Regularly upgrading your transmission electron microscope (TEM) allows you to expand the range of applications that your instrument can accommodate and helps you use your instrument in the most effective and productive way possible, maintaining your competitive edge. Investing in upgrades assures that your TEM will continue to serve your changing application needs for years to come.

Talos transmission electron microscopes upgrades

Talos TEM upgrade features

Key benefits of TEM software upgrades (Windows 10)

  • Latest Thermo Scientific Velox Software for TEM image analysis
  • Align Genie automated tuning software
  • Faster performance on TEM server with new workstation
  • TEM IT infrastructure suited to latest updates
  • Improved Cybersecurity and Integration to MS OneDrive

Additional upgrades for Talos transmission electron microscopes upgrades

Panther STEM Electron Detection
  • Ideal solution to image beam-sensitive materials
  • High signal-to-noise ratio, reducing the image distortion
Automated (nano) Particle Workflow (APW)
  • Highly automated workflow from image acquisition to data analysis
  • Run your TEM 24/7 unattended and make the most of overnight or weekend microscope usage
AutoScript: Python Scripting environment
  • Powerful Python scripting (API) for TEM, allowing repetitive work to be done faster, more accurately, and with fewer mistakes
Correlative Electron Microscopy Software: MAPS
  • Completely automated solution for generating high-quality, multi-scale image of large overview while preserving the context of observations
  • Correlation of images from different microscopes, including imported images from third-party instruments using the integrated Bio-Formats Library
4D-STEM (Scanning transmission electron microscopy)
  • Thermo Scientific EMPAD Detector for 4D STEM application, enabling detailed access to information on strain, orientation, and electric or magnetic fields (center of mass analysis)
  • Optimum integration on Talos TEM platforms without loss of performance on dedicated mounting port
Thermo Scientific Ceta-S Camera
  • High-speed, high-sensitivity imaging solution for beam-sensitive materials
  • Dynamic movie recording of in situ experiments
  • Enables easier and more accurate quantitative operation with faster time-to-data
Micro-electron diffraction (MicroED) package
  • Complete solution for fast, high-resolution 3D structure determination
  • Typical applications include medicinal chemistry, catalyst research, and metal-organic frameworks (MOF)
Differential phase contrast/integrated differential phase contrast (DPC/iDPC) STEM
  • The iDPC STEM method exposes low-Z elements with bright contrast and dark backgrounds
  • iDPC-STEM images have a higher signal-to-noise ratio, providing the possibility of low-dose imaging, which is crucial for beam-sensitive materials and charging samples
Talos Guru App
  • Quickly train new users within days instead of weeks
  • Receive guidance for infrequently used techniques
  • Get help with complex sample orientation and alignment

Themis transmission electron microscopes upgrades

Themis TEM Upgrade Features

Key benefits of TEM software upgrades (Windows 10)

  • Latest Thermo Scientific Velox Software for TEM image analysis
  • Faster performance on TEM server with new workstation
  • TEM IT infrastructure suited to latest updates
  • Improved Cybersecurity and Integration to MS OneDrive

Additional upgrades for Themis Transmission Electron Microscopes upgrades

Panther STEM Electron Detection
  • Ideal solution to image beam-sensitive materials
  • High signal-to-noise ratio, reducing the image distortion
Automated (nano) Particle Workflow (APW)
  • Highly automated workflow from image acquisition to data analysis
  • Run your TEM 24/7 unattended and make the most of overnight or weekend microscope usage
AutoScript: Python Scripting environment
  • Powerful Python scripting (API) for TEM, allowing repetitive work to be done faster, more accurately, and with fewer mistakes
Correlative Electron Microscopy Software: MAPS
  • Completely automated solution for generating high-quality, multi-scale image of large overview while preserving the context of observations
  • Correlation of images from different microscopes, including imported images from third-party instruments using the integrated Bio-Formats Library
4D-STEM (Scanning transmission electron microscopy)
  • Thermo Scientific EMPAD Detector for 4D STEM application, enabling detailed access to information on strain, orientation, and electric or magnetic fields (center of mass analysis)
  • Optimum integration on Talos TEM platforms without loss of performance on dedicated mounting port
Thermo Scientific Ceta-S Camera
  • High-speed, high-sensitivity imaging solution for beam-sensitive materials
  • Dynamic movie recording of in situ experiments
  • Enables easier and more accurate quantitative operation with faster time-to-data
Micro-electron diffraction (MicroED) package
  • Complete solution for fast, high-resolution 3D structure determination
  • Typical applications include medicinal chemistry, catalyst research, and metal-organic frameworks (MOF)
Differential phase contrast/integrated differential phase contrast (DPC/iDPC) STEM
  • The iDPC STEM method exposes low-Z elements with bright contrast and dark backgrounds
  • iDPC-STEM images have a higher signal-to-noise ratio, providing the possibility of low-dose imaging, which is crucial for beam-sensitive materials and charging samples

Spectra transmission electron Microscopes upgrades

Spectra Ultra STEM

Key benefits of upgrading to Automated (nano) Particle Workflow (APW)

  • Highly automated workflow from image acquisition to data analysis
  • Run your TEM 24/7 unattended and make the most of overnight or weekend microscope usage

