column enabling 500 V Xe+ final polishing and delivering superior performance at all operating conditions.

Advanced automation

Fastest and easiest, automated, multisite in situ and ex situ TEM sample preparation and cross-sectioning using optional AutoTEM 5 Software.

Next-generation 2.5 μA xenon plasma FIB column

High throughput and quality statistically relevant 3D characterization, cross-sectioning and micromachining using next generation 2.5 μA Xenon Plasma FIB column (PFIB).

Multi-modal subsurface and 3D information

Access high-quality, multi-modal subsurface and 3D information with precise targeting of the region of interest using optional Auto Slice & View 4 (AS&V4) Software.

Sub-nanometer performance at low energies

Reveal the finest details using best-in-class Elstar Electron Column with high-current UC+ monochromator technology, enabling sub-nanometer performance at low energies.

Complete sample information

The most complete sample information with sharp, refined, and charge-free contrast obtained from up to six integrated in-column and below-the-lens detectors.

Advanced capabilities

Most advanced capabilities for electron and ion beam induced deposition and etching on FIB/SEM systems with optional Thermo Scientific MultiChem or GIS Gas Delivery Systems.

Artifact-free imaging

Artifact-free imaging based on integrated sample cleanliness management and dedicated imaging modes such as SmartScan™ and DCFI Modes.

Short time to nanoscale information

Shortest time to nanoscale information for users with any experience level with SmartAlign and FLASH technologies.

Precise sample navigation

Precise sample navigation tailored to individual application needs thanks to the high stability and accuracy of 150 mm Piezo stage and optional in-chamber Nav-Cam.

Semiconductor device deprocessing

The combination of Dx chemistry and the plasma FIB beam provides a unique, site-specific, deprocessing and failure analysis workflow for advanced logic, 3D NAND, and DRAM.

High-speed, large-area cross-sectioning

The next-generation 2.5 μA xenon PFIB column provides high-throughput, high-quality, statistically relevant 3D characterization, cross-sectioning, and micromachining.

TEM sample preparation

Perform high-quality, single layer planar and cross-sectional, top-down, and inverted TEM sample preparation by combining PFIB deprocessing and Thermo Scientific guided workflows.

Sub-nanometer, low-energy SEM performance

Reveal the finest details using the best-in-class Elstar Electron Column with high-current UC+ monochromator technology, enabling sub-nanometer performance at low energies.

Advanced automation

Carry out automated deprocessing with end pointing. SmartAlign and FLASH technologies make for a short time to nanoscale information for users with any experience level.

Complete sample information

Obtain the most complete sample information with sharp, refined, and charge-free contrast from up to six integrated in-column and below-the-lens detectors.

Artifact-free imaging

Obtain artifact-free imaging with in situ auto rocking polish and dedicated imaging modes such as SmartScan and DCFI modes.

Precise sample navigation

Experience precise sample navigation tailored to individual application needs from the flexible 5-axis motorized stage configuration and ultra-high-resolution stage options.

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 Helios 5 PFIB CXe DualBeamHelios 5 PFIB UXe DualBeam
Electron optics
  • Elstar extreme high-resolution field emission SEM column with:
    • Immersion magnetic objective lens
    • High-stability Schottky field emission gun to provide stable high-resolution analytical currents
    • UC+ monochromator technology
Electron beam resolution
  • At optimum working distance (WD):
    • 0.7 nm at 1 kV
    • 1.0 nm at 500 V (ICD) 
  • At coincident point:
    • 0.6 nm at 15 kV
    • 1.2 nm at 1 kV
Electron beam parameter space
  • Electron beam current range: 0.8 pA to 100 nA
  • Accelerating voltage range: 200 V – 30 kV
  • Landing energy range: 20* eV – 30 keV
  • Maximum horizontal field width: 2.3 mm at 4 mm WD
Ion optics
  • High performance PFIB column with Inductively Coupled Xe+ Plasma (ICP)
    • Ion beam current range: 1.5 pA to 2.5 µA
    • Accelerating voltage range: 500 V - 30 kV
    • Maximum horizontal field width: 0.9mm at beam coincidence point 
  • Ion beam resolution at coincident point
    • <20 nm at 30 kV using preferred statistical method
    • <10 nm at 30 kV using selective edge method
  • Elstar in-lens SE/BSE detector (TLD-SE, TLD-BSE)
  • Elstar in-column SE/BSE detector (ICD)*
  • Everhart-Thornley SE detector (ETD)
  • IR camera for viewing sample/column
  • High-performance ion conversion and electron (ICE) detector for secondary ions (SI) and electrons (SE)
  • In-chamber Nav-Cam sample navigation camera*
  • Retractable low voltage, high contrast directional solid-state backscatter electron detector (DBS)*
  • Integrated beam current measurement
Stage and sample

