Media is the foundation of any neural cell culture experiment.  Having confidence in your media means confidence in your results.  For over 20 years researchers have been trusting and publishing their experiments using Neurobasal® media.

Neurobasal® Media are basal media formulated to meet the neuronal cell’s special requirements. When supplemented with B-27® Supplements (N-2 Supplement or G-5 Supplement), Neurobasal® medium allows for long-term maintenance of the normal phenotype and growth of neuronal cells, and maintain pure populations of neuronal cells without the need for an astrocyte feeder layer.

All Gibco® neural cell culture reagents are optimized to work together as a complete media system.

Introducing Neurobasal®-A Minus D-glucose and Sodium Pyruvate, the complete Neurobasal®-A Medium without D-glucose and Sodium Pyruvate, suitable for supporting post-natal neurons in glucose response or insulin receptor studies. Learn more >>

Find the right Neurobasal® medium for you

Standard Applications / Primary Neurons

Optimized Cell Type Product Name Catalog Number
Prenatal and fetal neuronsNeurobasal® Medium21103-049
Postnatal and adult brain neuronsNeurobasal®-A Medium10888-022

Specialty Applications

Application: Receptor studies, downstream purification studies or other processes where the presence of
Phenol Red is undesired.

Optimized Cell TypeProduct NameCatalog Number
NEW! - Post-natal neuronsNeurobasal®-A Minus D-glucose and Sodium PyruvateA2477501
Prenatal and fetal neuronsNeurobasal® medium without Phenol Red12348-017
Postnatal and adult brain neuronsNeurobasal®-A  medium without Phenol Red12349-015


Application: Clinical research applications where traceability documentation is required; Applications where chemically defined, animal-origin free components are required.

Optimized Cell TypeProduct NameCatalog Number
Prenatal and fetal neuronsNeurobasal® Medium CTS™A13712-01
Postnatal and adult brain neuronsNeurobasal® - A Medium CTS™A13710-01

Standard Applications / Primary Neurons

Optimized Cell Type Product Name Catalog Number
Prenatal and fetal neuronsNeurobasal® Medium21103-049
Postnatal and adult brain neuronsNeurobasal®-A Medium10888-022

Specialty Applications

Application: Receptor studies, downstream purification studies or other processes where the presence of
Phenol Red is undesired.

Optimized Cell TypeProduct NameCatalog Number
NEW! - Post-natal neuronsNeurobasal®-A Minus D-glucose and Sodium PyruvateA2477501
Prenatal and fetal neuronsNeurobasal® medium without Phenol Red12348-017
Postnatal and adult brain neuronsNeurobasal®-A  medium without Phenol Red12349-015


Application: Clinical research applications where traceability documentation is required; Applications where chemically defined, animal-origin free components are required.

Optimized Cell TypeProduct NameCatalog Number
Prenatal and fetal neuronsNeurobasal® Medium CTS™A13712-01
Postnatal and adult brain neuronsNeurobasal® - A Medium CTS™A13710-01

For research use only. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.