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With Thermo Scientific Phenom 3D Reconstruction Software, the Phenom Desktop SEM systems are able to generate three-dimensional images and submicrometer roughness measurements. 

3D imaging helps to interpret sample characteristics and makes images understandable for a larger group of users. It is often difficult to identify features such as dents, scratches and burrs with flat, 2D images. Additionally, measuring the average roughness (Ra) and roughness height (Rz) is critical for controlling and understanding production processes. Phenom 3D Reconstruction Software enables you to transform your 2D observations into 3D representations. By using SEM imaging for data collection, a much better resolution can be achieved than with traditional (indirect) methods.

Key Features

3D imaging

3D imaging helps to interpret sample characteristics and makes images understandable for a larger group of users.


Phenom 3D Reconstruction Software is available as part of Thermo Scientific Phenom ProSuite Software, which
contains multiple Phenom desktop SEM specific applications.

No stage tilt

With "shape from shading" technology, no stage tilt is required.



Automated 3D

  • Full 3D

Image creation

  • 2D or 3D with colored height indication
  • Filtered 3D for surface roughness
  • Based on “shape from shading” technology, no stage tilt required
  • Fast reconstruction

Automated roughness measurements

  • Ra (average roughness) and Rz (roughness height)
  • User defined waviness filtering
  • Up to 10 line measurements

Field of view

  • 2 mm - 10 μm


  • 1024 x 1024 pixels


  • Line profiles, CSV files, 2D/3D view images and Word report

Part of ProSuite Software

  • Network storage enabled
  • Phenom integrated system
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