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What is serial block-face imaging?

Understanding the complex 3D architecture of cells and tissues is essential for the investigation of biological structure-function relationships. That is why biologists rely on 3D imaging techniques, such as physical sectioning or optical serial imaging, to study cellular ultrastructure and morphology. Traditional microtomy, however, relies on the production and imaging of individual sample sections, which can be challenging and time consuming. Modern methods allow for in-situ microtomy, which reduces manual steps and artifacts while increasing image quality.

Serial block-face imaging (SBFI), performed in scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), is an increasingly popular technique for the high-resolution imaging of cellular ultrastructure. Using these instruments, scientists can study cellular structures at nanometers resolution across millimeters of volume. Thermo Fisher Scientific supplies a range of these large volume analysis instruments, allowing scientists to observe how cells and organelles respond to diseases or various experimental methods. When combined with cryo-electron microscopy, large volume analysis can directly observe the context in which molecular interactions function in the cellular ultrastructure.

3D electron microscopy

Traditional microscopy is a valuable tool for high-resolution 2D imaging, but the inherent disadvantage is that these images require expert interpretation to extrapolate 3D structures. For example, a single cross-section of a microtubule may appear to be a simple circle or an ellipse. The user must evaluate the 2D image and then decide which section of the tubule it represents. With modern 3D electron microscopy, the entire volume is captured through the stacking of sequential images and the true 3D structure of the specimen can be observed.

3D electron microscopy is a critical tool for a number of biological applications that are not possible with 2D methods. One such application is connectomics, or the study of neuron interaction. In connectomics, images need to be collected at high resolution to show neuronal detail, but the data must also be collected across large volumes to ensure enough neuron-to-neuron connections are captured.

3D electron microscopy is also valuable for quantitative assessments. For example, the presence of mitochondria in cardiac tissue is used to assess heart health. 3D EM allows for large volume imaging of many individual cells; analytical software is then used to selectively view the mitochondria from within the whole data set.

Finally, experiments that search for rare events, such as ribbon synapses in retinal cells, are streamlined with 3D EM because large volumes of tissue can be collected automatically and then reviewed manually post-collection.

The area fraction of mitochondria vs total tissue
The area fraction of mitochondria vs total tissue is an indicator of how much energy the heart needs, and thus allows scientists to assess disease state.

How does serial block-face electron microscopy work?

During serial block-face imaging, the electron beam is first used to scan the surface of a resin-embedded tissue sample, capturing a 2D image of the specimen.

This top surface is subsequently removed with an in-situ microtome. The thickness of each section is user defined but is typically greater than 15-20 µm. Once this section is discarded, it is gathered by a debris collection device.

An image of the fresh surface is then collected with the SEM. This process is repeated until the whole sample has been imaged; total sample height can range from tens to hundreds of micrometers or more. The serial stack of images is then processed using 3D rendering software.

The serial block-face imaging process can be optimized and refined to match specific user or sample needs and requirements, including localized regions of interest, multiple areas, or various imaging detectors.

Schematic showing the basic layout used during serial block face electron microscopy.
Schematic showing the basic layout used during serial block face electron microscopy.
Diamond knife and block face ready for SEM imaging.
Photograph taken within the SEM, showing the diamond knife (left) and the block face (middle) ready for SEM imaging.

Serial block-face imaging solutions from Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific Volumescope 2 and Apreo 2 SEMs offer a novel serial block-face imaging solution with excellent Z-resolution that combines multi-energy deconvolution scanning electron microscopy (MED-SEM) with in-situ sectioning. The automation and ease-of-use of these instruments increases your productivity regardless of your level of expertise, granting isotropic resolution for your large volume samples.

Until now, the axial resolution in serial block-face imaging was limited by the minimal section thickness that can be physically cut with an in-chamber microtome. However, through the addition of multi-energy deconvolution SEM, our novel large-volume-analysis method now enables imaging with truly isotropic 3D resolution. Mechanical and optical sectioning are combined; data is acquired from multiple layers of the sample through the application of different beam energies between physical cuts.

