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贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)Xin Xu 博士


玛雅医学院(Meharry Medical College) Lakeisha Tillery


杰克逊实验室(The Jackson Laboratory) Michael DaCosta


桑福德-伯纳姆医学研究所(Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute)Mairead Bretney

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Santa Cruz Biotechnology 的 David Waynar


BioMarker Strategies, LLC 的 Kristin Harwood


莫尔豪斯学院 Alex Peister


兽医医学研究和开发 Joanne Rzepka


D’Youville College 的 Robert Dean


加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California, San Diego)Massimo Ammirante



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Countess 全自动细胞计数仪的学习资源包括细胞成像、细胞计数和细胞培养方面的大量材料。有关在您所在机构和在线开设的培训课程,请参阅服务


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Gibco 细胞培养基础知识



在 Countess II 全自动细胞计数仪上验证过的细胞系


Shi B et al.(2018)。Inhibition of HIV early replication by the p53 and its downstream gene p21.Virology journal 15(1) 53.


Sykora P et al.(2018)。Next generation high throughput DNA damage detection platform for genotoxic compound screening.Scientific reports 8(1) 2771.


Elango J et al.(2018)。Cross-talk between primary osteocytes and bone marrow macrophages for osteoclastogenesis upon collagen treatment.Scientific reports 8(1) 5318.


Poh A R et al.(2017)。Inhibition of hematopoietic cell kinase activity suppresses myeloid cell-mediated colon cancer progression.Cancer cell 31(4) 563–575.


Feng Y et al.(2016) Ratiometric electrochemiluminescence detection of circulating tumor cells and cell-surface glycans.J Electroanal Chem 25 July 2016.


Pirhaji L et al.(2016) Revealing disease-associated pathways by network integration of untargeted metabolomics.Nat Methods 13(9):770–776.doi:10.1038/nmeth.3940.


Delgado RN et al.(2016) Maintenance of neural stem cell regional identity in culture.Neurogenesis 3(1).


Murtaza M et al.(2016) Rotenone susceptibility phenotype in olfactory derived patient cells as a model of idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease.PLoS One 11(4):e0154544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154544.


Vuković LD et al.(2016) Nuclear size is sensitive to NTF2 protein levels in a manner dependent on Ran binding.J Cell Sci 129(6):1115–1127.


Jang DH et al.(2016) Impairment of mitochondrial respiration following ex vivo cyanide exposure in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.Clin Toxicol (Phila) 54(4):303–307.


Jiang X et al.(2016) Protective effect of C4a against hyperoxic lung injury via a macrophage‑dependent but not a neutrophil/lymphocyte‑dependent signaling pathway.Mol Med Rep 13(2):1250–1256.


Wu R et al.(2015) Fabrication and evaluation of multilayer nanofiber-hydrogel meshes with a controlled release property.Fibers 3(3):296–308.


Labedz-Maslowska A et al.(2015) Monocyte chemoattractant protein-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1) enhances angiogenic and cardiomyogenic potential of murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.PLoS One 10(7):e0133746.


Huynh LM et al.(2015) Two histone variants TH2A and TH2B enhance human induced pluripotent stem cell generation.Stem Cells Dev 25(3):251–258.

Takahashi T (2018).Applicability of automated cell counter with a chlorophyll detector in routine management of microalgae.Scientific reports 8(1) 4967.


Jimenez A G et al.(2018) Effects of short‐term clomipramine on anxiety‐like behavior cellular metabolism and oxidative stress in primary fibroblast cells of male and female rats.Physiological reports 6(9) e13615.


Dyavar S R et al.(2018)。Normalization of cell associated antiretroviral drug concentrations with a novel RPP30 droplet digital PCR assay.Scientific reports 8(1) 3626.


Li H et al.(2018)。Antitumor activity of EGFR-specific CAR T cells against non-small-cell lung cancer cells in vitro and in mice.Cell death & disease 9(2) 177.


Dong L et al.(2018)。Verteporfin inhibits YAP-induced bladder cancer cell growth and invasion via Hippo signaling pathway.International journal of medical sciences 15(6) 645.


DeRosa B A et al.(2018)。Convergent pathways in idiopathic autism revealed by time-course transcriptomic analysis of patient-derived neurons.Scientific Reports 8(1) 8423.


Akatsuka A et al.(2016) A novel thiophene‐3‐carboxamide analog of annonaceous acetogenin exhibits antitumor activity via inhibition of mitochondrial complex I. Pharmacol Res Perspect 4(4)


Meng XQ et al.(2016) Solanine-induced reactive oxygen species inhibit the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells.Oncol Lett 11(3):2145–2151


Huang CH et al.(2016) Paper-based microreactor array for rapid screening of cell signaling cascades.Lab Chip 16(15):2911–2920


Swioklo S et al.(2016) Alginate-encapsulation for the improved hypothermic preservation of human adipose-derived stem cells.Stem Cells Transl Med 5(3):339–349.


Huang D et al.(2016) Rapid separation of human breast cancer cells from blood using a simple spiral channel device.Anal Methods 8(30):5940–5948.


Choudhury B et al.(2016) Anticancer activity of Garcinia morella on T-cell murine lymphoma via apoptotic induction.Front Pharmacol 7:3


Yang H et al.(2016) Effect of a feeder layer composed of mouse embryonic and human foreskin fibroblasts on the proliferation of human embryonic stem cells.Exp Ther Med 11(6):2321–2328.


MacLean JA II et al.(2016) WNT7A regulation by miR-15b in ovarian cancer.PLoS One 11(5):e0156109. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156109.


Wang J et al.(2016) Investigation of the anti-asthmatic activity of Oridonin on a mouse model of asthma.Mol Med Rep 14(3):2000–2006


Deleon H (2016) Application of polystyrene disk substrates in cellular cultivation methods: generalized specimen preparation protocol for scanning electron microscopy.J Microsc May 30. doi:10.1111/jmi.12429.


Hasegawa M et al.(2016) Surface coating of a metal mesh device sensor with gold to improve the separation and sensing of mammalian cells.IEEE Sens J 16(13):5129–5135.


Ok SH et al.(2016) Lipid emulsion attenuates apoptosis induced by a toxic dose of bupivacaine in H9c2 rat cardiomyoblast cells.Human Exp Toxicol 35(9):929–937. doi:10.1177/0960327115608930.


Li K et al.(2015) Clinically applicable magnetic-labeling of natural killer cells for MRI of transcatheter delivery to liver tumors: preclinical validation for clinical translation.Nanomedicine (Lond) 10(11):1761–1774.


Roma A et al.(2015) Selective induction of apoptosis by Azadirachta indica leaf extract by targeting oxidative vulnerabilities in human cancer cells.J Pharm Pharm Sci 18(4):729–746.


Malvicini M et al.(2015) Tumor microenvironment remodeling by 4-methylumbelliferone boosts the antitumor effect of combined immunotherapy in murine colorectal carcinoma.Mol Ther 23(9):1444–1455.


Han X et al.(2015) CRISPR-Cas9 delivery to hard-to-transfect cells via membrane deformation.Sci Adv 1(7):e1500454


