STEMPRO® MSC SFM——the first serum-free medium (SFM) specially formulated for the growth and expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs)
- 優れた増殖効率
- 高品質のhMSC
- 優れたロット間の一貫性
- 高密度でのヒト間葉系幹細胞の増殖における優れた効率―培地および表面積が小さくて済み、短時間で培養できる
- 高品質細胞—基本的な表現型、hMSC表面マーカー発現維持、正常な遺伝子発現のプロファイル、およびCFU-Fの維持並びに3系統の中胚葉への分化能力を5継代まで維持する
- バッチ間の一貫性を維持—各ロットはcGMP下で生産され、hMSC性能解析を使用して品質管理されています
- 血清添加培地から必要となる馴化作業は、全くまたはほとんどありません
hMSC産生のスケールアップが細胞療法において非常に重要となります。 STEMPRO® MSC SFM enables hMSC scale up from 1 million to 1 billion cells using 85% less medium, 92% less surface area, 16% less time, 25% less passaging and less effort (less plates, passaging and no pre-qualification of FBS) versus classical medium (DMEM + 10% MSC-Qualified FBS) (Table 1)
Human MSCs grown in STEMPRO® MSC SFM exhibit a primitive morphology compared to control culture (Figure 1).
While hMSCs grown in classical medium have a flattened cell morphology and reach confluency between 1.0–3.0 x 10
4 cells/cm
2, hMSCs grown in STEMPRO® MSC SFM have a much smaller, spindle-shaped morphology and can reach densities >1.0 x 10
5 cells/cm
図1. Morphology of hMSCs when grown in STEMPRO® MSC SFM or classical medium (DMEM + 10% MSC-Qualified FBS.
hMSCs cultured in STEMPRO® MSC SFM retained the tri-lineage mesoderm differentiation potential (adipocyte, chondrocyte, and osteoblast) beyond passage 5 (Figure 2).
Figure 2. hMSC differentiation potential over long-term passaging in STEMPRO® MSC SFM
hMSCs cultured in STEMPRO® MSC SFM (Passage 5) were seeded into adipogenic, chondrogenic, or osteogenic differentiation medium for 14 days, revealing adiopocytes (Oil Red O–lipid stain), chondrocytes (Alcian Blue–glycosaminoglycan stain) and osteoblasts (Alkaline Phosphatase–cell surface glycoprotein stain)
CELLstart™ - 無血清hMSC培養用の基質
| CELLstart™ is designed for use with STEMPRO® MSC SFM as a substrate to support hMSC attachment when growing hMSCs under serum-free conditions. CELLstart™は、幹細胞培養用として初めての異種フリーの基質で、cGMPで作られ、とのロットでも安定した性能を発揮します。