
Robust, high-efficiency systems and kits to streamline your workflow

  • Speed—time-to-results is typically less than 3 hours for 3 kb plasmid
  • Precision—alter up to 25 nucleotides (nt) when only one site is mutated
  • Flexibility—generate substitutions, deletions, or insertions in virtually any plasmid
  • Simplicityfree online tool guides you through construct and primer design and generates final construct sequence for easy implementation

Which site-directed mutagenesis system is right for you?

 GeneArt Site-Directed Mutagenesis System GeneArt Site-Directed Mutagenesis PLUS System
1 site/plasmid
3 sites/plasmid 
Mutagenesis efficiency>90% for 1 site>90% for 1, 2, or 3 sites
# of mutations
  • Up to 25 nt mutations in 1 site/plasmid
  • Up to 25 nt mutations, up to 12 degenerate (single site)
  • Up to 3 nt mutations, up to 3 degenerate (multi site)
Time-to-resultsTypically less than 3 hours for 3 kb plasmidTypically ~3 hours for 10 kb plasmid or smaller
 Order nowOrder now

GeneArt site-directed mutagenesis workflow

High mutagenesis efficiency

High mutagenesis efficiency

High mutagenesis efficiency. Multiple base mutagenesis is common, and we tested a 12 base substitution, insertion and deletion using a pUC19 plasmid. A random 12 base substitution was carried out within a single mutated primer. Alternatively, a random 12 base oligonucleotide containing a stop codon was inserted into wild type pUC19 plasmid, followed by deletion of the exact 12 bases to restore the wild type plasmid.

Multisite-directed mutagenesis efficiency

Multisite-directed mutagenesis efficiency

Multisite-directed mutagenesis efficiency. Figure indicates the multisite-directed mutagenesis efficiency of 3 sites of 1 bp or 3 bp each in 5, 10, and 14 kb plasmids. In all cases the mutated sites (1 or 3 bp each) included one insertion, one deletion and one substitution. The performance of GeneArt Site-Directed Mutagenesis PLUS System was comparable to the latest generation of multisite-directed mutagenesis kits from the competitor.

