TaqMan hPSC Scorecard Assay


Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan hPSC Scorecard™ 检测板可以通过实时 qPCR 检测和直观数据分析软件来评估多能性和三系分化潜能。


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量化 PSC 的三系分化潜能

hPSC Scorecard 检测是与 Alex Meissner 合作开发的,这项检测来源于他的一篇标志性文章 (Cell 2011 144:439–452)。 附带的分析软件可帮助世界各地的研究人员将其细胞系的基因表达谱与通用的对照组进行对比。


Instrument requirements

查看与 TaqMan hPSC Scorecard 检测板兼容的仪器以及如何对它们进行设置。


Data analysis

TaqMan hPSC Scorecard 检测板配有免费、直观且基于网络的分析软件,可帮助研究人员将其样品的基因表达谱与对照组进行定量比对。

CellModel 服务

CellModel Services

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The TaqMan hPSC Scorecard Panels quantitatively confirms pluripotency (trilineage differentiation potential)
for both embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell lines. The hPSC Scorecard Panel (available in 96 and 384-well format) contains 94 predefined TaqMan Gene Expression assays (including endogenous controls) dried-down in assay plate wells. The panel of genes was developed in collaboration with Alex Meissner, and based on his landmark publication (Cell 144:439-452 (2011)).

TaqMan hPSC Scorecard Panels

The TaqMan hPSC Scorecard Panel provides:

  • A quantitative assay for confirming pluripotency and trilineage differentiation potential
  • Comparison of expression profiles to a reference standard
  • An easy to use platform with pre-plated assays and dedicated, intuitive analysis software

Overview of protocol:

  1. Test undifferentiated, spontantious differentiation (EB) or directed (monolayer) differentiation samples
  2. Extract and purify RNA
  3. Generate cDNA
  4. Run gene expression panel on a compatible qRT-PCR instrument 
  5. Upload .eds files to the hPSC Scorecard Analysis Software
  6. Analyze data and export results from the convenient cloud-based analysis application

如何进行 hPSC Scorecard 序列检测

未分化的 ESC/iPSC

已分化的 ESC/iPSC:拟胚体(第 1 周)或直接分化的细胞。

样品要求:每份样品 >1 x 106 个细胞

RNA Isolation


TRIzol organic phase extraction

Sample requirements: 1 mL TRIzol reagent per 6 cm culture dish

[RNA] (mg/mL) = A260 * 40

Recommended A260/A280 ratio = 1.6 – 1.8

使用直观分析软件分析从 TaqMan hPSC Scorecard™ Panel 获得的数据

注册 hPSC Scorecard™ 分析软件

未分化的 ESC/iPSC

已分化的 ESC/iPSC:拟胚体(第 1 周)或直接分化的细胞。

样品要求:每份样品 >1 x 106 个细胞

RNA Isolation


TRIzol organic phase extraction

Sample requirements: 1 mL TRIzol reagent per 6 cm culture dish

[RNA] (mg/mL) = A260 * 40

Recommended A260/A280 ratio = 1.6 – 1.8

使用直观分析软件分析从 TaqMan hPSC Scorecard™ Panel 获得的数据

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