Compliance and training are ongoing hurdles in regulated research environments. We offer online tools and assay and training panels to help provide the data and reporting outputs you need.

IQ/OQ/PQ Service

Our Service Department conducts IQ/OQ/PQ (Installation Qualification/Operational Qualification/Performance Qualification) for each and every diagnostic instrument installation (3500 Dx, 7500 Dx, and ViiA™ 7 Dx). In addition, OQ/PQ is performed after each critical service intervention.

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Inhibition Panel

Use our panel of inhibitors to assist with assay evaluation. The AcroMetrix Inhibition Panel is a seven-member panel that provides defined quantities of commonly recognized and accepted assay inhibitors including heparin, lipids, bilirubin, and hemolyzed plasma. This panel can be used in a variety of ways, including assay validation, instrument evaluation, commercial and in-house assay characterization, and troubleshooting.**

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Operator Training Panels

Training panels are designed to meet the need for operator qualification and for assessing the performance of nucleic acid test procedures for the detection of pathogens in human samples. The panels help ensure that nucleic acid testing procedures are properly validated and that test results are consistent across manufacturers, testing laboratories, operators, platforms, and assay formats. AcroMetrix reagents offer operator training panels for HIV, HBV, HCV, and WNV, which allow workers to compare results across platforms and between laboratories.**

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For instruments and reagents used for clinical purposes, please make sure to comply with local regulatory requirements.