Dysprosium • Lanthanide Rare Earth

Primary XPS region: Dy4d
Overlapping regions: N/A
Binding energies of common chemical states: N/A


Experimental information



Interpretation of XPS spectra



About this element
Element Crystal hex

Symbol: Dy
Date of discovery: 1886
Name origin: Greek dysprositos
Appearance: silver
Discoverer: Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran
Obtained from: monazite, bastnasite

Melting point: 1680 K
Boiling point: 2840 K
Density[kg/m3]: 8551
Molar volume: 19.01 × 10-6 m3/mol
Protons/Electrons: 66
Neutrons: 97
Shell structure: 2,8,18,28,8,2
Electron configuration: [Xe]4f106s2
Oxidation state: 3
Crystal structure: hexagonal

This rare earth metal has a bright silver luster. Its characteristics can be greatly affected by even the slightest impurities. It was first identified in Paris, but was not isolated in relatively pure form until nearly 70 years later. Dysprosium is never encountered as a free element, but is found in several different minerals. Although its usefulness is limited by its readiness to oxidize, dysprosium is often used with other elements in making laser materials and nuclear reactors, and is useful in the manufacture of compact discs.




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