Endocytosis and Phagocytosis Information

Endocytosis and phagocytosis play an important role in cell metabolism and function. Here you will find resources to help you understand how you can track and monitor these processes.

Endocytosis and phagocytosis features

On-demand webinar

The meaning of life at the cellular level: Visualizing membrane trafficking

This webinar provides an overview of the processes involved in membrane trafficking, along with strategies to investigate them using fluorescence microscopy. 

Scientific poster

Scientific poster

Correlating internalization and potency to accelerate antibody discovery and development

In this scientific poster presented at a Keystone Symposium, we present experimental data demonstrating the use of pH-sensitive fluorophores to monitor the three primary mechanisms of endocytosis in live cells.

Endocytosis and phagocytosis learning resources

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Application note (2015)Guide to setting up hypoxic conditions on the EVOS FL Auto Imaging System with Onstage IncubatorEVOS FL Auto Microscope, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, live-cell imaging, onstage incubator, phagocytosis
Application note (2015)Quantitation of proliferating cells with the EVOS FL Auto Imaging Systemantibodies, antibody labeling, ArrayScan, cell proliferation, EVOS FL Auto Microscope, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, high content analysis, onstage incubator, phagocytosis
Application note (2015)No-wash, no-lyse detection of phagocytic cells via a pHrodo BioParticles functional assay in human whole blood on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometerantibodies, Attune/Attune NxT, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, flow cytometry sample preparation, fluorescent dyes, immune system, immunophenotyping, particles, pH detection
BioProbes articles (Issues 50–present day)BioProbes Journal of Cell Biology Applicationcell analysis, flow cytometry, imaging microscopy, immunoassays, antibodies, protein detection and quantification
Molecular Probes HandbookProbes for following receptor binding and phagocytosis—Section 16.1cell structure-plasma membrane, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, internalization, membrane trafficking, phagocytosis, receptor binding, vesicle
Molecular Probes HandbookFluorescent and biotinylated dextrans—Section 14.5cell lineage tracing, cell loading, dextran conjugates, endocytosis, fluid transport, fluorescent dextrans, intercellular communications, membrane permeability, neuronal tracing
Molecular Probes HandbookChoosing a tracer—Section 14.1cell lineage tracing, cell tracing, dextran conjugates, endocytosis, fluid transport, intercellular communications, membrane permeability, neuronal tracing, polar tracers, protein conjugates
Scientific poster (2009)High content imaging of endocytosis & phagocytosis using pHrodo conjugates Alexa Fluor, ArrayScan, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins, high content analysis, pH detection, phagocytosis, viability
Scientific poster (2010)Acoustic focusing cytometry: Sensitivity and throughput apoptosis, Attune/Attune NxT, cell cycle, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, immunophenotyping, phagocytosis
Scientific poster (2010)New fluorescent probes for live-cell imaging autophagy, cell cycle, CellLight, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent proteins, live-cell imaging, pH detection, phagocytosis
Scientific poster (2013)Cells coming to life: Tools for visualizing immune response Attune/Attune NxT, endocytosis/phagocytosis, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, immunophenotyping, live-cell imaging, pH detection
Scientific poster (2013)Illuminating endocytosis with targeted pH-sensitive fluorescent compounds Alexa Fluor, ArrayScan, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins, high content analysis, pH detection, phagocytosis, viability
Scientific poster (2014)New fluorescent probes and sensors for visualizing endocytosis, lysosomal dynamics and autophagy autophagy, cell structure-lysosomes, endocytosis/phagocytosis, autophagy, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, high content analysis, microplate reader
Scientific poster (2015)A no lyse, no-wash approach to characterizing phagocyte phenotype and function in whole human blood on the Attune NxT Flow Cytometer Attune/Attune NxT, cell cycle, flow cytometer/flow cytometry, immunophenotyping, no lyse, phagocytosis, whole blood
Scientific poster (2016)Correlating internalization and potency to accelerate antibody discovery and developmentbrightfield microscopy, colorimetric, endocytosis and phagocytosis, EVOS,fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, immunofluorescence (IF), immunohistochemistry (IHC)
WebinarThe meaning of life at the cellular level: Visualizing membrane trafficking 
Membrane trafficking underlies the acquisition and release of cellular material as well as the transport of macromolecules from the site of cellular synthesis to their functional location. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a number of solutions for researchers using fluorescent probes to study key components of the endocytotic and secretory pathway. This webinar will: Provide an overview of the processes involved in membrane trafficking, along with strategies to investigate them using fluorescence microscopy Offer a comprehensive guide to available labeling and detection technologies for membrane trafficking research Provide tips and tricks on how to best implement those technologies
endocytosis, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent proteins, live-cell imaging, membrane trafficking, particles
WebinarIntroduction to basic cytoskeleton labeling and detection 
The cytoskeleton is a key component of mammalian cells, providing the framework for cell migration and intracellular transport, furthermore the cytoskeleton regulates cell size and shape as well as important processes such as mitosis and endocytosis. We offer a number of solutions for researchers using fluorescent probes to study the cytoskeleton. This webinar will provide an overview of the structures that comprise the cytoskeleton and important experimental parameters. The webinar also offers a comprehensive guide to available labeling and detection technologies for cytoskeletal research as well as tips and tricks on how to best use them. These tools include those for live-cell imaging fluorescent dyes, antibodies and the BacMam gene delivery platform.
cell structure-actin, cytoskeleton, endocytosis, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins
