screen capture of software in action, showing more than 70 tiled images of stained cells, ready for analysis

Intuitive software, powerful high content cell analysis

Powerful image analysis tools, intuitive interfaces and EurekaScan Finder feature significantly reduce instrument runtime by capturing rare events at high magnification. The Thermo Scientific HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software expertly balances flexibility and ease-of-use using intelligent design resulting in meaningful dynamic data.

Download the HCS Studio 4.0 software with EurekaScanTM

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  • 'On-the-fly' real-time analysis, enabling fast results, simultaneous image acquisition and data analyses.
  • Backtrack each event to perform analysis at the single-cell level and minimize artifacts in the data.
  • Ranking assay parameters based on Z-prime values helps give you confidence for robust assay performance and allows you to select your top performing assays.
  • Guided workflows with user-friendly visual feedback facilitates easy assay protocol setup, image acquisition, analysis, and scanning.

Optimized pre-established assays

Users of HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software start with more than 30 pre-established assays (Figure 1) that can be optimized to cell line and particular phenotype. Driven by intuitive icons, you can simply choose the assay and magnification of the optimized protocol, confirm settings, and begin the scan. We’ve done the work, so you don’t have to.

Examples of available applications from the HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software

Figure 1. Examples of available applications from the HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software.

Build your own assay

Create your own assay from scratch using the flexible tools and design of HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software. HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software scales seamlessly, providing a host of algorithmic, visualization, and online help tools that reduce the complexity and time investment of developing assays. With instant feedback you can control hundreds of options including:

  • Background correction
  • Object segmentation
  • Spot/granular detection
  • Region of interests
  • Sensitivity of detection
  • Projected image format
  • Contrast of images
  • Phenotypic gating

Save time and effort with improved high-content screening

What is EurekaScan Finder?

  • Thermo Scientific EurekaScan Finder is a new feature for HCS Studio software that significantly reduces your instrument runtime (CellInsight CX7 LED and CellInsight CX7 LZR) and analysis efforts by automating the detection and subsequent capture of events at higher magnification.

Why is there a need for EurekaScan for high-content screening?

  • Without EurekaScan Finder, if the well is sparsely populated or if you need to image rare events at high magnification, scan times are significantly enhanced due to the instrument performing autofocus and imaging on the blank fields.
  • Also, typical analysis times are prolonged as you need to review and discard a large number of irrelevant images.

The solution is EurekaScan Finder

  • With EurekaScan Finder objects/events recognized at lower magnification during the first scan are automatically used to drive the scan area of the high magnification pass(es), thus saving time and effort.
  • EurekaScan Finder can also handle more than two passes (double-pass high-content screening) for those scenarios that could benefit from three or more passes, such as identifying non-sparse fields at low magnification, finding rare events at higher magnification, and then evaluation of rare events at same or higher magnification.
10X Scan of DAPI stained human IPS spheroids using EurekaScan feature of HCS Studio software and using CellInsight CX7 LZR platform significantly lowers scan time and saves time and efforts
 Click image to enlarge
Figure 3. Human IPS spheroids were fluorescently labeled with DAPI nuclear counterstain and then screened on the CellInsight CX7 LZR platform with 10X EurekaScan screen. The EurekaScan Feature auto-selects the area of interest for imaging.

*EurekaScan Finder utilization produced a 14.6-fold improvement in screening time compared to conventional Non-EurekaScan Finder 10X alone. Additional efficiencies were captured when evaluating the file size of the two screens, with EurekaScan Feature exhibiting 15-fold improvement in memory usage to complete the screen. Data provided from Dr. Chi Yun at New York University.

Flexible with various sample types

EurekaScan Finder offers two different approaches based on the type of sample and user-stipulated criteria that will inform high-content screening:

Note: The software will automatically choose whether to “center-on-object” or use “lattice pattern” based upon each the selected objects average size and density, on a per-well basis.

Smart selection for high-content imaging and screening

  • With the EurekaScan Feature applied, specimens including spheroids and tissues may be identified during “seek” operations at low magnification and once “found,” efficiently scanned at higher magnifications for optimal resolution.
  • The EurekaScan Feature was designed to enable multiple pass scans, such as identifying samples at low magnification across large surface areas, capturing samples at intermediate magnification, and evaluating for rare events or improved resolution at higher magnifications.
  • By employing the EurekaScan Feature for high-magnification scans, you can experience efficiencies in total scan times and corresponding file memory consumption.
  • Moreover, object identification and verification parameters are applied in real time during EurekaScan Feature operation, so scientists have more confidence that the samples being adaptively examined are relevant to their research.
  • Each pass can have its own unique analysis and identification process based on user-stipulated criteria. This includes different variables such as objectives, channels, different z-stacks, or even kinetics.
  • Further acquisition time can be shortened by locking the same the reference position used for the z-stack acquisition during first pass and then using it for subsequent passes.

