
基于靶向测序的微生物鉴定、菌株亚型分型和传染性疾病研究 Panel

Ion Torrent™ 新一代测序的进步使研究人员能够充分发挥高通量、高准确性和长读取的优势,利用简化的样品制备方法和简单的优化数据分析工作流程,对微生物进行快速准确的测序。在对来自疾病监测、疫情爆发调查以及病因确定研究的存档样品进行研究时,Ion Torrent 测序能够大大加快获得结果的速度。全基因组微生物测序的下游数据分析方法包括 从头 和基于参考序列组装以及微生物菌株分型。

在对一组特定基因(如 16S rRNA)进行靶向测序时,Ion AmpliSeq™ 技术能够提供简单快速的文库构建。该技术基于超高多重 PCR,仅需低至 1 ng 的起始 DNA 量。研究人员利用靶向测序,能够从混合群体中高效鉴别出微生物而无需培养样品,对回顾性疫情爆发样品进行研究,并发现可能与抗生物耐药相关的突变。

Automated and fast template preparation and sequencing of 400 to 600 base-read libraries using the Ion Chef™ System and the Ion S5™ and Ion S5™ XL Sequencing Systems is enabled using the Ion 520™ & Ion 530™ ExT Kit-Chef.

For targeted sequencing of a specific set of genes, such as 16S rRNA, Ion AmpliSeq™ technology delivers simple and fast library construction. Based on ultrahigh-multiplex PCR, Ion AmpliSeq technology requires as little as 1 ng of input DNA. Through the use of targeted sequencing, researchers can efficiently identify the microbes within a mixed population without the need to culture samples, perform research on retrospective outbreak samples, and discover mutations that may be associated with antibiotic resistance.


微生物的深度全基因组测序是发现 SNP、插入、缺失、倒置和复杂重组等各种基因变异的终极工具。该方法可用于鉴别和发现新型微生物体或对特定细菌和病毒进行分型。

细菌 和 病毒分型研究


使用 Ion AmpliSeq 技术进行靶向测序




Ion S5 系统产品选择指南
Ion PGM 系统产品选择指南


用于 Ion S5 系统的 600 bp 测序化学试剂

Ion 520™ &Ion 530™ ExT Kit-Chef 用在 Ion Chef™ 和 Ion S5™ 或 Ion S5 XL 系统上,能够在 2 天内完成自动化长读段测序工作流程。



Ion PGM 系统的测序化学试剂

现在,使用 Ion PGM™ Hi-Q View™ 测序化学试剂进行测序,您可以借助有色的离子微球微粒 (ISP) 成功制备模板,并提高 GC 区域的覆盖度。


利用等温扩增实现 Ion PGM 系统的快速模板制备

如今,几个小时的时间就能改变一切。与 Ion PGM 系统的其他模板制备工作流程相比,Ion PGM™ Template IA Kit 有助于将模板制备所需时间缩短一半,实现最快的微生物测序工作流程。


经过数十年的分析和数百项研究,我们发现微生物的多样性远远超出了我们的想象。根据这些物种的多样性,我们能够判断出一个生态系统的健康状态,或者它们的相互作用与炎症性肠道疾病、肥胖和难治性创面等疾病有哪些相关性。请听一听 George Watts 博士和 Charles Li 博士如何将 Ion 16S™ 测序应用于临床和环境研究中。



已有 900 多篇经过同行评审的出版物引用了 Ion Torrent 测序用于微生物全基因组和宏基因组测序的案例。


Soni I, et al.(2015).Draft Genome Sequenci of Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, ATCC 29213 Genome Announc 3(5): e01095-15.DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01095-15 

Mattos-Guaraldi AL, et al.(2015).Draft Genome Sequence of Corynebacterium striatum1961 BR-RJ/09, a Multidrug-Susceptible Strain Isolated from the Urine of a Hospitalized 37-Year-Old Female Patient 


Gardner et al.Targeted amplification for enhanced detection of biothreat agents by next-generation sequencing BMC Research Notes (2015) 8:682.DOI: 10.1186/s13104-015-1530-0 

Ferrario, et al.A genome-based identification approach for members of the genus Bifidobacterium.FEMS Microbiol Ecol.2015 Mar;91(3). pii: fiv009.DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiv009.Epub 2015 


Santiago-Rodriguez TM, et al.(2015) The human urine virome in association with urinary tract infections.Front.Microbiol.6:14 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00014 

Kosoy Ol, et al. Novel Thogotovirus Associated with Febrile Illness and Death, United States, 2014.Emerg Infect Dis 2015 May. 

Zhang Y, et al. Isolation and characterization of H7N9 avian influenza A virus from humans with respiratory diseases in Zhejiang, China.Virus Res.2014 Aug 30; 189:158-64. DOI:10.1016/j.virusres.2014.05.002 

16S 和宏基因组测序

Cuervo A, et al. Phenolic compounds from red wine and coffee are associated with specific intestinal microorganisms in allergic subjects.Food funct., 2016, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039 

Saarenheimo, J, et al.In press. Bacterial community response to changes in a tri-trophic cascade during a whole-lake fish manipulation.Ecology. 

Candon S, et al.(2015) Antibiotics in Early Life Alter the Gut Microbiome and Increase Disease Incidence in a Spontaneous Mouse Model of Autoimmune Insulin-Dependent Diabetes.PLoS ONE 10(5): e0125448. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125448 

Shaw, JLA, et al.Using amplicon sequencing to characterize and monitor bacterial diversity in drinking water distribution systems.Appl.Environ.Microbiol. AEM.01297-15 

Kommedal O, et al.Massive Parallel Sequencing Provides New Perspectives on Bacterial Brain Abscesses.J. Clin.Microbiol.June 2014 vol. 52 no. 6 1990-1997 

