
SNP からゲノムワイドな CNV や染色体変化、リプロダクティブヘルス(生殖医療研究)や遺伝子機能解析まで、ヒト遺伝疾患研究に関するさまざまなテーマを網羅したプレゼンテーション、ポスター、アプリケーションノートなどの最新情報を提供しています。


ターゲットパネル or エクソーム—遺伝学疾患研究に最適な NGS のアプローチは?

NGS により明らかになった遺伝子と骨格筋疾患との因果関係


Assessment of base calling accuracy on the new Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer
Improved performance using Sanger sequencing from FFPE DNA
Identifying human cell lines and other ex vivo manipulated human samples using Sanger and fragment analysis
Novel signal processing algorithm for Sanger sequencing to 0.5% limit of detection
Estimating mutation load from tumour research samples
Detecting DNA and RNA changes in the same sample for Myeloid cancer research
Generalisation of an assay system using repeat-primed PCR and capillary electrophoresis to resolve multiple AT- and GC-rich short tandem repeats associated with neurological diseases
Expanded sequencing capacity for increased depth and plexy using the Ion Torrent S5 platform to analyze oncogenic markers
Accurate analysis of copy number variation at 16p11.2 in autism spectrum disorder and control cohorts
Identification of rare recurrent copy number variants in high-risk autism families and their prevalence in a large ASD population


ターゲットパネル or エクソーム—遺伝学疾患研究に最適な NGS のアプローチは?

NGS により明らかになった遺伝子と骨格筋疾患との因果関係


Assessment of base calling accuracy on the new Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer
Improved performance using Sanger sequencing from FFPE DNA
Identifying human cell lines and other ex vivo manipulated human samples using Sanger and fragment analysis
Novel signal processing algorithm for Sanger sequencing to 0.5% limit of detection
Estimating mutation load from tumour research samples
Detecting DNA and RNA changes in the same sample for Myeloid cancer research
Generalisation of an assay system using repeat-primed PCR and capillary electrophoresis to resolve multiple AT- and GC-rich short tandem repeats associated with neurological diseases
Expanded sequencing capacity for increased depth and plexy using the Ion Torrent S5 platform to analyze oncogenic markers
Accurate analysis of copy number variation at 16p11.2 in autism spectrum disorder and control cohorts
Identification of rare recurrent copy number variants in high-risk autism families and their prevalence in a large ASD population



For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.