CAR T Cell Therapy Research

Comprehensive solutions to support CAR T-cell therapy research from T-cell engineering to sequencing

Adoptive cell transfer is a rapidly emerging area of immuno-oncology research. This approach involves collecting, manipulating, activating, and transferring a subject’s immune cells to treat cancer. A widely studied approach to cell therapy is chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, also known as CAR T-cell therapy.

Many immuno-oncology therapeutics are mass-produced antibody or fusion proteins. CAR T-cell therapy breaks that mold by utilizing a genetically modified patient T cell that attacks and kills the cancer cells. T cells do not normally identify cancer cells as foreign bodies, which would mark them for destruction. For immunotherapy to work, T cells are genetically manipulated to enable them to identify the cancer cells as an enemy and kill them as they would other foreign bodies. The T cells are genetically modified with CARs containing antibody-based recognition domains directed against cell-surface antigens linked to intracellular signaling sequences to overcome the cancer cell’s tolerance. Once created, these modified T cells are reintroduced into the subject along with chemotherapy.

Analyzing the immune repertoire to capture the diversity of T-cell receptor (TCR) rearrangements can help you make significant progress in immuno-oncology research (Figure 1). Explore workflow solutions from engineering to sequencing through cell media and reagents.

Featured products

Explore our CAR T-cell therapy solutions and technologies


Search our extensive portfolio of antibodies to key checkpoint markers, including:


Learn more about our sequencing solutions including NGS and Sanger sequencing.

Quantitative protein analysis

We offer quality Invitrogen immunoassays designed to help you easily quantify checkpoint protein biomarkers with confidence.

Singleplex quantitation of proteomic biomarkers

  • Validated ELISA kits—complete and ready to use, designed to enable accurate protein quantitation of immune-related cancer targets. We also offer simplified workflow and high-sensitivity options.
  • Robust, reliable microplate readers—from the original inventors of microplate readers, choose from a lineup of tried and true Thermo Scientific dedicated and multimode readers, all powered by the same intuitive SkanIt Software.
  • ProQuantum Immunoassays—when working with very limited samples, this unique platform offers high-sensitivity with a streamlined workflow, available with popular targets used in I/O research.

Multiplex quantitation of proteomic biomarkers


Find tools and reagents needed for T-cell engineering and manipulation.

Cell isolation, activation, and expansion

Leverage magnetic beads and reagents, trusted solutions for ex vivo T cell isolation, activation, and expansion for immunotherapy.

Cell counting

Automated, highly accurate cell counting to minimize variability with the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter.

Adoptive cell therapy

From isolation and activation to 3D cellular assays, learn more about CAR T cell and other adoptive cell therapy workflows.
