Immuno-Oncology characterization and verification

Detailed analysis, characterization, and verification is critical to on-going success with any experiment. Learn more about workflow solutions for immuno-oncology research, from targeted genetic analysis through protein analysis.

Explore our characterization and verification solutions

Targeted genetic analysis

Confirm and quantify genetic changes for a wide range of selected DNA targets that are key to your research.

Genomic or viral DNA isolation

Isolate the highest-quality genomic or viral DNA from a range of sample types for use in all common molecular biology applications.

Fluorometric DNA quantification

UV-Vis Spectrophotometric DNA quantification

Accurately analyze specific DNA targets.

Step 1: Prepare samples

We provide multiple solutions to isolate and purify DNA.

  • Kits for genomic DNA extraction—Explore our broad range of kits for purifying genomic DNA from a variety of samples including tissue, cells, blood, serum, plants, forensic samples, and more.
  • DNA Extract All Reagents Kit—Obtain PCR-ready DNA from a wide variety of sample types, ranging from blood to buccal swabs to plant tissues in five minutes.
Step 2: Select assays

We offer a variety of TaqMan Genotyping Assays for a number of real-time PCR analysis applications.

Step 3: Set up reactions

Prepare a reaction plate using TaqMan Assays and TaqMan master mix, along with your DNA samples. No additional reagents are needed.

  • TaqPath ProAmp Master Mix—Delivers accurate genotyping results, even from samples containing PCR inhibitors. Includes ROX passive reference dye.
Step 4: Run PCR
Amplify DNA and achieve allelic discrimination by running the PCR reaction on an Applied Biosystems real-time PCR system and/or thermal cycler. To better evaluate the accuracy of genotype calls, perform real-time time PCR and obtain genotyping data for every cycle. Or for higher throughput, run PCR on a thermal cycler and then perform an endpoint read on a real-time instrument.

Thermocycler instruments

  • ProFlex PCR System—The ProFlex PCR System’s interchangeable block formats allow you to maximize your throughput or run independent experiments concurrently.
  • SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler—The SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler is an easy-to use, compact, and accurate thermal cycler designed to fit every lab’s essential PCR workflow.

Real-time PCR instruments Compare instruments ›

Step 5: Analyze data

Process and interpret qPCR data with intuitive software data analysis tools for a range of applications.

  • Applied Biosystems qPCR Analysis Modules—Our cloud-based applications can bring together multiple data sets, with analysis speeds up to 10 times faster than our desktop software. The Genotyping app includes improved visuals and integrated traces of allelic discrimination plots to allow thorough QC of SNP assays to accurately reflect the true signals versus background noise.
  • TaqMan Genotyper Software—TaqMan Genotyper Software is for use with TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays (Predesigned, Custom & DME) in combination with 48-, 96-, and 384-well microplates or OpenArray Genotyping Plates, and offers a state-of-the-art genotype-calling algorithm, an intuitive user interface, and enhanced multi-plate analysis features.

Targeted gene expression analysis

Confirm and quantify RNA targets at the gene, exon, or noncoding RNA level.

RNA Isolation

Isolate the highest-quality cellular RNA, viral RNA, or miRNA from a range of sample types for direct use in all common molecular biology applications

Fluorometric DNA quantification

UV-Vis Spectrophotometric DNA quantification

Quantify gene expression with speed and accuracy.

Step 1: Isolate RNA

Isolate RNA using methods that preserve RNA integrity and expression profiles.

Step 2: Design and optimize primers
  • Not required for Applied Biosystems TaqMan Assays—These assays have passed our industry leading bioinformatics design criteria.
  • Primer Express—For SYBR primer design
Step 3: Reverse transcription

Convert your RNA into cDNA, over a wide range of RNA concentrations.

Step 4: Amplify cDNA

TaqMan real-time assays—Industry-leading, designed using our validated bioinformatics pipeline, and run with the same PCR protocol, eliminating the need for primer design or PCR optimization. Find the right assay for your research. Find assay now ›

Step 5: Run qPCR

Instruments for real time PCR. Compare instruments ›

Step 6: Analyze

Process and interpret qPCR data with intuitive software data analysis tools for a range of applications.

