Oregon Green® 488 dye Oregon Green 488 dye is a bright, green-fluorescent dye with excitation ideally suited to the 488 nm laser line. It has a high extinction coefficient and fluorescence quantum yield and while it is pH insensitive in the physiological range, with a pKa of 4.6 it can be used to monitor pH change in acidic organelles or pathways.

Oregon Green 488 dye forms the base of a number of ion indicators used for physiological analysis, including calcium.

We offer Oregon Green 488 dye conjugated to a variety of antibodies, peptides, proteins, tracers, and amplification substrates optimized for cellular labeling and detection. In addition, reactive dye forms and protein labeling kits are available to allow you to generate your own protein. conjugates or probes.

Oregon Green 488 dashboard

Initial brightness

Oregon Green 488 dye is a green fluorescent dye that is used to label a number of protein conjugates and lipid probes; it also forms the basis for a series of ion indicators. 

Photostability in buffer


Photostability in antifade


Oregon Green 488 dye products

We offer a broad range of Oregon Green 488 dye products including labeling kits, secondary antibodies, bioconjugates, and more.

Learn more here:

Oregon Green 488 dye signals can be amplified with anti-dye antibodies.

See all Oregon Green Primary Antibodies
See all Oregon Green Secondary Antibodies

Oregon Green® 488 dye
Microtubules visualized with Oregon Green 488 paclitaxel. Microtubules were assembled, stabilized and visualized with the aid of green-fluorescent Oregon Green 488 paclitaxel. The image was acquired using a confocal laser-scanning microscope and a filter set appropriate for fluorescein.

Oregon Green 488 reactive dyes

Select dye-labeling chemistries for conjugation with the following reactive groups: 

AmineThiolAldehyde, ketone, or carboxylateAlkyne terminated

Oregon Green 488 dye protein/antibody labeling kits

Select an optimized labeling kit for your target antibody or protein:

Target proteinKitCat. No.
Conventional antibody/protein labeling
1 mg antibody/proteinOregon Green 488 Antibody/Protein Labeling KitO10241

High-performance alternatives to Oregon Green 488 dye

Alexa Fluor 488 dye

Alexa Fluor 488 dye is a bright, green-fluorescent dye with excitation and emission wavelengths similar to those of Oregon Green 488 dye. For stable signal generation in imaging and flow cytometry, Alexa Fluor 488 dye is pH-insensitive over a wide concentration range.

Monitoring pH in acidic organelles

For pH monitoring, the pHrodo green dye is almost nonfluorescent at neutral pH and fluoresces brightly in acidic environments. Unlike fluorescein, the minimal dye fluorescence at neutral pH also eliminates the need for wash steps and quencher dyes because any non-internalized dye will be essentially nonfluorescent.

Monitoring intracellular calcium flux

Calcium flux assays are widely used for in-cell determination of agonist-stimulated signaling pathways and functional neuronal measurement. Oregon Green probes emit green fluorescence at resting levels of Ca2+ and increase their fluorescence intensity up to 14-fold with increasing Ca2+ concentration. The fluo series of calcium indicators emits minimal fluorescence at resting levels of Ca2+, and each increases its fluorescence intensity up to >100-fold with increasing Ca2+ concentration.

Brilliant Ultra Violet™ 和 Brilliant Violet™ 是 Becton, Dickinson 公司或其附属公司的商标或注册商标,经许可使用。
