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Thermo Scientific HAAKE Viscotester iQ 流变仪是质量控制的理想助手。无论是批量放行的快速单点测量,还是更全面的最终产品流变学分析,操作方便的紧凑型 Viscotester iQ 流变仪都能胜任这项工作。
Advance your QA/QC measurements to the next level with Thermo Scientific HAAKE MARS iQ Rotational Rheometer. Measure the viscoelastic properties of foodstuffs like apple sauce and peanut butter to assess texture, mouthfeel, spreadability and more. This modular rheometer offers a range of accessories to help evaluate and verify liquid and semi-solid food formulations throughout the product life-cycle (from production to storage to consumption).
Read the application note Rheological and Textural Properties of Various Food Formulations Analyzed with a Modular Rheometer Setup.
Thermo Scientific HAAKE MARS 系列流变仪专为测量种类广泛的样品而设计,从低粘性水状果汁到高粘弹性饼干面团,再到硬质糊状奶油干酪或花生酱。这款强大的研发流变仪可在宽泛的温度变化范围内获得所有相关的流变学参数,而且如有需要,也可以在宽泛的压力范围内获得这些参数。