Unique benefits
  • Functionally validated microRNA (miRNA) probe sets
  • Direct-from-lysate quantitation—no biases associated with miRNA isolation or amplification
       o Lyse-and-go sample preparation
       o Simplified workflow
       o Improved miRNA recovery, accuracy, and precision (miRNA isolation step – can lose up to 50% of miRNA population)
  • High specificity towards the target microRNA and not to other family members
  • Excellent results in a variety of sample types including blood, plasma, fresh & FFPE tissues, plant tissues, cultured cells, and isolated miRNA
  • Quantitation using synthetic miRNA control or housekeeping gene
  • Excellent concordance with new GeneChip miRNA Array

Functionally validated miRNA probe sets
  • Each probe set is validated for specificity & sensitivity (limit of detection)
  • High specificity to target miRNA and not to other family members
  • Probe set recognizes only mature miRNA

  • Validation of miRNA array results
  • Quantitation of miRNA from clinical samples
  • Study of miRNA regulation in cancer and other disease states

Direct-from-lysate miRNA expression profiling

miR-31, miR-34a, miR-145, miR-181a and miR-222 were analyzed using the QuantiGene 2.0 miRNA Assay on RNAs purified from 16,000 HeLa cells using Ambion mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit and on cell lysates of the same number of cells. The microRNA expression results were normalized to the direct lysate data for each miRNA assay. Data indicated that signal of the test miRNAs in cell lysates was about 1.8 fold higher than purified RNAs, and that miRNAs are lost during the purification step leading to purification biases in the profiling assay.

Comparison of miRNA profiles in purified RNA
Figure1. Comparison of miRNA profiles in purified RNA and cell lysate from 16,000 HeLa cells.
