


  • 高生物活性 – 仅需少量蛋白质即可完成大量实验
  • 高纯度 – 最大限度消除来自蛋白或其他污染物的干扰
  • 经过验证的兼容性 - 已在GIBCO培养基中对GIBCO蛋白质进行了生物测定

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Select your Growth Factor, Cytokine, or Chemokine


β-神经生长因子 β-NGF
β-NGF, Beta-Nerve Growth Factor, is important for the development and maintenance of the sympathetic and sensory nervous systems. The active form of human β-NGF is a noncovalently disulfide-linked homodimer, and three disulfide bonds are required for biological activity.
 SCF (C-Kit Ligand) 重组人蛋白  Stem Cell Factor
SCF, Stem Cell Factor, is a cytokine that can exist both as a transmembrane protein and a soluble protein, playing an important role in hematopoiesis, spermatogenesis, and melanogenesis. SCF及其受体c-kit内发生突变,可造成贫血等症状,严重时甚至可夺取人的生命。
多效细胞因子 IL-4
IL-4是一种可通过激活T细胞而生成的一种多效细胞因子。 It participates in at least several B cell activation processes as well as of other cell types and is a co-stimulator of DNA synthesis.
 IFN-γ 重组人体蛋白  IFN-γ重组人体蛋白
IFN—γ除具有抗病毒活性外,还具有重要的免疫调节功能。 It is a potent activator of macrophages, it has antiproliferative effects on transformed cells, and it can potentiate the antiviral and antitumor affects of the type I interferons.
IL-6 IL6重组人体蛋白
IL-6是一种具有丰富生物学功能的细胞因子。 For example, it is a potent inducer of the acute phase response, plays an essential role in the final differentiation of B cells into Ig-secreting cells, and it also induces myeloma and plasmacytoma growth and induces nerve cells differentiation.
 EGF EGF Recombinant Human Protein
EGF, Epidermal Growth Factor, acts a potent mitogenic factor that plays an important role in the growth, proliferation and various epidermal and epithelial tissues in vivo and in vitro and of some fibroblasts in cell culture. EGF 生产调节异常与特定肿瘤的增长和恶化相关。




  1. Stanley Cohen of Vanderbilt University and Rita Levi-Montalcini of the Institute of Cell Biology of the CNR won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1986 for their 1962 discovery of the growth factors NGF & EGF.
  2. The sequence of amino acids permits growth factors to be grouped by family, suggesting that they evolved from a single ancestral protein.
  3. Since the protein sequences display high homology, Gibco growth factors may be used with cells from many species.
  4. The National Institute for Biological Standards and Control along with the WHO maintain reference standards for many growth factors. Gibco growth factors are calibrated according to these standards when available.
  5. 据报道,ED50(半数有效量)为有效范围。因为很多基于细胞的分析呈现出了不同试验间的差异性,即试验结果并不完全取决于蛋白质的固有生物活性。 ED50(半数有效量)范围是根据指定批次的多个独立试验而得出的结论 。
  6. 生物响应最大值的一半(50%)相当于一单位(1 U)的生物活性。
  7. 首个被人类发现的因子干扰素,由英国病毒学家Alick Isaacs和瑞典研究学者Jean Lindenmann于1957的病毒干扰研究实验中鉴定出来。
  8. 和大多数蛋白质一样,以未稀释、浓缩形式储存的生长因子更为稳定。 其不宜反复冻融。



图1. 高纯度。
纯化的重组人RANTES (货号:PHC1054) 和小鼠SCF (货号:PMC2114) 的SDS-PAGE电泳分析结果。
图2. 利用卓越的重折叠技术生产更多的生物活性蛋白。
比较MO7e细胞在GIBCO SCF (货号:PHC2115) 和同类厂商的SCF作用下的增殖作用。 如图所示,GIBCO SCF的ED50更低,说明只需要较少的GIBCO SCF即可发挥作用。

图3. 结构均一性。
在还原 (第2和3泳道) 和非还原 (第4和5泳道) 条件下对人BMP-2 (货号:PHC7145) 进行SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳。 在非还原条件下,BMP-2呈二聚体,与具有生物活性的BMP-2一致。
图4. 钙离子流证明预期的生物反应。 采用GIBCO趋化因子CINC-2β (货号:PRC1564) 对加了Fura-2的大鼠PMN进行刺激,观察其钙离子流的活化。

图5. 碱性FGF的高生物学活性。
Balb/3T3细胞在FGF (货号:PHG0024) 作用下的增殖作用如图所示。 GIBCO碱性FGF的活性高于同类厂商的碱性FGF。
图6. 蛋白酶活性确定蛋白功能。
通过测定激肽释放酶4 (KLK4) 分解荧光肽底物Boc-Val-Pro-Arg-AMC的能力检测酶活性。 分别采用380 nm和460nm波长的荧光激发光和发射光检测终产物。


  • ISO13485质量
  • 高纯度
  • 高活性


仅用于研究用途。 不得用于人或动物的治疗或诊断用途。