Targeted genetic analysis

Confirm and quantify genetic changes for a wide range of selected DNA targets that are key to your research.

Genomic or viral DNA isolation

Isolate the highest-quality genomic or viral DNA from a range of sample types for use in all common molecular biology applications.

Fluorometric DNA quantification

UV-Vis Spectrophotometric DNA quantification

Accurately analyze specific DNA targets.

Step 1: Prepare samples

We provide multiple solutions to isolate and purify DNA.

  • Kits for genomic DNA extraction—Explore our broad range of kits for purifying genomic DNA from a variety of samples including tissue, cells, blood, serum, plants, forensic samples, and more.
  • DNA Extract All Reagents Kit—Obtain PCR-ready DNA from a wide variety of sample types, ranging from blood to buccal swabs to plant tissues in five minutes.
Step 2: Select assays

We offer a variety of TaqMan Genotyping Assays for a number of real-time PCR analysis applications.

Step 3: Set up reactions

Prepare a reaction plate using TaqMan Assays and TaqMan master mix, along with your DNA samples. No additional reagents are needed.

  • TaqPath ProAmp Master Mix—Delivers accurate genotyping results, even from samples containing PCR inhibitors. Includes ROX passive reference dye.
Step 4: Run PCR
Amplify DNA and achieve allelic discrimination by running the PCR reaction on an Applied Biosystems real-time PCR system and/or thermal cycler. To better evaluate the accuracy of genotype calls, perform real-time time PCR and obtain genotyping data for every cycle. Or for higher throughput, run PCR on a thermal cycler and then perform an endpoint read on a real-time instrument.

Thermocycler instruments

  • ProFlex PCR System—The ProFlex PCR System’s interchangeable block formats allow you to maximize your throughput or run independent experiments concurrently.
  • SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler—The SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler is an easy-to use, compact, and accurate thermal cycler designed to fit every lab’s essential PCR workflow.

Real-time PCR instruments Compare instruments ›

Step 5: Analyze data

Process and interpret qPCR data with intuitive software data analysis tools for a range of applications.

  • Applied Biosystems qPCR Analysis Modules—Our cloud-based applications can bring together multiple data sets, with analysis speeds up to 10 times faster than our desktop software. The Genotyping app includes improved visuals and integrated traces of allelic discrimination plots to allow thorough QC of SNP assays to accurately reflect the true signals versus background noise.
  • TaqMan Genotyper Software—TaqMan Genotyper Software is for use with TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays (Predesigned, Custom & DME) in combination with 48-, 96-, and 384-well microplates or OpenArray Genotyping Plates, and offers a state-of-the-art genotype-calling algorithm, an intuitive user interface, and enhanced multi-plate analysis features.

Targeted gene expression analysis

Confirm and quantify RNA targets at the gene, exon, or noncoding RNA level.

RNA Isolation

Isolate the highest-quality cellular RNA, viral RNA, or miRNA from a range of sample types for direct use in all common molecular biology applications

Fluorometric DNA quantification

UV-Vis Spectrophotometric DNA quantification

Quantify gene expression with speed and accuracy.

Step 1: Isolate RNA

Isolate RNA using methods that preserve RNA integrity and expression profiles.

Step 2: Design and optimize primers
  • Not required for Applied Biosystems TaqMan Assays—These assays have passed our industry leading bioinformatics design criteria.
  • Primer Express—For SYBR primer design
Step 3: Reverse transcription

Convert your RNA into cDNA, over a wide range of RNA concentrations.

Step 4: Amplify cDNA

TaqMan real-time assays—Industry-leading, designed using our validated bioinformatics pipeline, and run with the same PCR protocol, eliminating the need for primer design or PCR optimization. Find the right assay for your research. Find assay now ›

Step 5: Run qPCR

Instruments for real time PCR. Compare instruments ›

Step 6: Analyze

Process and interpret qPCR data with intuitive software data analysis tools for a range of applications.
