

Life Technologies MicroSEQ快速微生物鉴定系统已在世界范围内的顶尖药物公司中得到了广泛应用,完美适用于小分子和生物制药生产和服务实验室中的环境监测、污染调查、根本原因分析,原材料检测和微生物鉴定等应用。该系统同时也适于在公共卫生实验室、化妆品及个人护理产品制造间、食品检测实验室和学术研究中心内使用。














  • 基于16S rRNA基因检测的细菌精确的基因型鉴定
  • 基于26S rRNA基因D2区域检测的真菌精确的基因型鉴定
  • 简单高通量的工作流程、通常在少于五小时的时间里即可获得精确结果
  • 四个月之内可实现完全认证和启用
  • 符合联邦法规21章第11款的要求



您可使用PrepMan ® Ultra样品制备试剂从细菌或真菌中提取DNA。您的样品可为单克隆或纯培养物。理想的细菌菌落大小为1-2mm,真菌菌落则为3mm。您于本步中提取的DNA将成为PCR步骤所使用的模板。

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial PCR Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for amplification (PCR) reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the PCR products for the subsequent step using the MicroSEQ® clean-up kits.

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial Sequencing Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for cycle sequencing reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the products for the subsequent steps using the MicroSEQ® Clean-up kits. Next, sequence your sample automatically by running it on a genetic analyzer (DNA seqeuncer). Choose the system configuration that meets your throughput needs.

Use the MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software to match sequences in your sample with sequences in our validated libraries. The software also enables you to create custom libraries and search public libraries.

Learn more about:

MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software

您可使用PrepMan ® Ultra样品制备试剂从细菌或真菌中提取DNA。您的样品可为单克隆或纯培养物。理想的细菌菌落大小为1-2mm,真菌菌落则为3mm。您于本步中提取的DNA将成为PCR步骤所使用的模板。

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial PCR Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for amplification (PCR) reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the PCR products for the subsequent step using the MicroSEQ® clean-up kits.

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial Sequencing Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for cycle sequencing reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the products for the subsequent steps using the MicroSEQ® Clean-up kits. Next, sequence your sample automatically by running it on a genetic analyzer (DNA seqeuncer). Choose the system configuration that meets your throughput needs.

Use the MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software to match sequences in your sample with sequences in our validated libraries. The software also enables you to create custom libraries and search public libraries.

Learn more about:

MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software

通过一项与Applied Biosystems的合作关系,来克服安装认证和运行认证(IQ/OQ)等启用过程中所遇到的严格挑战。

  • 咨询客户以确定需求
  • 通过工作声明来定义项目
  • 详细的验证测试计划与记录
  • 系统安装验证
  • 系统操作认证的顺序
  • 微生物鉴定验证
  • 准确报告
  • 系统软件安装和安全验证
  • 软件导出、导入、存档和验证
  • 系统树和定制文库验证
  • 详细数据分析和回顾
  • 查阅实验进程和结果
  • 性能认证(PQ)推荐指南



  • DNA测序(Flash)
  • PCR (Flash)


您可使用PrepMan ® Ultra样品制备试剂从细菌或真菌中提取DNA。您的样品可为单克隆或纯培养物。理想的细菌菌落大小为1-2mm,真菌菌落则为3mm。您于本步中提取的DNA将成为PCR步骤所使用的模板。

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial PCR Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for amplification (PCR) reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the PCR products for the subsequent step using the MicroSEQ® clean-up kits.

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial Sequencing Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for cycle sequencing reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the products for the subsequent steps using the MicroSEQ® Clean-up kits. Next, sequence your sample automatically by running it on a genetic analyzer (DNA seqeuncer). Choose the system configuration that meets your throughput needs.

Use the MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software to match sequences in your sample with sequences in our validated libraries. The software also enables you to create custom libraries and search public libraries.

Learn more about:

MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software

您可使用PrepMan ® Ultra样品制备试剂从细菌或真菌中提取DNA。您的样品可为单克隆或纯培养物。理想的细菌菌落大小为1-2mm,真菌菌落则为3mm。您于本步中提取的DNA将成为PCR步骤所使用的模板。

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial PCR Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for amplification (PCR) reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the PCR products for the subsequent step using the MicroSEQ® clean-up kits.

Use the MicroSEQ ® Microbial Sequencing Kit that matches .your needs. Each kit contains reagents for cycle sequencing reactions. Run the reactions on the Veriti 96-Well thermal cycler. Clean up the products for the subsequent steps using the MicroSEQ® Clean-up kits. Next, sequence your sample automatically by running it on a genetic analyzer (DNA seqeuncer). Choose the system configuration that meets your throughput needs.

Use the MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software to match sequences in your sample with sequences in our validated libraries. The software also enables you to create custom libraries and search public libraries.

Learn more about:

MicroSEQ® ID Analysis Software

通过一项与Applied Biosystems的合作关系,来克服安装认证和运行认证(IQ/OQ)等启用过程中所遇到的严格挑战。

  • 咨询客户以确定需求
  • 通过工作声明来定义项目
  • 详细的验证测试计划与记录
  • 系统安装验证
  • 系统操作认证的顺序
  • 微生物鉴定验证
  • 准确报告
  • 系统软件安装和安全验证
  • 软件导出、导入、存档和验证
  • 系统树和定制文库验证
  • 详细数据分析和回顾
  • 查阅实验进程和结果
  • 性能认证(PQ)推荐指南



  • DNA测序(Flash)
  • PCR (Flash)


您是否希望将您现有的系统与MicroSEQ Rapid进行一个ROI比较评估?请联系您本地的销售代表进行考查。



关于Gibco培养基、POROS层析树脂、Applied Biosystems SEQ快速污染物检测、或我们的细胞治疗产品,您是否存在任何疑问?请点击下方链接以访问产品宣传册、培训视频、移动应用乃至更多。