Flexible 5-axis motorized stage:

  • XY range: 110 mm
  • Z range: 65 mm
  • Rotation: 360° (endless)
  • Tilt range: -38° to +90°
  • XY repeatability: 3 μm
  • Max sample height: Clearance 85 mm to eucentric point
  • Max sample weight at 0° tilt: 5 kg (including sample holder)
  • Max sample size: 110 mm with full rotation (larger samples possible with limited rotation)
  • Compucentric rotation and tilt

High-precision, 5-axis motorized stage with XYR axis, piezo-driven

  • XY range: 150 mm
  • Z range: 10 mm
  • Rotation: 360° (endless)
  • Tilt range: -38° to +60°
  • XY repeatability: 1 μm
  • Max sample height: Clearance 55 mm to eucentric point
  • Max sample weight at 0° tilt: 500 g (including sample holder)
  • Max sample size: 150 mm with full rotation (larger samples possible with limited rotation)
  • Compucentric rotation and tilt

*Available as an option, configuration dependent

 Helios 5 PFIB CXe DualBeamHelios 5 PFIB UXe DualBeamHelios 5 PFIB HXe DualBeam
ApplicationAdvanced packaging and display R&D and failure analysisAdvanced memory failure analysisAdvanced logic failure analysis
Electron optics
  • Elstar extreme high-resolution field emission SEM column with:
    • Immersion magnetic objective lens
    • High-stability Schottky field emission gun to provide stable high-resolution analytical currents
    • UC+ monochromator technology
Electron beam resolution
  • At working distance (WD):
    • 0.7 nm at 1 kV
    • 1.2 nm at 1 kV
  • At coincident point:
  • 0.6 nm at 15 kV
  • UC+ monochromator technology
Ion optics
  • High performance PFIB column with Inductively Coupled Xe+ Plasma (ICP)
    • Ion beam current range: 1.5 pA to 2.5 µA
    • Accelerating voltage range: 500 V - 30 kV
    • Maximum horizontal field width: 0.9mm at beam coincidence point 
  • Ion beam resolution at coincident point
    • <20 nm at 30 kV using preferred statistical method
    • <10 nm at 30 kV using selective edge method
Stage and sample

Flexible 5-axis motorized stage:

  • XY range: 110 mm
  • Z range: 65 mm
  • Rotation: 360° (endless)
  • Tilt range: -38° to +90°
  • XY repeatability: 3 μm
  • Max sample height: Clearance 85 mm to eucentric point
  • Max sample weight at 0° tilt: 5 kg (including sample holder)
  • Max sample size: 110 mm with full rotation (larger samples possible with limited rotation)
  • Compucentric rotation and tilt
  • Thermo Scientific QuickLoader Load Lock option

High-precision, 5-axis motorized stage with XYR axis, piezo-driven

  • XY range: 150 mm
  • Z range: 10 mm
  • Rotation: 360° (endless)
  • Tilt range: -38° to +60°
  • XY repeatability: 1 μm
  • Max sample height: Clearance 55 mm to eucentric point
  • Max sample weight at 0° tilt: 500 g (including sample holder)
  • Max sample size: 150 mm with full rotation (larger samples possible with limited rotation)
  • Compucentric rotation and tilt
  • Automated Loadlock option
  • Thermo Scientific QuickLoader Load Lock option

5-axis, all-Piezo-driven UHR stage

  • XY range: 100 mm
  • Automated Loadlock option
  • Max sample size: 70 mm diameter with full travel
  • Sample types: wafer pieces, packaged parts, TEM grids, wholes wafers up to 100 mm
  • NavCam+ Camera

