Your HCS Questions Answered

High-content screening, high-content analysis, high-content imaging, imaging cytometry. Are you confused yet? And those are just the most common synonyms used for the high-content technology scientists employ to image and analyze cells. We have put together a video series that addresses the most-asked questions regarding this powerful technology, and we’re busting a few myths along the way. Enhance utility by watching our customer stories videos on what our customers have to say about our high-content screening platforms.

Check out “Meet the Innovators” interview of Kaylene Simpson, PhD, Head of Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, Australia; a Key Opinion Leader in the research area of high-content screening and 3D biology, and learn how global leaders in science are born.

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Interview with Dr Kaylene Simpson, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center

Dr Simpson describes their research using high content imaging to examine RNA in cancer cells.

3D Culture Screening

Michael Johnson and his team at Visikol talk about the work they do as a contract research organization on 3D Cell Cultures and how they utilize High-Content Analysis / Screening to generate insights.

Dependable Cell-based Assays

James Evans, CEO of PhenoVista Biosciences, explains the value of cell-based assays in drug dscovery for both small biotech and top-ten pharma companies, and the key success factors for a CRO offering phenotypic screening as a service.

Imaging Assays with Co-cultured Cells

Anthony Essex, CTO of PhenoVista Biosciences, describes the use of primary neurons in cell-based assays and the value of combining different types of primary cell lines in a single assay to come closer to recapitulating normal human physiology.

How can I analyze thick samples using confocal imaging and high content analysis?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

How do I monitor live cell action and response using high content imaging?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

How difficult is it to use high content analysis software?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

What is high-content, and is there a difference between the terms high-content screening and high-content analysis?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

What is the difference between an imaging plate reader and a high-content analysis platform?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

How difficult is it to operate a high-content analysis instrument and is a dedicated resource needed?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

Interview with Dr Kaylene Simpson, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center

Dr Simpson describes their research using high content imaging to examine RNA in cancer cells.

3D Culture Screening

Michael Johnson and his team at Visikol talk about the work they do as a contract research organization on 3D Cell Cultures and how they utilize High-Content Analysis / Screening to generate insights.

Dependable Cell-based Assays

James Evans, CEO of PhenoVista Biosciences, explains the value of cell-based assays in drug dscovery for both small biotech and top-ten pharma companies, and the key success factors for a CRO offering phenotypic screening as a service.

Imaging Assays with Co-cultured Cells

Anthony Essex, CTO of PhenoVista Biosciences, describes the use of primary neurons in cell-based assays and the value of combining different types of primary cell lines in a single assay to come closer to recapitulating normal human physiology.

How can I analyze thick samples using confocal imaging and high content analysis?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

How do I monitor live cell action and response using high content imaging?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

How difficult is it to use high content analysis software?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

What is high-content, and is there a difference between the terms high-content screening and high-content analysis?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

What is the difference between an imaging plate reader and a high-content analysis platform?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

How difficult is it to operate a high-content analysis instrument and is a dedicated resource needed?

Learn more about our High-Content Screening Instruments

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.