Reporter gene assays are invaluable for studying the regulation of gene expression by cis- or trans-acting factors, or for measuring activation of cell signaling pathways. In these assays, the reporter gene acts as a surrogate for the coding region of the gene under study. The reporter gene construct contains one or more gene regulatory elements being analyzed, the structural sequence of the reporter gene, and the sequences required for the formation of functional mRNA. Following introduction of the reporter construct into cells and experimental treatment, expression levels of the reporter gene are monitored by quantitating the reporter protein enzymatic activity, which is used to characterize regulatory sequences, transcription factor activity, cell signaling, or signaling pathways.

Featured reporter gene assay products

The two functional parts of a gene include the coding region and the promoter region. The coding region is the DNA sequence that contains information about the protein that will be produced via transcriptional and translational mechanisms. The promoter region is the specific DNA sequence that regulates the transcription of the gene and can activate or repress the expression of the gene. 

Reporter gene assays are typically used to measure the regulatory ability of an unknown DNA-sequence. This is done by linking the unknown promoter sequence to an easily detectable reporter gene whose product can be easily detected and quantifiably measured.

Common reporter genes include beta-galactosidase, luciferase, beta-lactamase, alkaline phosphatase and GFP (green fluorescence protein). Luminescence, absorbance and fluorescence detection methods are used typically to measure expressed reporter gene protein. 

We offer antibodies, reagents, vectors, and kits for expressing and detecting a variety of reporter genes including luciferase, glycosidases, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT), green fluorescent protein (GFP), β-lactamase, and β-gal, as well as Lumio™ and TC-FlAsH™ technology.

Featured reporter gene assay categories

Luciferase reporter reagents, multiple cloning site vectors, and flash, glow and dual-spectral luciferase assay kits based on spectrally resolvable Cypridina, Gaussia, Renilla and firefly luciferases

Reporter gene assays offering chemiluminescent measurement of reporter gene activity that is more sensitive than colorimetric or fluorescent detection

Luciferase reporter reagents, multiple cloning site vectors, and flash, glow and dual-spectral luciferase assay kits based on the naturally secreted Cypridina luciferase

Luciferase reporter reagents, multiple cloning site vectors, and flash and dual-spectral luciferase assay kits based on the naturally secreted Gaussia & Gaussia Dura luciferases 

Luciferase reporter reagents, multiple cloning site vectors, and flash, glow and dual-spectral luciferase assay kits based on the intracellularly expressed Renilla luciferase

Luciferase reporter reagents, multiple cloning site vectors, and flash, glow and dual-spectral luciferase assay kits based on the intracellularly expressed firefly luciferase

Beta-galactosidase reporter gene assays for mammalian or yeast cells, combining direct cell lysis with the rapid ultrasensitive detection of beta-galactosidase reporter enzyme in a homogenous assay format

Beta-galactosidase and firefly luciferase dual enzyme reporter gene chemiluminescent detection kits, providing rapid and sensitive sequential detection of both reporter gene enzymes in the same sample

Secreted Placental Alkaline Phosphatase (SEAP) kits, containing an alkaline phosphatase substrate, luminescence enhancer, and a unique buffer system that specifically inhibits endogenous nonplacental alkaline phosphatase activity; the persistent glow of the assay signal allows for the use of simple luminometers without injectors

Biomarker quantitation assay guide

This 72-page guide provides detailed information about different tools for protein and RNA quantitation. Download this valuable technical resource that covers technologies useful for cancer and inflammation research, immunology, neurology and more. Learn more about how antibody pairs, ELISA kits, and multiplex kits for the Invitrogen Luminex platform may help advance your research.

Download the Biomarker quantitation assay guide

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