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3D EBSD reconstruction of Zircalloy sample.
3D EBSD reconstruction of zircalloy sample (250 x 250 x 220 µm³) produced with he Helios G4 PFIB DualBeam, AS&V4 Software, and Thermo Scientific Avizo Software.
Cross section for scratch testing and adhesion in paint coatings.
500 μm wide cross section for scratch testing and adhesion in paint coatings.
Thermo Fisher Scientific PFA Demo Days

Thermo Fisher Scientific PFA Demo Days

To support semiconductor manufacturing needs, Thermo Fisher Scientific continues to bring new capabilities to our industry-leading failure analysis, metrology and characterization solutions.

In our Thermo Fisher Scientific PFA Demo Days, we showcase our latest innovations for sample preparation and FinFET logic circuit delayering.

View on-demand

Advanced DualBeam automation for every need

Register for our exclusive webinar to learn how easy it has become to automate daily routine tasks on your DualBeam instrument using our Python-based AutoScript 4 API. Automation can also increase throughput, reproducibility and ease of use, quicken time to data and boost efficiency.

Register to watch

The Thermo Scientific Helios DualBeam

Interview - Laser PFIB use case from Manchester University

Interview - Laser PFIB use case from ScopeM

3D EBSD reconstruction of Zircalloy sample.
3D EBSD reconstruction of zircalloy sample (250 x 250 x 220 µm³) produced with he Helios G4 PFIB DualBeam, AS&V4 Software, and Thermo Scientific Avizo Software.
Cross section for scratch testing and adhesion in paint coatings.
500 μm wide cross section for scratch testing and adhesion in paint coatings.
Thermo Fisher Scientific PFA Demo Days

Thermo Fisher Scientific PFA Demo Days

To support semiconductor manufacturing needs, Thermo Fisher Scientific continues to bring new capabilities to our industry-leading failure analysis, metrology and characterization solutions.

In our Thermo Fisher Scientific PFA Demo Days, we showcase our latest innovations for sample preparation and FinFET logic circuit delayering.

View on-demand

Advanced DualBeam automation for every need

Register for our exclusive webinar to learn how easy it has become to automate daily routine tasks on your DualBeam instrument using our Python-based AutoScript 4 API. Automation can also increase throughput, reproducibility and ease of use, quicken time to data and boost efficiency.

Register to watch

The Thermo Scientific Helios DualBeam

Interview - Laser PFIB use case from Manchester University

Interview - Laser PFIB use case from ScopeM


Fundamental Materials Research_R&amp;D_Thumb_274x180_144DPI

Fundamental Materials Research

Novel materials are investigated at increasingly smaller scales for maximum control of their physical and chemical properties. Electron microscopy provides researchers with key insight into a wide variety of material characteristics at the micro- to nano-scale.


Process control using electron microscopy

Process control using electron microscopy

Modern industry demands high throughput with superior quality, a balance that is maintained through robust process control. SEM and TEM tools with dedicated automation software provide rapid, multi-scale information for process monitoring and improvement.


Quality control and failure analysis using electron microscopy

Quality control and failure analysis

Quality control and assurance are essential in modern industry. We offer a range of EM and spectroscopy tools for multi-scale and multi-modal analysis of defects, allowing you to make reliable and informed decisions for process control and improvement.

Semiconductor Device Packaging

Semiconductor Device Packaging

Advanced semiconductor device packaging requires new integration approaches and innovation in performance, power efficiency, area, and cost. See how Thermo Scientific failure analysis workflows provide fast, precise, and accurate time-to-data for device packaging development.

Semiconductor Failure Analysis

Semiconductor Failure Analysis

Increasingly complex semiconductor device structures result in more places for failure-inducing defects to hide. Our next-generation workflows help you localize and characterize subtle electrical issues that affect yield, performance, and reliability.


Physical and Chemical Characterization

Ongoing consumer demand drives the creation of smaller, faster, and cheaper electronic devices. Their production relies on high-productivity instruments and workflows that image, analyze, and characterize a broad range of semiconductor and display devices.