Additional upgrades for Spectra transmission electron microscopes upgrades

AutoScript: Python Scripting environment
  • Powerful Python scripting (API) for TEM, allowing repetitive work to be done faster, more accurately, and with fewer mistakes
Correlative Electron Microscopy Software: MAPS
  • Completely automated solution for generating high-quality, multi-scale image of large overview while preserving the context of observations
  • Correlation of images from different microscopes, including imported images from third-party instruments using the integrated Bio-Formats Library
4D-STEM (Scanning transmission electron microscopy)
  • Thermo Scientific EMPAD Detector for 4D STEM application, enabling detailed access to information on strain, orientation, and electric or magnetic fields (center of mass analysis)
  • Optimum integration on Talos TEM platforms without loss of performance on dedicated mounting port
Thermo Scientific Ceta-S Camera
  • High-speed, high-sensitivity imaging solution for beam-sensitive materials
  • Dynamic movie recording of in situ experiments
  • Enables easier and more accurate quantitative operation with faster time-to-data
Micro-electron diffraction (MicroED) package
  • Complete solution for fast, high-resolution 3D structure determination
  • Typical applications include medicinal chemistry, catalyst research, and metal-organic frameworks (MOF)
Differential phase contrast/integrated differential phase contrast (DPC/iDPC) STEM
  • The iDPC STEM method exposes low-Z elements with bright contrast and dark backgrounds
  • iDPC-STEM images have a higher signal-to-noise ratio, providing the possibility of low-dose imaging, which is crucial for beam-sensitive materials and charging samples

Cryo-transmission electron microscope upgrades

Cryo-transmission electron microscopes
Boost your cryo-EM performance with hardware and software upgrades

Productivity power packages are now available for the Thermo Scientific Talos Arctica, Glacios, and Krios Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopes (Cryo-TEMs). These add-on components can significantly increase the efficiency, ease of use, and data quality of your instrument for single particle analysis and cryo-tomography applications.

Hardware upgrades for Thermo Scientific cryo-TEMs

Selectris and Selectris X Imaging Filters
  • Thermo Scientific Selectris and Selectris X Imaging Filters improve TEM contrast by removing noise caused by inelastically scattered electrons, producing an increased signal-to-noise ratio
  • Benefit: Better performance in less time
Falcon 4i Direct Electron Detector
  • The Thermo Scientific Falcon 4i Direct Electron Detector delivers best-in-class image quality and fast data collection
  • Benefit: Increased image collection per hour
Fringe-free imaging (FFI)
  • Fringe-free imaging (FFI) eliminates fringes at the edge of the beam so you can acquire more usable images per foil hole to enhance overall throughput
  • Benefit: Improved throughput; more images can be collected per hole
  • The Thermo Scientific E-CFEG is a cold field emission gun with a low-energy spread that increases image contrast and enables atomic-resolution imaging
  • Benefit: Ultra-high resolution in less time
60°C heat decontamination
  • This accessory, both hardware and software, enables pathogen research and comprehensive instrument service in higher biosafety-level containment facilities (e.g. BSL3)
  • Benefit: Safe work environment for biosafety-level containment facilities
Ceta-D Camera
  • The Thermo Scientific Ceta-D Camera is a scintillator-based camera optimized for low-dose diffraction data collection
  • Benefit: Perform micro electron diffraction either on a new instrument or as a retrofit onto an existing tool
Upgrades not available on all models

Software upgrades for Thermo Scientific cryo-TEMs

Smart EPU Software

  • Thermo Scientific Smart EPU Software offers a combination of interactive software components that automate multiple image acquisition steps; AI-driven technology helps you make decisions
  • Benefit: Increased throughput and improved ease of use

EPU Quality Monitor

  • EPU Quality Monitor Software adds real-time 2D image processing to Smart EPU Software to provide consistently better results; Smart Plugins enable automated adjustment of data collection parameters
  • Benefit: Increased throughput and reproducibility

Embedded CryoSPARC Live

  • Embedded CryoSPARC Live Software from Structura Biotechnology Inc. seamlessly integrates into Smart EPU Software for real-time 2D and 3D image processing; obtain ongoing feedback about both the image and the sample
  • Benefit: Faster results, increased data quality, and minimized time wasted on poor quality samples

EPU Multigrid Software

  • Thermo Scientific EPU Multigrid Software sets up unattended batch data collection runs
  • Benefit: Maximized microscope output and user efficiency; minimized time behind the tool

Tomography 5 Software

  • Thermo Scientific Tomography 5 Software offers fully automated 3D data acquisition for multi-site batch tomography and automatic cassette mapping for grid quality assessment and lamella identification
  • Benefit: Maximized user efficiency by minimizing time behind the tool

Tomo Live Software

  • Thermo Scientific Tomo Live Software provides automatic, on-the-fly quality monitoring of data generated with Tomography 5 Software by performing real-time reconstruction of tilt series into 3D volumes
  • Benefit: Improved image quality; maximized productivity and efficiency
Upgrades not available on all models


Detector Falcon 4

  • Eficiência quântica de detecção líder
  • Tempo de exposição 10 vezes menor do que o seu antecessor
  • Totalmente integrado ao software da Thermo Scientific
  • Gerenciamento de dados integrado

Câmera Ceta-D

  • Desempenho ideal em todas as altas tensões (20 kV a 300 kV)
  • Compatível com filtros e espectrômetros pós-coluna
  • Aquisição de filmes para estudos dinâmicos

Filtros de imagem Selectris e Selectris X

  • Desenvolvidos para imagens de alta estabilidade e resolução atômica
  • Operação direta
  • Em conjunto com a geração mais recente do detector eletrônico Falcon 4 Direct da Thermo Scientific
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