Microscopic view of fluorescently labeled differentiated neural stem cells (NCSs)

Generate functional and relevant cell models

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are important tools for scientists in many disciplines and as with all stem cell research, controlling differentiation and cell fate is key to meaningful results. The capacity of their self-renewing, multipotent capacity to differentiate into neurons and glial cells, NSCs are a valuable source not only for neuroscience research, but also to treat neurodegenerative diseases and other neurological disorders.

From online protocols to handbooks and webinars, this collection of neural stem cell resources is intended to help ensure your research success.

Neural stem cell resource

Gibco Neurobiology Protocol Handbook

This digital handbook contains our latest collection of over 23 optimized protocols, experimental best practices, and troubleshooting advice to support your neuroscience research. This protocol handbook covers topics of neural cell culture and differentiation, cell analysis, molecular characterization, and transfection. And includes a selected list of neuroscience publications and other resources to help you get started with your research.

Download your free copy today ›

Video: How to use Gibco PSC Neural Induction Medium

See how Gibco PSC Neural Induction Medium generates up to 20 million neural stem cells from pluripotent stem cells in just 7 days.

Selection guide: Neural cell culture products

Explore our product offering of neural stem cells, media and reagents designed to help build optimal cell models to advance your neurobiology research. Choose from our portfolio of products that support neural stem cell engineering, differentiation, and analysis.

Neurobasal media

Media, supplements and reagents for neural cell culture

Having the right components for your complete neural cell culture medium is essential to achieving the best cell culture results. Find the optimal basal medium and supplements for primary neurons, glial cells, and astrocytes using this guide.

Video: Improved differentiation of stem cell-derived neurons and downstream applications using CultureOne Supplement

Gibco CultureOne Supplement eliminates more than 75% of contaminating neural progenitor cells with minimal cell death and no effect on other kinase mediated pathways. Watch this video to see how CultureOne improves the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs) to neurons.

stack of books

Stem Cell Research Resource Library

Access our collection of scientific application notes, protocols, videos, webinars, publications, posters, and more for stem cell research.