Power Semiconductor Device Analysis

Power Semiconductor Device Analysis

Power devices pose unique challenges for localizing faults, primarily as a result of power device architecture and layout. Our power device analysis tools and workflows quickly pinpoint fault locations at operating conditions and provide precise, high-throughput analysis for characterization of materials, interfaces and device structures.


Semiconductor Pathfinding and Research

Advanced electron microscopy, focused ion beam, and associated analytical techniques for identifying viable solutions and design methods for the fabrication of high-performance semiconductor devices.

Display Module Failure Analysis

Display Module Failure Analysis

Evolving display technologies aim to improve display quality and light conversion efficiency to support applications in different industry sectors, while continuing to reduce production costs. Our process metrology, failure analysis and research and development solutions help display companies solve these challenges.


(S)TEM Sample Preparation

DualBeam microscopes enable the preparation of high-quality, ultra-thin samples for (S)TEM analysis. Thanks to advanced automation, users with any experience level can obtain expert-level results for a wide range of materials.

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APT Sample Preparation

Atom probe tomography (APT) provides atomic-resolution 3D compositional analysis of materials. Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy is an essential technique for high-quality, orientation, and site-specific sample preparation for APT characterization.

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In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

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Multi-scale analysis

Novel materials must be analyzed at ever higher resolution while retaining the larger context of the sample. Multi-scale analysis allows for the correlation of various imaging tools and modalities such as X-ray microCT, DualBeam, Laser PFIB, SEM and TEM.

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3D Materials Characterization

Development of materials often requires multi-scale 3D characterization. DualBeam instruments enable serial sectioning of large volumes and subsequent SEM imaging at nanometer scale, which can be processed into high-quality 3D reconstructions of the sample.

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Cross sectioning provides extra insight by revealing sub-surface information. DualBeam instruments feature superior focused ion beam columns for high-quality cross sectioning. With automation, unattended high-throughput processing of samples is possible.

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Semiconductor Laser Ablation

Laser ablation provides high-throughput milling of semiconductor devices for imaging and analysis with electron microscopy, while still preserving sample integrity. Access large-volume 3D data and optimize milling conditions to best suit your sample type.

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As device complexity increases, so does the number of places defects have to hide. Nanoprobing provides the precise localization of electrical faults, which is critical for an effective transmission electron microscopy failure analysis workflow.

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Device Delayering

Shrinking feature size, along with advanced design and architecture, results in increasingly challenging failure analysis for semiconductors. Damage-free delayering of devices is a critical technique for the detection of buried electrical faults and failures.

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(S)TEM Sample Preparation

DualBeam microscopes enable the preparation of high-quality, ultra-thin samples for (S)TEM analysis. Thanks to advanced automation, users with any experience level can obtain expert-level results for a wide range of materials.

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APT Sample Preparation

Atom probe tomography (APT) provides atomic-resolution 3D compositional analysis of materials. Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy is an essential technique for high-quality, orientation, and site-specific sample preparation for APT characterization.

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In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

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Multi-scale analysis

Novel materials must be analyzed at ever higher resolution while retaining the larger context of the sample. Multi-scale analysis allows for the correlation of various imaging tools and modalities such as X-ray microCT, DualBeam, Laser PFIB, SEM and TEM.

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3D Materials Characterization

Development of materials often requires multi-scale 3D characterization. DualBeam instruments enable serial sectioning of large volumes and subsequent SEM imaging at nanometer scale, which can be processed into high-quality 3D reconstructions of the sample.

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Cross sectioning provides extra insight by revealing sub-surface information. DualBeam instruments feature superior focused ion beam columns for high-quality cross sectioning. With automation, unattended high-throughput processing of samples is possible.

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Semiconductor Laser Ablation

Laser ablation provides high-throughput milling of semiconductor devices for imaging and analysis with electron microscopy, while still preserving sample integrity. Access large-volume 3D data and optimize milling conditions to best suit your sample type.

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As device complexity increases, so does the number of places defects have to hide. Nanoprobing provides the precise localization of electrical faults, which is critical for an effective transmission electron microscopy failure analysis workflow.

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Device Delayering

Shrinking feature size, along with advanced design and architecture, results in increasingly challenging failure analysis for semiconductors. Damage-free delayering of devices is a critical technique for the detection of buried electrical faults and failures.

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Contact us

Electron microscopy services

To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.

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