Enzyme graph
Enzymes play an important role in almost all cellular processes, including signaling pathways, metabolism, and gene expression, making them significant targets in drug and therapeutic development. We offer a broad range of reagents and assays for detecting enzyme activity by absorbance, fluorescence, or chemiluminescence.
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Cytochrome P450 Activity
We offer reagents and kits for measuring Cytochrome P450 activity as well as fluorogenic substrates to build your own assays. Quickly and easily determine P450 activity and drug safety profiles with our Vivid® Cytochrome P450 screening kits which provide the high performance, throughput and reliability you need to speed selection of novel compounds for drug development. 


Glycosidase, Neuraminidase & Related Enzymes

Glycosidase enzymes exhibit high selectivity for hydrolysis of their preferred sugars. We offer assays for a wide range of glycosidases and related enzymes including amylase, cellulase, neuraminidase and many more.



Kinase Biology

We offer the widest and most comprehensive breadth of technologies available to screen for kinase enzyme activity. This portfolio consists of technologies that range from homogenous assays utilizing peptide substrates to antibody specific assays.



Phosphatase Biology
We offer an assortment of reagents and methods for detecting the metabolism of phosphate esters. These fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates and assay kits include substrates for phosphatases as well as reagents to measure the activity of enzymes such as ATPases, GTPases, and DNA and RNA polymerases, which hydrolyze phosphate esters. 


Lipase & Phospholipase Activity

Phospholipases play an important part in cellular signaling processes via the generation of second messengers such as diacylglycerols, arachidonate, and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. Lipases generally include glycerol ester hydrolases and cholesterol esterases. We offer fluorogenic and fluorescent substrates and kits for detecting phospholipase-A, -C, and -D, as well as phosphatidyl inositol.



Oxidase & Peroxidase Activity

Oxidases, the most useful of which is undoubtedly horseradish peroxidase (HRP), are important enzymes that are used in a wide variety of bioassays. Peroxidase activity is also present in many cells. We offer reagents for quantitating peroxidase and the activity of a variety of other oxidases.



Protease/Peptidase Activity

Enzymes play an important role in almost all cellular processes, including signaling pathways, metabolism, and gene expression, making them significant targets in drug and therapeutic development. We offer a broad range of reagents and assays for detecting enzyme activity by absorbance, fluorescence, or chemiluminescence.



Secretase Activity
Here you will find antibodies and assays for detecting secretase (BACE1) activity and localization. 


Reference Standards & Accessories

We offer reference standards that can be used to calibrate instruments, compare results, or generate standard curves as well as excitation filters and microplate accessories.