Additionally, optimized detectors and low-vacuum operation ensure high-quality imaging, even for challenging resin-embedded samples. Unique acquisition software offers a range of automation, from low-level setup and alignment to walkaway acquisition of a complete image series. This includes a complete workflow from initial setup to final results, providing software solutions for large volume analysis, light microscopy image overlay, reconstruction, visualization, and segmentation.



通过连续切面成像或 FIB 减薄技术,从大容量样品采集各向同性 3D 数据。


Prof. Salisbury from the Mayo Clinic discusses his over 45 years of microscopy experience to answer various biological questions including recent 3D investigations with serial block face imaging to look at structure in normal and disease states.

使用大容量分析法对小鼠视网膜进行成像。尺寸:9.65 x 10 x 25 µm;HiVac 模式下的 10 nm 各向同性分辨率;1.18/1.78/2.27 kV,100 pA;1 µs 停顿时间;250 幅图像。

使用大容量分析法对斑马鱼胚胎头进行成像。尺寸:350 x 350 x 82.9 µm。在 LoVac 模式下为 42 x 42 nm 像素,2 kV,100 pA,3 µs 停顿时间,829 幅分辨率为 100 nm 的图像。样品承蒙布朗大学的 Robbert Creton 提供。

大鼠大脑:体积 85 x 85 x 123 um;2.7 kV;400pA;2 us 停顿时间,15 nm x 15nm x 40 nm,在 LoVac 模式下提供 2133 幅图像。样品承蒙洛桑理工学院的 Grahame Knott 提供。使用 Thermo Scientific Amira 软件进行数据分割和可视化。


Prof. Salisbury from the Mayo Clinic discusses his over 45 years of microscopy experience to answer various biological questions including recent 3D investigations with serial block face imaging to look at structure in normal and disease states.

使用大容量分析法对小鼠视网膜进行成像。尺寸:9.65 x 10 x 25 µm;HiVac 模式下的 10 nm 各向同性分辨率;1.18/1.78/2.27 kV,100 pA;1 µs 停顿时间;250 幅图像。

使用大容量分析法对斑马鱼胚胎头进行成像。尺寸:350 x 350 x 82.9 µm。在 LoVac 模式下为 42 x 42 nm 像素,2 kV,100 pA,3 µs 停顿时间,829 幅分辨率为 100 nm 的图像。样品承蒙布朗大学的 Robbert Creton 提供。

大鼠大脑:体积 85 x 85 x 123 um;2.7 kV;400pA;2 us 停顿时间,15 nm x 15nm x 40 nm,在 LoVac 模式下提供 2133 幅图像。样品承蒙洛桑理工学院的 Grahame Knott 提供。使用 Thermo Scientific Amira 软件进行数据分割和可视化。





透射电镜(Transmission electron microscopy,TEM)适合在通过其他方法无法确定疾病的性质时使用。透射电镜作为纳米级的生物学成像技术,可以为某些疾病提供准确而可靠的病理学信息。






VolumeScope 2 SEM

  • 大容量各向同性 3D 数据
  • 在高真空和低真空模式下均具有高衬度和高分辨率
  • 轻松在常规 SEM 使用和连续切面成像之间切换

Apreo 2 SEM

  • 高性能 SEM、适用于纳米或纳米以下的所有圆分辨率
  • 用于敏感电视率材料对比度的列内 T1 反向散射检测器
  • 长工作距离 (10 mm) 下性能出色

Helios Hydra DualBeam

  • 4 个快速切换离子种类(Xe、Ar、O、N),用于对种类最丰富的材料进行优化 PFIB 处理
  • Ga-free TEM 样品制备
  • 极高分辨率 SEM 成像

Maps 软件

  • 获得大面积的高分辨率图像
  • 轻松发现感兴趣区
  • 自动化图像采集过程
  • 关联不同来源的数据

Auto Slice 和 View 4.0 软件

  • DualBeam 自动连续切片
  • 多模式数据采集(SEM、EDS、EBSD)
  • 实时编辑功能
  • 基于边缘的剪切放置


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