Gentle tube-based isolation of human cells from any sample and for any downstream assay, including flow cytometry.

Dynabeads are available for:

  • Positive isolation and cell release (with FlowComp, CELLection or DETACHaBEAD)
  • Negative isolation of untouched cells
  • Depletion of unwanted cell types or positive cell isolation for molecular applications.

Find out which product is best suited for your application with our product selection guides:

If you can't find a ready-to-use product for your specific cell type or cell subset, then select from our range of products for use with your own antibody:

Streptavidin Dynabeads | Secondary coated Dynabeads | Surface activated Dynabeads

Cell type/ SubsetProductStarting sampleIsolation techniqueMain benefits/Applications

Stem cells

CD34+ Stem cellsDynabeads CD34 Positive Isolation SystemWhole blood, MNCPositive IsolationIsolate bead- and antibody-free CD34+ cells for use in any downstream cell-based assay.

NK cells

All SubsetsDynabeads Untouched Human NK Cells MNCNegative IsolationIsolate untouched NK cells by removing unwanted cells.

Dendritic cells

All subsetsDynabeads Human DC Enrichment KitMNCNegative IsolationReduce sorting time by typically 60-90% compared to sorting only. Reduce the need for fluorescent antibody for labeling of cells for your sorting by a factor of 6-14. This kit retains all DC subpopulations.

Endothelial cells

CD31+ CellsDynabeads CD31 Endothelial Cell Whole blood, MNCDepletionDeplete CD31+ endothelial cells or positively isolate cells for molecular analysis.

Tumor cells

Epithelial cellsCELLection Epithelial EnrichWhole blood, MNCPositive IsolationObtain up to 5 log enrichment of epithelial tumor cells. Enriched cells are viable, bead-free and suitable for immunocytochemical staining.
Dynabeads Epithelial EnrichWhole blood, MNCDepletionEnrich epithelial tumor cells and lyse for mRNA isolation and RT-PCR amplification. Sensitivity of enrichment with RT-PCR can be as high as 1 tumor cell in 1 ml blood.
Dynabeads CD45Whole blood, MNCDepletionEnrich epithelial tumor cells by depleting leucocytes. Two log enrichment of tumor cells in blood MNC is possible. Enriched tumor cells are viable, bead-free and suitable for immunocytochemical staining.


CD 45+ cellsDynabeads CD45Whole blood, MNCDepletionDeplete CD45+ cells or positively isolate cells for molecular analysis.


CD15+ cellsDynabeads CD15 Whole blood, MNCDepletionDeplete CD15+ cells or positively isolate cells for molecular analysis.

Use your own antibody (secondary products)

Our Streptavidin Dynabeads, secondary-coated Dynabeads and surface-activated Dynabeads can be combined with your own antibody to isolate any cell type. Choose your preferred product in the below table or see some examples of applications.

ProductStarting sampleBenefits

Streptavidin Dynabeads

Dynabeads FlowComp Flexi
Single Cell SuspensionsCombine with your own antibody of choice to isolate any cell type from any species. This kit provides everything you need for labeling of antibodies and subsequent cell isolation. Beads are removed after isolation - you obtain pure and viable cells suitable for any downstream application.
CELLection Biotin BinderWhole blood, MNCUse with any biotinylated antibody to positively isolate cells from any species. Beads and antibodies are removed after isolation - you obtain pure and viable cells for use in any application. Read more about cell isolation using biotinylated antibodies.
Dynabeads Biotin BinderWhole blood, MNCIsolate any cell from any species. This kit bind all biotinylated antibodies and is our most flexible secondary product for cell isolation or depletion. Read more about cell isolation using biotinylated antibodies.

Secondary-coated Dynabeads

Dynabeads Sheep anti-Rat IgGWhole blood, MNCIsolate any cell type from any species except rat. For use with your primary IgG rat antibody of choice. Ideal for positive isolation, negative isolation or depletion of cells.
Dynabeads Pan Mouse IgGWhole blood, MNCA flexible secondary product for cell isolation or depletion. It will bind all subclasses of mouse IgG and is Fc specific. Requires less antibody and has shown no cross reactivity to human, rat, hamster, goat, rabbit and guinea pig IgG.
CELLection Pan Mouse IgGWhole blood, MNCUse with any mouse IgG to positively isolate cells from any species EXCEPT mouse. Beads can be removed after isolation to leave pure and viable cells for use in any application.
Dynabeads Sheep anti-Mouse IgGWhole blood, MNCIsolate any cell type from any species except mouse. For use with your primary mouse IgG1, IgG2a or IgG2b antibody of choice. Ideal for positive isolation, negative isolation or depletion of cells. Also available in clinical research grade as Dynabeads ClinExVivo Sheep anti-Mouse IgG.
Dynabeads Goat anti-Mouse IgGWhole blood, MNCIsolate any cell type from any species except mouse. For use with your primary IgG mouse antibody of choice. Ideal for positive isolation, negative isolation or depletion of cells.
Dynabeads Rat anti-Mouse IgMWhole blood, MNCIsolate any cell type from any species except mouse. For use with your primary mouse IgM antibody of choice. Ideal for positive isolation, negative isolation or depletion of cells.
Dynabeads Sheep anti-Rabbit IgGWhole blood, MNCIsolate any cell type from any species except rabbit. For use with your primary rabbit antibody of choice. This product can be used for eucaryotic cells.

Surface-activated Dynabeads

Dynabeads M-450 EpoxyWhole blood, MNCHydrophobic beads with glycidyl ether (epoxy) reactive groups. Ideal for coupling of antibodies for cell applications. Coupling reactions can be performed at neutral pH, with 24 hour incubation at room temperature.
Dynabeads M-450 TosylactivatedWhole blood, MNCHydrophobic beads with p-toluenesulphonyl (tosyl) reactive groups. For coupling of antibodies for cell applications. Coupling reactions can be performed at neutral pH although high pH and incubation at 37°C will promote covalent binding.

MNC: Mononuclear Cells, click here for recommended sample preparation procedures


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