Optimized pre-established assays

Users of HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software start with more than 30 pre-established assays (Figure 1) that can be optimized to cell line and particular phenotype. Driven by intuitive icons, you can simply choose the assay and magnification of the optimized protocol, confirm settings, and begin the scan. We’ve done the work, so you don’t have to.

Examples of available applications from the HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software

Figure 1. Examples of available applications from the HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software.

Build your own assay

Create your own assay from scratch using the flexible tools and design of HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software. HCS Studio Cell Analysis Software scales seamlessly, providing a host of algorithmic, visualization, and online help tools that reduce the complexity and time investment of developing assays. With instant feedback you can control hundreds of options including:

  • Background correction
  • Object segmentation
  • Spot/granular detection
  • Region of interests
  • Sensitivity of detection
  • Projected image format
  • Contrast of images
  • Phenotypic gating

Save time and effort with improved high-content screening

What is EurekaScan Finder?

  • Thermo Scientific EurekaScan Finder is a new feature for HCS Studio software that significantly reduces your instrument runtime (CellInsight CX7 LED and CellInsight CX7 LZR) and analysis efforts by automating the detection and subsequent capture of events at higher magnification.

Why is there a need for EurekaScan for high-content screening?

  • Without EurekaScan Finder, if the well is sparsely populated or if you need to image rare events at high magnification, scan times are significantly enhanced due to the instrument performing autofocus and imaging on the blank fields.
  • Also, typical analysis times are prolonged as you need to review and discard a large number of irrelevant images.

The solution is EurekaScan Finder

  • With EurekaScan Finder objects/events recognized at lower magnification during the first scan are automatically used to drive the scan area of the high magnification pass(es), thus saving time and effort.
  • EurekaScan Finder can also handle more than two passes (double-pass high-content screening) for those scenarios that could benefit from three or more passes, such as identifying non-sparse fields at low magnification, finding rare events at higher magnification, and then evaluation of rare events at same or higher magnification.
10X Scan of DAPI stained human IPS spheroids using EurekaScan feature of HCS Studio software and using CellInsight CX7 LZR platform significantly lowers scan time and saves time and efforts
 Click image to enlarge
Figure 3. Human IPS spheroids were fluorescently labeled with DAPI nuclear counterstain and then screened on the CellInsight CX7 LZR platform with 10X EurekaScan screen. The EurekaScan Feature auto-selects the area of interest for imaging.

*EurekaScan Finder utilization produced a 14.6-fold improvement in screening time compared to conventional Non-EurekaScan Finder 10X alone. Additional efficiencies were captured when evaluating the file size of the two screens, with EurekaScan Feature exhibiting 15-fold improvement in memory usage to complete the screen. Data provided from Dr. Chi Yun at New York University.

Flexible with various sample types

EurekaScan Finder offers two different approaches based on the type of sample and user-stipulated criteria that will inform high-content screening:

Note: The software will automatically choose whether to “center-on-object” or use “lattice pattern” based upon each the selected objects average size and density, on a per-well basis.

Smart selection for high-content imaging and screening

  • With the EurekaScan Feature applied, specimens including spheroids and tissues may be identified during “seek” operations at low magnification and once “found,” efficiently scanned at higher magnifications for optimal resolution.
  • The EurekaScan Feature was designed to enable multiple pass scans, such as identifying samples at low magnification across large surface areas, capturing samples at intermediate magnification, and evaluating for rare events or improved resolution at higher magnifications.
  • By employing the EurekaScan Feature for high-magnification scans, you can experience efficiencies in total scan times and corresponding file memory consumption.
  • Moreover, object identification and verification parameters are applied in real time during EurekaScan Feature operation, so scientists have more confidence that the samples being adaptively examined are relevant to their research.
  • Each pass can have its own unique analysis and identification process based on user-stipulated criteria. This includes different variables such as objectives, channels, different z-stacks, or even kinetics.
  • Further acquisition time can be shortened by locking the same the reference position used for the z-stack acquisition during first pass and then using it for subsequent passes.

Learn more about 2D/3D visualization and analysis (2D–5D)

With incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software supports advanced 2D–5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology to tissue imaging, neuroscience, preclinical imaging and bioengineering.

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